Generated Narrative with Details
id: f201
contained: ,
status: draft
intent: proposal
subject: Roel
period: Mar 11, 2013 --> Mar 13, 2013
careTeam: id: careteam
addresses: Roel's renal insufficiency
goal: id: goal; status: achieved; Re-established renal function with at least healthy nutrients. (Details ); Roel
- Category Code Status Prohibited Scheduled[x] Product[x] DailyAmount * Diet (Details : { code 'diet' = 'Diet) Potassium supplementation (Details : {SNOMED CT code '284093001' = 'Potassium supplementation', given as 'Potassium supplementation'}) completed false daily Potassium 80 mmol (Details: SNOMED CT code 258718000 = 'millimole')
- Category Code Status Prohibited * Observation (Details : { code 'observation' = 'Observation) Echography of kidney (Details : {SNOMED CT code '306005' = 'Echography of kidney', given as 'Echography of kidney'}) completed false