# TripletexRubyClient::HistoricalVoucher ## Properties Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **id** | **Integer** | | [optional] **version** | **Integer** | | [optional] **changes** | [**Array<Change>**](Change.md) | | [optional] **url** | **String** | | [optional] **date** | **String** | The voucher date. | **external_voucher_number** | **String** | External voucher number. This is the voucher number in the historical system. | **number** | **Integer** | The voucher number generated by Tripletex. System generated number that cannot be changed. | [optional] **year** | **Integer** | Voucher year. System generated number that cannot be changed. | [optional] **description** | **String** | The voucher description. | **voucher_type** | [**VoucherType**](VoucherType.md) | Voucher type. Optional. Must not be of type 'UtgƄende faktura' ('Outgoing Invoice') on new vouchers, instead use voucherType=null or use the Invoice endpoint. | [optional] **postings** | [**Array<HistoricalPosting>**](HistoricalPosting.md) | The list of postings of the voucher. In postings, these fields must be provided: date, account, currency, amount, amountBasis, amountVat, amountCurrency, amountBasisCurrency. |