# Pragma::Operation [![Build Status](https://img.shields.io/travis/pragmarb/pragma-operation.svg?maxAge=3600&style=flat-square)](https://travis-ci.org/pragmarb/pragma-operation) [![Dependency Status](https://img.shields.io/gemnasium/pragmarb/pragma-operation.svg?maxAge=3600&style=flat-square)](https://gemnasium.com/github.com/pragmarb/pragma-operation) [![Code Climate](https://img.shields.io/codeclimate/github/pragmarb/pragma-operation.svg?maxAge=3600&style=flat-square)](https://codeclimate.com/github/pragmarb/pragma-operation) [![Coveralls](https://img.shields.io/coveralls/pragmarb/pragma-operation.svg?maxAge=3600&style=flat-square)](https://coveralls.io/github/pragmarb/pragma-operation) Operations encapsulate the business logic of your JSON API. They are built on top of the [Trailblazer::Operation](https://github.com/trailblazer/trailblazer-operation) gem. ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'pragma-operation' ``` And then execute: ```console $ bundle ``` Or install it yourself as: ```console $ gem install pragma-operation ``` ## Usage Let's build your first operation! ```ruby module API module V1 module Article class Show < Pragma::Operation::Base step :find! failure :handle_not_found!, fail_fast: true step :authorize! failure :handle_unauthorized! step :respond! def find!(params:, **options) options['model'] = ::Article.find_by(id: params[:id]) end def handle_not_found!(options) options['result.response'] = Pragma::Operation::Response::NotFound.new false end def authorize!(options) options['result.authorization'] = options['model'].published? || options['model'].author == options['current_user'] end def handle_unauthorized!(options) options['result.response'] = Pragma::Operation::Response::Forbidden.new( entity: Error.new( error_type: :forbidden, error_message: 'You can only access an article if published or authored by you.' ) ) end def respond!(options) options['result.response'] = Pragma::Operation::Response::Ok.new( entity: options['model'].as_json ) end end end end end ``` Yes, I know. This does not make any sense yet. Before continuing, I encourage you to read (and understand!) the documentation of [Trailblazer::Operation](http://trailblazer.to/gems/operation/2.0/index.html). Pragma::Operation is simply an extension of its TRB counterpart. For the rest of this guide, we will assume you have a good understanding of TRB concepts like flow control and macros. ### Response basics The only requirement for a Pragma operation is that it sets a `result.response` key in the options hash by the end of its execution. This is a `Pragma::Operation::Response` object that will be used by [pragma-rails](https://github.com/pragmarb/pragma-rails) or another integration to respond with the proper HTTP information. Responses have, just as you'd expect, a status, headers and body. You can manipulate them by using the `status`, `headers` and `entity` parameters of the initializer: ```ruby response = Pragma::Operation::Response.new( status: 201, headers: { 'X-Api-Custom' => 'Value' }, entity: my_model ) ``` You can also set these properties through their accessors after instantiating the response: ```ruby # You can set the status as a symbol: response.status = :created # You can set it as an HTTP status code: response.status = 201 # You can manipulate headers: response.headers['X-Api-Custom'] = 'Value' # You can manipulate the entity: response.entity = my_model # The entity can be any object responding to #to_json: response.entity = { foo: :bar } ``` ### Decorating entities The response class also has support for Pragma [decorators](https://github.com/pragmarb/pragma-decorator). If you use decorators, you can set a decorator as the entity or you can use the `#decorate_with` convenience method to decorate the existing entity: ```ruby response.entity = ArticleDecorator.new(article) # This is equivalent to the above: response.entity = article response.decorate_with(ArticleDecorator) # returns the response itself for chaining ``` ### Errors Pragma::Operation ships with an `Error` data structure that's simply the recommended way to present your errors. You can build your custom error by creating a new instance of it and specify a machine-readable error type and a human-readable error message: ```ruby error = Pragma::Operation::Error.new( error_type: :invalid_date, error_message: 'You have specified an invalid date in your request.' ) error.as_json # => {:error_type=>:invalid_date, :error_message=>"You have specified an invalid date in your request.", :meta=>{}} error.to_json # => {"error_type":"invalid_date","error_message":"You have specified an invalid date in your request.","meta":{}} ``` Do you see that `meta` property in the JSON representation of the error? You can use it to include additional metadata about the error. This is especially useful, for instance, with validation errors as you can include the exact fields and validation messages (which is exactly what Pragma does by default, by the way): ```ruby error = Pragma::Operation::Error.new( error_type: :invalid_date, error_message: 'You have specified an invalid date in your request.', meta: { expected_format: 'YYYY-MM-DD' } ) error.as_json # => {:error_type=>:invalid_date, :error_message=>"You have specified an invalid date in your request.", :meta=>{:expected_format=>"YYYY-MM-DD"}} error.to_json # => {"error_type":"invalid_date","error_message":"You have specified an invalid date in your request.","meta":{"expected_format":"YYYY-MM-DD"}} ``` If you don't want to go with this format, you are free to implement your own error class, but it is not recommended, as the [built-in macros](https://github.com/pragmarb/pragma/tree/master/lib/pragma/operation/macro) will use `Pragma::Operation::Error`. ### Built-in responses Last but not least, as you have seen in the example operation, Pragma provides some [built-in responses](https://github.com/pragmarb/pragma-operation/tree/master/lib/pragma/operation/response) for common status codes and bodies. Some of these only have a status code while others (the error responses) also have a default entity attached to them. For instance, you can use `Pragma::Operation::Response::Forbidden` without specifying your own error type and message: ```ruby response = Pragma::Operation::Response::Forbidden.new response.status # => 403 response.entity.to_json # => {"error_type":"forbidden","error_message":"You are not authorized to access the requested resource.","meta":{}} ``` The built-in responses are not meant to be comprehensive and you will most likely have to implement your own. If you write some that you think could be useful, feel free to open a PR! ## Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/pragmarb/pragma-operation. ## License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).