# Veritrans ruby library Veritrans gem is the library that will help you to integrate seamlessly with Midtrans. [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/veritrans.svg)](http://badge.fury.io/rb/veritrans) [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/veritrans/veritrans-ruby.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/veritrans/veritrans-ruby) To see it in action, we have made 3 examples: 1. Sinatra, which demonstrate in as succint code as possible. Please [have a look here](https://github.com/veritrans/veritrans-ruby/tree/master/example/sinatra) 2. Simplepay, demonstrated how to integrate Midtrans with a simple, succint Rails project. [Have a look](https://github.com/veritrans/veritrans-ruby/tree/master/example/rails/simplepay). 3. Cable, demonstrate a chat-commerce app where the payment is handled with Midtrans. [Have a look](https://github.com/veritrans/veritrans-ruby/tree/master/example/rails/cable). ## How to use (Rails) ### Add gem veritrans to Gemfile ```ruby gem 'veritrans' ``` bundle install ### Generate veritrans.yml rails g veritrans:install ### Create simple payment form (optional) rails g veritrans:payment_form ### Edit api keys in config/veritrans.yml ```yml # config/veritrans.yml development: client_key: # your api client key server_key: # your api client key ``` ## STEP 1: Process credit cards #### VT-Web *If you want to use VT-Web, add `payment_type: "VTWEB"`* ```ruby @result = Veritrans.charge( payment_type: "VTWEB", transaction_details: { order_id: "my-unique-order-id", gross_amount: 100_000 } ) redirect_to @result.redirect_url ``` #### Snap First, generate token in the back end provided with enough details as necessary and as detailed as you wish to. ```ruby response = Veritrans.create_widget_token( transaction_details: { order_id: 'THE-ITEM-ORDER-ID', gross_amount: 200000 } ) @snap_token = response.token ``` Then on the front end, the token is saved somewhere probably in the hidden field. ```
<%= hidden_field_tag 'snap_token', @snap_token %> Order
``` Then JavaScript can be used to invoke the SNAP dialog upon click on the order button. ```javascript var token = jQuery("#snap_token").val(); jQuery(".order-button").on("click", function() { snap.pay(token, { onSuccess: function(res) { console.log("SUCCESS RESPONSE", res); }, // you may also implement: // onPending // onError }); }); ``` #### VT-Direct It's little more complicated, because credit_card is sensitive data, you need put credit card number in our safe storage first using `veritrans.js` library, then send received token to with other payment details. We don't want you to send credit card number to your server, especially for websites not using https. File: "app/views/shared/_veritrans_include.erb" ```html ``` Payment form: (same as if you use `rails g veritrans:payment_form`) ```erb <%= form_tag "/charge_vtdirect", id: "card_form" do %> <%= hidden_field_tag :token_id, nil, id: "card_token" %> <%= hidden_field_tag :gross_amount, 30000 %>

<%= label_tag "card_number", "Card number" %> <%= text_field_tag :card_number, "4811 1111 1111 1114", name: nil, style: "width: 150px" %>

<%= label_tag "card_cvc", "Security Code" %> <%= text_field_tag :card_cvc, "123", name: nil, style: "width: 30px", placeholder: "cvc" %>

<%= label_tag "card_exp", "Expiration date" %> <%= text_field_tag :card_exp, "12 / 18", name: nil, placeholder: "MM / YY" %>

<%= submit_tag "Make payment", id: "submit_btn" %> <% end %> ``` For sinatra: ```html

``` Sending "get-token" request: ```js $(document).ready(function () { // function to prepare our credit card data before send function createTokenData() { return { card_number: $('#card_number').val(), card_cvv: $('#card_cvc').val(), card_exp_month: $('#card_exp').val().match(/(\d+) \//)[1], card_exp_year: '20' + $('#card_exp').val().match(/\/ (\d+)/)[1], gross_amount: $('#gross_amount').val(), secure: $('#card_secure')[0].checked }; } // Add custom event for form submition $('#card_form').on('submit', function (event) { var form = this; event.preventDefault(); Veritrans.token(createTokenData, function (data) { console.log('Token data:', data); // when you making 3D-secure transaction, // this callback function will be called again after user confirm 3d-secure // but you can also redirect on server side if (data.redirect_url) { // if we get url then it's 3d-secure transaction // so we need to open that page $('#3d-secure-iframe').attr('src', data.redirect_url).show(); // if