module DataMapper module Support module String # I set the constant on the String itself to avoid inheritance chain lookups. def self.included(base) base.extend(ClassMethods) end module ClassMethods # Overwrite this method to provide your own translations. def translate(value) translations[value] || value end def translations @translations || @translations = {} end end def ensure_starts_with(part) [0,1] == part ? self : (part + self) end def ensure_ends_with(part) [-1,1] == part ? self : (self + part) end def ensure_wrapped_with(a, b = nil) ensure_starts_with(a).ensure_ends_with(b || a) end # Matches any whitespace (including newline) and replaces with a single space # EXAMPLE: # < "SELECT name FROM users" def compress_lines(spaced = true) split($/).map { |line| line.strip }.join(spaced ? ' ' : '') end # Useful for heredocs - removes whitespace margin. def margin(indicator = nil) lines = self.dup.split($/) min_margin = 0 lines.each do |line| if line =~ /^(\s+)/ && (min_margin == 0 || $1.size < min_margin) min_margin = $1.size end end { |line| line.sub(/^\s{#{min_margin}}/, '') }.join($/) end # Formats String for easy translation. Replaces an arbitrary number of # values using numeric identifier replacement. # # "%s %s %s" % %w(one two three) #=> "one two three" # "%3$s %2$s %1$s" % %w(one two three) #=> "three two one" def t(*values) self.class::translate(self) % values end end # module String end # module Support end # module DataMapper class String #:nodoc: include DataMapper::Support::String end