class ViewBase model_events: {} extended_properties: [ 'subviews', 'events', 'model_events' ] derived: '$el': deps: ['el'], fn: -> this.$() root_view: deps: ['parent'], fn: -> view = this while view.parent view = view.parent view session: ui: 'state' parent: 'object' pubSub: 'boolean' template: (context)-> context.renderTemplateMethod('template') constructor: (options={})-> if !options.ui && options.parent view = options.parent while view.parent view = view.parent options.ui = view.ui Lanes.Vendor.Ampersand.View.apply(this, arguments) if !this.pubSub? # if it's unset, not true/false; default to parent or true this.pubSub = if this.parent?.pubSub? then this.parent.pubSub else true this.on('change:parent', this._onParentSet) this.on('change:model', this._onModelChange) this.subViewId = options.subViewId; this.initializeFormBindings() if @form_bindings if @keyBindings Lanes.View.Keys.add(this, @keyBindings, @keyScope) if @pubSub this._pubSub = new Lanes.View.PubSub(this) _onParentSet: -> if this.root_view.ui this.ui = this.root_view.ui unBindModel: (model)-> for event, fn of @model_events, this[fn], this ) bindModel: (model)-> for event, fn of @model_events model.on(event, this[fn], this ) remove: -> this.unBindModel( @model ) if @model Lanes.View.Keys.remove(this, @key_bindings, @key_scope) if @key_bindings super initializeKeyBindings: -> initializeFormBindings: -> @_form_bindings = {} for data, selector of @form_bindings @_form_bindings[data] = new Lanes.View.FormBindings(this, data, selector) setFieldsFromBindings: -> binding.setAllFields() for name, binding of @_form_bindings fireEvent: (name, args)-> evt = document.createEvent('CustomEvent') evt.initCustomEvent(name, true, true, args ) this.el.dispatchEvent(evt) prepareSubview: (el, options, identifier)-> options.view = this._subviewClass(options) unless _.isFunction(options.view) args = { parent: this, el: el, subViewId: identifier } view_arguments = if options.options @resultsFor(options.options, identifier, options) else {} for access in ['model','data'] args[access] = Lanes.getPath(options[access], this) if options[access] if options.collection args.view = options.view args.viewOptions = view_arguments args.collection = Lanes.getPath(options.collection, this) new Lanes.Vendor.Ampersand.CollectionView(args) else new options.view( _.extend(args,view_arguments) ) viewpath: '' detach: -> this.el.parentNode.removeChild(this.el) if this.el.parentNode renderTemplate:(name,data={})-> template = Lanes.Templates.find(name, @namespace) if template template(data) else Lanes.fatal( "Template #{name} doesn't exist!" ) renderTemplateMethod: (method)-> return '' unless name = _.result(this, "#{method}Name") this.renderTemplate(name, _.result(this, "#{method}Data") || @model) subViewDefinition: -> if ( definition = this.parent?.subviews?[ @subViewId ] ) definition else null renderAllSubviews: -> for name, options of this.subviews selector = options.container || '[data-hook="' + options.hook + '"]' this.renderSubview(this[name], selector) unless options.collection withRenderContext: (fn)-> Lanes.View.RenderContext.push( @subViewId, @model ) try returned = fn.apply(this,arguments) catch e Lanes.warn e finally Lanes.View.RenderContext.pop() returned renderContextFree: -> previousClass = this.el?.className Lanes.View.Base.__super__.render.apply(this, arguments) if previousClass this.$el.addClass( previousClass ) this.onRender?() this render: (options={})-> this.withRenderContext( this.renderContextFree ) $: (selector)-> if selector then Lanes.$(selector,this.el) else Lanes.$(this.el) _onModelChange: (model)-> for name, definition of this.subviews continue unless ( view = this[name] ) view.model = Lanes.getPath(definition.model, this) if definition.model view.collection = Lanes.getPath(definition.collection, this) if definition.collection old_model = this.previous(@keypath) return if old_model == @model this.unBindModel( old_model ) if old_model this.bindModel( @model ) if @model belongsToScreen: -> view = this while view and ! ( view instanceof Lanes.View.Screen ) view = view.parent view _subviewClass: (subview)-> klass = if subview.component Lanes.getPath("Lanes.Component.#{subview.component}") else if subview.view if _.isString(subview.view) Lanes.getPath(subview.view, "Lanes.View")# || Lanes.getPath("Lanes.View.#{subview.view}") else subview.view Lanes.warn( "Unable to obtain view for %o", subview) if ! klass klass bindingWriteDefinition: (keypath, options)-> switch options.type when 'booleanAttribute' { selector: "change #{options.selector}", handler: (ev)-> [model, field] = Lanes.getModelPath(this,keypath) model.set(field, } else {} cacheElements: (config)-> super this cacheJqElements: (config)-> this.cacheElements(config) for key, _ of config this[key] = Lanes.$(this[key]) this @configureSubview: (name, subview)-> fn = if subview.prepareView subview.prepareView else _.partial(this.prototype.prepareSubview, _, subview, name) subview.hook=name if !subview.hook && !subview.container subview.waitFor=(subview.model || subview.collection ) if ! subview.waitFor subview.prepareView = (el)-> this.subViewIntances ||= {} this.subViewIntances[name],el) @extended: (klass)-> if views = klass.prototype.subviews @configureSubview(name, definition) for name, definition of views setupWritableBindings(klass.prototype) if klass.prototype.bindings Lanes.lib.ModuleSupport.includeInto(@) @include Lanes.lib.defer @include Lanes.lib.debounce @include Lanes.lib.results setupWritableBindings=(klass)-> ||= {} for keypath, options of klass.bindings continue unless options.write writeFn = ( klass.bindingWriteDefinition || ViewBase.prototype.bindingWriteDefinition ) definition =, keypath, options)[ definition.selector ] = definition.handler Lanes.View.Base = Lanes.lib.MakeBaseClass( Lanes.Vendor.Ampersand.View, ViewBase )