no redirect_url and we have token_id then just make charge request } else if (data.token_id) { $('#card_token').val(data.token_id); form.submit(); // if no redirect_url and no token_id, then it should be error } else { alert(data.validation_messages ? data.validation_messages.join("\n") : data.status_message); } }); }); }); ``` On a server side: ```ruby @result = Veritrans.charge( payment_type: "credit_card", credit_card: { token_id: params[:token_id] }, transaction_details: { order_id: @payment.order_id, gross_amount: @payment.amount } ) if @result.success? puts "Success" end ``` ## STEP 2: Process not credit cards We provide many payment channels to receive money, but API is almost same. For VT-Web in only one request, and payment page will have all available payment options. For VT-Direct you have to specify payment method (token required only for credit card transactions). ```ruby @result = Veritrans.charge( payment_type: "bank_transfer", bank_transfer: { bank: 'permata' }, transaction_details: { order_id: @payment.order_id, gross_amount: @payment.amount } ) puts "Please send money to account no. #{@result.permata_va_number} in bank Permata" ``` See [our documentation](https://api-docs.midtrans.com/#charge-features) for other available options. ## STEP 3: Receive notification callback For every transaction success and failed we will send you HTTP POST notification (aka webhook) First you should set callback url in our dashboard https://dashboard.sandbox.midtrans.com/settings/vtweb_configuration For testing in development phase please read our [Testing webhooks tutorial](https://github.com/veritrans/veritrans-ruby/blob/master/testing_webhooks.md) and [command line tool](#command-line-tool) For rails: ```ruby # config/routes.rb match "/payments/receive_webhook" => "payments#receive_webhook", via: [:post] # app/controllers/payments_controller.rb def receive_webhook post_body = request.body.read callback_params = Veritrans.decode_notification_json(post_body) verified_data = Veritrans.status(callback_params['transaction_id']) if verified_data.status_code != 404 puts "--- Transaction callback ---" puts "Payment: #{verified_data.data[:order_id]}" puts "Payment type: #{verified_data.data[:payment_type]}" puts "Payment status: #{verified_data.data[:transaction_status]}" puts "Fraud status: #{verified_data.data[:fraud_status]}" if verified_data.data[:fraud_status] puts "Payment amount: #{verified_data.data[:gross_amount]}" puts "--- Transaction callback ---" render text: "ok" else render text: "ok", :status => :not_found end end ``` ---- #### Veritrans::Events Other option to handle callbacks is our rack-based handler ```ruby # config/routes.rb mount Veritrans::Events.new => '/vt_events' # config/initalizers/veritrans.rb Veritrans.setup do config.server_key = "..." config.client_key = "..." events.subscribe('payment.success') do |payment| # payment variable is hash with params recieved from Veritrans # assuming you have model Order in your project Order.find_by(order_id: payment.order_id).mark_paid!(payment.masked_card) end events.subscribe('payment.failed', 'payment.challenge') do |payment| # payment variable is hash with params recieved from Veritrans # assuming you have model Order in your project Order.find_by(order_id: payment.order_id) ... end end ``` #### Logging By default gem veritrans will show information via rails' logger. And in addition save important information to `RAILS_APP/log/veritrans.log` It's configurable. ```ruby Veritrans.logger = Rails.logger Veritrans.file_logger = Logger.new("/my/important_logs/veritrans.log") ``` `Veritrans.file_logger` save information about: * "charge", "cancel", "approve" api calls * Validation errors for "charge", "cancel", "approve" * Received http notifications * Errors and exception while processing http notifications ---- #### Command line tool **Installation** $ gem install veritrans **Usage** Testing http notification: $ veritrans testhook http://localhost:3000/vt_events $ veritrans testhook -o my-order-1 -c ~/path/to/veritrans.yml http://localhost:3000/vt_events #### Get help * [Veritrans gem reference](https://github.com/veritrans/veritrans-ruby/blob/master/api_reference.md) * [Midtrans login](https://account.midtrans.com/login) * [Midtrans registration](https://account.midtrans.com/register) * [Midtrans documentation](http://docs.midtrans.com) * Technical support [support@midtrans.com](mailto:support@midtrans.com)