3.0 bar_aspect_ratio_study 3dcac94d-8a2e-43b6-8698-a3a4e8f3903f 360834b1-c338-4e27-a2f8-f22268563f3d 20220505T182927Z 49BEF039 BarAspectRatioStudy Bar Aspect Ratio Study This measure will create a building envelope based on a target floor area, aspect ratio, and floor to floor height. This is based on the SketchUp Plugin user script to create a rectangular building, but just uses different inputs. The resulting building will have a core and perimeter zoning, unless it is too small, in which case eac floor will have a single zone. total_bldg_area_ip Total Building Floor Area Double ft^2 true false 10000 ns_to_ew_ratio Ratio of North/South Facade Length Relative to East/West Facade Length. Double true false 2 num_floors Number of Floors. Integer true false 2 floor_to_floor_height_ip Floor to Floor Height Double ft true false 10 surface_matching Surface Matching? Boolean true false true true true false false make_zones Make Thermal Zones from Spaces? Boolean true false true true true false false Envelope.Form Measure Type ModelMeasure string Measure Function Measure string Requires EnergyPlus Results false boolean Uses SketchUp API false boolean README.md.erb erb readmeerb 703C9964 README.md md readme 352CF028 LICENSE.md md license A21A3ED2 OpenStudio 2.0.0 2.0.0 measure.rb rb script 1B314685 BarAspectRatioStudy_Test.rb rb test 92B6A007