# coding: utf-8 require "yaml" module Status class Config FILE = ".status.yml" attr_reader :parsed def initialize bootstrap validate end def validate validate_presence_of :owner validate_presence_of :repo validate_presence_of :token validate_presence_of :ci_url, "ci" validate_presence_of :username, "ci" validate_presence_of :password, "ci" end def bootstrap @parsed = begin YAML.load(File.open(FILE)) rescue Exception => e create_file puts "Could not parse YAML file #{FILE}: #{e.message}" abort("exit") end end private def validate_presence_of(sym, type="github") unless parsed.include?(sym) puts "Please update #{FILE} with a #{sym} for #{type}" abort("exit") end end def create_file puts "No #{FILE} found, create one? (y/n)" answer = gets if answer.chomp.downcase == "y" data = { :username => "Jenkins username", :password => "Jenkins password", :ci_url => "eg. http://ci.jenkins.com", :owner => "eg. dougdroper", :repo => "eg. status", :token => "Githubs API token (http://developer.github.com/v3/oauth/)", :qa_required => "true" } File.open(FILE, 'w') {|f| f.write(data.to_yaml)} puts "Please update #{FILE} and then run status" abort("exit") end end end end