Interface ApiProxy.Environment

Enclosing class:

public static interface ApiProxy.Environment

Environment is a simple data container that provides additional information about the current request (e.g. who is logged in, are they an administrator, etc.).

Method Summary
 java.lang.String getAppId()
          Gets the application identifier for the current application.
 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> getAttributes()
          Get a Map containing any attributes that have been set in this Environment.
 java.lang.String getAuthDomain()
          Returns the domain used for authentication.
 java.lang.String getEmail()
          Gets the email address of the currently logged-in user.
 java.lang.String getRequestNamespace()
          Deprecated. Use NamespaceManager.getGoogleAppsNamespace()
 java.lang.String getVersionId()
          Gets the version identifier for the current application version.
 boolean isAdmin()
          Returns true if the currently logged-in user is an administrator.
 boolean isLoggedIn()
          Returns true if the user is logged in.

Method Detail


java.lang.String getAppId()
Gets the application identifier for the current application.


java.lang.String getVersionId()
Gets the version identifier for the current application version. Result is of the form .


java.lang.String getEmail()
Gets the email address of the currently logged-in user.


boolean isLoggedIn()
Returns true if the user is logged in.


boolean isAdmin()
Returns true if the currently logged-in user is an administrator.


java.lang.String getAuthDomain()
Returns the domain used for authentication.


java.lang.String getRequestNamespace()
Deprecated. Use NamespaceManager.getGoogleAppsNamespace()


java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> getAttributes()
Get a Map containing any attributes that have been set in this Environment. The returned Map is mutable and is a useful place to store transient, per-request information.