#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'oj' require 'flapjack/data/tag_set' module Flapjack module Data class Event attr_accessor :counter, :id_hash, :tags attr_reader :check, :summary, :details, :acknowledgement_id REQUIRED_KEYS = ['type', 'state', 'entity', 'check', 'summary'] OPTIONAL_KEYS = ['time', 'details', 'acknowledgement_id', 'duration', 'tags'] VALIDATIONS = { proc {|e| e['type'].is_a?(String) && ['service', 'action'].include?(e['type'].downcase) } => "type must be either 'service' or 'action'", proc {|e| e['state'].is_a?(String) && ['ok', 'warning', 'critical', 'unknown', 'acknowledgement', 'test_notifications'].include?(e['state'].downcase) } => "state must be one of 'ok', 'warning', 'critical', 'unknown', " + "'acknowledgement' or 'test_notifications'", proc {|e| e['entity'].is_a?(String) } => "entity must be a string", proc {|e| e['check'].is_a?(String) } => "check must be a string", proc {|e| e['summary'].is_a?(String) } => "summary must be a string", proc {|e| e['time'].nil? || e['time'].is_a?(Integer) || (e['time'].is_a?(String) && !!(e['time'] =~ /^\d+$/)) } => "time must be a positive integer, or a string castable to one", proc {|e| e['details'].nil? || e['details'].is_a?(String) } => "details must be a string", proc {|e| e['acknowledgement_id'].nil? || e['acknowledgement_id'].is_a?(String) || e['acknowledgement_id'].is_a?(Integer) } => "acknowledgement_id must be a string or an integer", proc {|e| e['duration'].nil? || e['duration'].is_a?(Integer) || (e['duration'].is_a?(String) && !!(e['duration'] =~ /^\d+$/)) } => "duration must be a positive integer, or a string castable to one", proc {|e| e['tags'].nil? || (e['tags'].is_a?(Array) && e['tags'].all? {|tag| tag.is_a?(String)}) } => "tags must be an array of strings", } # Helper method for getting the next event. # # Has a blocking and non-blocking method signature. # # Calling next with :block => true, we wait indefinitely for events coming # from other systems. This is the default behaviour. # # Calling next with :block => false, will return a nil if there are no # events on the queue. def self.next(queue, opts = {}) raise "Redis connection not set" unless redis = opts[:redis] defaults = { :block => true, :archive_events => false, :events_archive_maxage => (3 * 60 * 60) } options = defaults.merge(opts) archive_dest = nil base_time_str = Time.now.utc.strftime("%Y%m%d%H") if options[:archive_events] archive_dest = "events_archive:#{base_time_str}" if options[:block] raw = redis.brpoplpush(queue, archive_dest, 0) else raw = redis.rpoplpush(queue, archive_dest) return unless raw end else if options[:block] raw = redis.brpop(queue, 0)[1] else raw = redis.rpop(queue) return unless raw end end parsed = parse_and_validate(raw, :logger => options[:logger]) if parsed.nil? # either bad json or invalid data -- in either case we'll # store the raw data in a rejected list rejected_dest = "events_rejected:#{base_time_str}" if options[:archive_events] redis.multi redis.lrem(archive_dest, 1, raw) redis.lpush(rejected_dest, raw) redis.exec redis.expire(archive_dest, options[:events_archive_maxage]) else redis.lpush(rejected_dest, raw) end return elsif options[:archive_events] redis.expire(archive_dest, options[:events_archive_maxage]) end self.new(parsed) end def self.parse_and_validate(raw, opts = {}) errors = [] if parsed = ::Oj.load(raw) if parsed.is_a?(Hash) missing_keys = REQUIRED_KEYS.select {|k| !parsed.has_key?(k) || parsed[k].nil? || parsed[k].empty? } unless missing_keys.empty? errors << "Event hash has missing keys '#{missing_keys.join('\', \'')}'" end unknown_keys = parsed.keys - (REQUIRED_KEYS + OPTIONAL_KEYS) unless unknown_keys.empty? errors << "Event hash has unknown key(s) '#{unknown_keys.join('\', \'')}'" end else errors << "Event must be a JSON hash, see https://github.com/flpjck/flapjack/wiki/DATA_STRUCTURES#event-queue" end if errors.empty? errors += VALIDATIONS.keys.inject([]) {|ret,vk| ret << "Event #{VALIDATIONS[vk]}" unless vk.call(parsed) ret } end return parsed if errors.empty? end if opts[:logger] error_str = errors.nil? ? '' : errors.join(', ') opts[:logger].error("Invalid event data received, #{error_str} #{parsed.inspect}") end nil rescue Oj::Error => e if opts[:logger] opts[:logger].error("Error deserialising event json: #{e}, raw json: #{raw.inspect}") end nil end # creates, or modifies, an event object and adds it to the events list in redis # 'entity' => entity, # 'check' => check, # 'type' => 'service', # 'state' => state, # 'summary' => check_output, # 'details' => check_long_output, # 'time' => timestamp def self.add(evt, opts = {}) raise "Redis connection not set" unless redis = opts[:redis] evt['time'] = Time.now.to_i if evt['time'].nil? redis.lpush('events', ::Oj.dump(evt)) end # Provide a count of the number of events on the queue to be processed. def self.pending_count(queue, opts = {}) raise "Redis connection not set" unless redis = opts[:redis] redis.llen(queue) end def self.create_acknowledgement(entity_name, check, opts = {}) data = { 'type' => 'action', 'state' => 'acknowledgement', 'entity' => entity_name, 'check' => check, 'summary' => opts[:summary], 'duration' => opts[:duration], 'acknowledgement_id' => opts[:acknowledgement_id] } add(data, :redis => opts[:redis]) end def self.test_notifications(entity_name, check, opts = {}) data = { 'type' => 'action', 'state' => 'test_notifications', 'entity' => entity_name, 'check' => check, 'summary' => opts[:summary], 'details' => opts[:details] } add(data, :redis => opts[:redis]) end def initialize(attrs = {}) ['type', 'state', 'entity', 'check', 'time', 'summary', 'details', 'acknowledgement_id', 'duration'].each do |key| instance_variable_set("@#{key}", attrs[key]) end # details is optional. set it to nil if it only contains whitespace @details = (@details.is_a?(String) && ! @details.strip.empty?) ? @details.strip : nil if attrs['tags'] @tags = Flapjack::Data::TagSet.new attrs['tags'].each {|tag| @tags.add(tag)} end end def state return unless @state @state.downcase end def entity return unless @entity @entity.downcase end def duration return unless @duration @duration.to_i end def time return unless @time @time.to_i end def id (entity || '-') + ':' + (check || '-') end def type return unless @type @type.downcase end def service? type == 'service' end def acknowledgement? (type == 'action') && (state == 'acknowledgement') end def test_notifications? (type == 'action') && (state == 'test_notifications') end def ok? (state == 'ok') || (state == 'up') end def failure? ['critical', 'warning', 'unknown'].include?(state) end # # Not used anywhere # def unreachable? # state == 'unreachable' # end end end end