require 'sinatra/base' require 'qless' # Much of this is shamelessly poached from the resque web client module Qless class Server < Sinatra::Base # Path-y-ness dir = File.dirname(File.expand_path(__FILE__)) set :views , "#{dir}/server/views" set :public_folder, "#{dir}/server/static" # For debugging purposes at least, I want this set :reload_templates, true # I'm not sure what this option is -- I'll look it up later # set :static, true def self.client @client ||= end def self.client=(client) @client = client end helpers do include Rack::Utils def url_path(*path_parts) [ path_prefix, path_parts ].join("/").squeeze('/') end alias_method :u, :url_path def path_prefix request.env['SCRIPT_NAME'] end def url_with_modified_query url = URI(request.url) existing_query = Rack::Utils.parse_query(url.query) url.query = Rack::Utils.build_query(yield existing_query) url.to_s end def page_url(offset) url_with_modified_query do |query| query.merge('page' => current_page + offset) end end def next_page_url page_url 1 end def prev_page_url page_url -1 end def current_page @current_page ||= begin Integer(params[:page]) rescue 1 end end PAGE_SIZE = 25 def pagination_values start = (current_page - 1) * PAGE_SIZE [start, start + PAGE_SIZE] end def paginated(qless_object, method, *args) qless_object.send(method, *(args + pagination_values)) end def tabs return [ {:name => 'Queues' , :path => '/queues' }, {:name => 'Workers' , :path => '/workers' }, {:name => 'Track' , :path => '/track' }, {:name => 'Failed' , :path => '/failed' }, {:name => 'Config' , :path => '/config' }, {:name => 'About' , :path => '/about' } ] end def application_name return Server.client.config['application'] end def queues return Server.client.queues.counts end def tracked return end def workers return Server.client.workers.counts end def failed return end # Return the supplied object back as JSON def json(obj) content_type :json obj.to_json end # Make the id acceptable as an id / att in HTML def sanitize_attr(attr) return attr.gsub(/[^a-zA-Z\:\_]/, '-') end # What are the top tags? Since it might go on, say, every # page, then we should probably be caching it def top_tags @top_tags ||= { :top => Server.client.tags, :fetched => } if ( - @top_tags[:fetched]) > 60 then @top_tags = { :top => Server.client.tags, :fetched => } end @top_tags[:top] end def strftime(t) # From diff_seconds = - t case diff_seconds when 0 .. 59 "#{diff_seconds.to_i} seconds ago" when 60 ... 3600 "#{(diff_seconds/60).to_i} minutes ago" when 3600 ... 3600*24 "#{(diff_seconds/3600).to_i} hours ago" when (3600*24) ... (3600*24*30) "#{(diff_seconds/(3600*24)).to_i} days ago" else t.strftime('%b %e, %Y %H:%M:%S %Z (%z)') end end end get '/?' do erb :overview, :layout => true, :locals => { :title => "Overview" } end # Returns a JSON blob with the job counts for various queues get '/queues.json' do json(Server.client.queues.counts) end get '/queues/?' do erb :queues, :layout => true, :locals => { :title => 'Queues' } end # Return the job counts for a specific queue get '/queues/:name.json' do json(Server.client.queues[params[:name]].counts) end filtered_tabs = %w[ running scheduled stalled depends recurring ].to_set get '/queues/:name/?:tab?' do queue = Server.client.queues[params[:name]] tab = params.fetch('tab', 'stats') jobs = if tab == 'waiting' queue.peek(20) elsif filtered_tabs.include?(tab) paginated(, tab).map { |jid|[jid] } else [] end erb :queue, :layout => true, :locals => { :title => "Queue #{params[:name]}", :tab => tab, :jobs => jobs, :queue => Server.client.queues[params[:name]].counts, :stats => queue.stats } end get '/failed.json' do json( end get '/failed/?' do # qless-core doesn't provide functionality this way, so we'll # do it ourselves. I'm not sure if this is how the core library # should behave or not. erb :failed, :layout => true, :locals => { :title => 'Failed', :failed => { |t| { |f| f['type'] = t } } } end get '/failed/:type/?' do erb :failed_type, :layout => true, :locals => { :title => 'Failed | ' + params[:type], :type => params[:type], :failed => paginated(, :failed, params[:type]) } end get '/track/?' do erb :track, :layout => true, :locals => { :title => 'Track' } end get '/jobs/:jid' do erb :job, :layout => true, :locals => { :title => "Job | #{params[:jid]}", :jid => params[:jid], :job =>[params[:jid]] } end get '/workers/?' do erb :workers, :layout => true, :locals => { :title => 'Workers' } end get '/workers/:worker' do erb :worker, :layout => true, :locals => { :title => 'Worker | ' + params[:worker], :worker => Server.client.workers[params[:worker]].tap { |w| w['jobs'] = w['jobs'].map { |j|[j] } w['stalled'] = w['stalled'].map { |j|[j] } w['name'] = params[:worker] } } end get '/tag/?' do jobs = paginated(, :tagged, params[:tag]) erb :tag, :layout => true, :locals => { :title => "Tag | #{params[:tag]}", :tag => params[:tag], :jobs => jobs['jobs'].map { |jid|[jid] }, :total => jobs['total'] } end get '/config/?' do erb :config, :layout => true, :locals => { :title => 'Config', :options => Server.client.config.all } end get '/about/?' do erb :about, :layout => true, :locals => { :title => 'About' } end # These are the bits where we accept AJAX requests post "/track/?" do # Expects a JSON-encoded hash with a job id, and optionally some tags data = JSON.parse( job =[data["id"]] if not job.nil? data.fetch("tags", false) ? job.track(*data["tags"]) : job.track() if request.xhr? json({ :tracked => [job.jid] }) else redirect to('/track') end else if request.xhr? json({ :tracked => [] }) else redirect to(request.referrer) end end end post "/untrack/?" do # Expects a JSON-encoded array of job ids to stop tracking jobs = JSON.parse( { |jid|[jid] }.select { |j| not j.nil? } # Go ahead and cancel all the jobs! jobs.each do |job| job.untrack() end return json({ :untracked => { |job| job.jid } }) end post "/priority/?" do # Expects a JSON-encoded dictionary of jid => priority response = r = JSON.parse( r.each_pair do |jid, priority| begin[jid].priority = priority response[jid] = priority rescue response[jid] = 'failed' end end return json(response) end post "/tag/?" do # Expects a JSON-encoded dictionary of jid => [tag, tag, tag] response = JSON.parse( do |jid, tags| begin[jid].tag(*tags) response[jid] = tags rescue response[jid] = 'failed' end end return json(response) end post "/untag/?" do # Expects a JSON-encoded dictionary of jid => [tag, tag, tag] response = JSON.parse( do |jid, tags| begin[jid].untag(*tags) response[jid] = tags rescue response[jid] = 'failed' end end return json(response) end post "/move/?" do # Expects a JSON-encoded hash of id: jid, and queue: queue_name data = JSON.parse( if data["id"].nil? or data["queue"].nil? halt 400, "Need id and queue arguments" else job =[data["id"]] if job.nil? halt 404, "Could not find job" else job.move(data["queue"]) return json({ :id => data["id"], :queue => data["queue"]}) end end end post "/undepend/?" do # Expects a JSON-encoded hash of id: jid, and queue: queue_name data = JSON.parse( if data["id"].nil? halt 400, "Need id" else job =[data["id"]] if job.nil? halt 404, "Could not find job" else job.undepend(data['dependency']) return json({:id => data["id"]}) end end end post "/retry/?" do # Expects a JSON-encoded hash of id: jid, and queue: queue_name data = JSON.parse( if data["id"].nil? halt 400, "Need id" else job =[data["id"]] if job.nil? halt 404, "Could not find job" else queue = job.history[-1]["q"] job.move(queue) return json({ :id => data["id"], :queue => queue}) end end end # Retry all the failures of a particular type post "/retryall/?" do # Expects a JSON-encoded hash of type: failure-type data = JSON.parse( if data["type"].nil? halt 400, "Neet type" else return json(["type"], 0, 500)['jobs'].map do |job| queue = job.history[-1]["q"] job.move(queue) { :id => job.jid, :queue => queue} end) end end post "/cancel/?" do # Expects a JSON-encoded array of job ids to cancel jobs = JSON.parse( { |jid|[jid] }.select { |j| not j.nil? } # Go ahead and cancel all the jobs! jobs.each do |job| job.cancel() end if request.xhr? return json({ :canceled => { |job| job.jid } }) else redirect to(request.referrer) end end post "/cancelall/?" do # Expects a JSON-encoded hash of type: failure-type data = JSON.parse( if data["type"].nil? halt 400, "Neet type" else return json(["type"])['jobs'].map do |job| job.cancel() { :id => job.jid } end) end end # start the server if ruby file executed directly run! if app_file == $0 end end