class SlugValidator < ActiveModel::EachValidator # implement the method called during validation def validate_each(record, attribute, value) validators = [ DonePageValidator, ForeignTravelAdvicePageValidator, HelpPageValidator, GovernmentPageValidator, SpecialistDocumentPageValidator, BrowsePageValidator, DefaultValidator ].map { |klass|, attribute, value) } validators.find(&:applicable?).validate! end protected class InstanceValidator <, :attribute, :value) def starts_with?(expected_prefix) value.to_s[0...expected_prefix.size] == expected_prefix end def of_kind?(expected_kind) record.respond_to?(:kind) && [*expected_kind].include?(record.kind) end def url_after_first_slash value.to_s.split('/', 2)[1] end def url_after_first_slash_is_valid_slug! if !valid_slug?(url_after_first_slash) record.errors[attribute] << "must be usable in a url" end end def url_parts value.to_s.split("/") end def valid_slug?(url_part) # Regex taken from ActiveSupport::Inflector.parameterize # We don't want to use this method because it also does a number of cosmetic tidy-ups # which lead to false-positives (eg merging consecutive '-'s) ! url_part.to_s.match(/[^a-z0-9\-_]/) end end class DonePageValidator < InstanceValidator def applicable? starts_with?("done/") end def validate! url_after_first_slash_is_valid_slug! end end class ForeignTravelAdvicePageValidator < InstanceValidator def applicable? starts_with?("foreign-travel-advice/") && of_kind?('travel-advice') end def validate! url_after_first_slash_is_valid_slug! end end class HelpPageValidator < InstanceValidator def applicable? of_kind?('help_page') end def validate! record.errors[attribute] << "Help page slugs must have a help/ prefix" unless starts_with?("help/") url_after_first_slash_is_valid_slug! end end class GovernmentPageValidator < InstanceValidator def url_parts # Some inside govt slugs have a . in them (eg news articles with no english translation) {|part| part.gsub(/\./, '') } end def applicable? record.respond_to?(:kind) && prefixed_whitehall_format_names.include?(record.kind) end def validate! record.errors[attribute] << "Inside Government slugs must have a government/ prefix" unless starts_with?('government/') unless url_parts.all? { |url_part| valid_slug?(url_part) } record.errors[attribute] << "must be usable in a URL" end end protected def prefixed_whitehall_format_names Artefact::FORMATS_BY_DEFAULT_OWNING_APP["whitehall"] - ["detailed_guide"] end end class SpecialistDocumentPageValidator < InstanceValidator def applicable? of_kind?('specialist-document') end def validate! unless url_parts.size == 2 record.errors[attribute] << "must be of form /" end unless url_parts.all? { |url_part| valid_slug?(url_part) } record.errors[attribute] << "must be usable in a URL" end end end class BrowsePageValidator < InstanceValidator def applicable? of_kind?('specialist_sector') end def validate! unless [1, 2].include?(url_parts.size) record.errors[attribute] << "must contains one or two path parts" end unless url_parts.all? { |url_part| valid_slug?(url_part) } record.errors[attribute] << "must be usable in a URL" end end end class DefaultValidator < InstanceValidator def applicable? true end def validate! record.errors[attribute] << "must be usable in a url" unless valid_slug?(value) end end end