describe 'Yapper persisting documents' do before do class Document include Yapper::Document field :field_1 field :field_2 end end before { Yapper::DB.instance.purge } after { Object.send(:remove_const, 'Document') } describe 'creating documents' do it 'supports storing hashes by stringifying keys (to avoid NanoStore bug)' do 10.times { Document.create.tap { |doc| doc.update_attributes(:field_1 => { :a => [ { :a => 10 } ] }) } } Document.all.each { |doc| doc.field_1[:b] = 'b'; } Document.all.each { |doc| doc.field_1.should == { 'a' => [ { 'a' => 10 } ], 'b' => 'b' } } end it 'supports storing Time' do time = Document.create(:field_1 => time) Document.all.first.field_1.should == time end it 'tracks changes' do doc = doc.field_1 = 'field1' doc.field_2 = 'field2' doc.changes.should == { 'id' =>, 'field_1' => 'field1', 'field_2' => 'field2' } end describe "when using #new then #save" do it 'persists the fields' do doc = doc.field_1 = 'field1' doc.field_2 = 'field2' doc.new_record?.should == true doc = Document.find( doc.new_record?.should == false doc.field_1.should == 'field1' doc.field_2.should == 'field2' end end describe "when using #create" do it 'persists the fields' do doc = Document.create(:field_1 => 'field1', :field_2 => 'field2') doc = Document.find( doc.field_1.should == 'field1' doc.field_2.should == 'field2' end end end describe 'updating documents' do before do @doc = Document.create(:field_1 => 'field1') end it 'tracks changes' do @doc.field_1 = 'field1_changed' @doc.changes.should == { 'field_1' => 'field1_changed' } @doc.changes.should == {} @doc.previous_changes.should == { 'field_1' => 'field1_changed' } end it 'saves a false value' do @doc.update_attributes(:field_1 => false) @doc.reload.field_1.should == false end describe "when updating fields and then #save" do it 'persists the fields' do @doc.field_1 = 'field1_updated' doc = Document.find( doc.field_1.should == 'field1_updated' end end describe "when using #update_attributes" do it 'persists the fields' do @doc.update_attributes(:field_1 => 'field1_updated') doc = Document.find( doc.field_1.should == 'field1_updated' end end end describe 'destroying documents' do before do @doc = Document.create(:field_1 => 'field1') end it 'destroys the document' do @doc.destroy Document.find( == nil end end end