module Alchemy module Page::PageCells extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do has_many :cells, :dependent => :destroy after_create :create_cells, :if => :can_have_cells?, :unless => :systempage? end module ClassMethods # Copy page cells # # @param source [Alchemy::Page] # @param target [Alchemy::Page] # @return [Array] # def copy_cells(source, target) new_cells = [] source.cells.each do |cell| new_cells << Cell.create(:name =>, :page_id => end new_cells end end # Returns true, if the page's page_layout defines cells. def can_have_cells? definition['cells'].present? end # Returns true, if the page has cells. def has_cells? cells.any? end # Returns the cell definitions from page definition. def cell_definitions cell_names = definition['cells'] return [] if cell_names.blank? Cell.all_definitions_for(cell_names) end # Returns elements grouped by cell. def elements_grouped_by_cells elements.not_trashed.in_cell.group_by(&:cell) end # Returns element names from cell definition. def element_names_from_cells cell_definitions.collect { |c| c['elements'] }.flatten.uniq end # Returns element names that are not defined in a cell. def element_names_not_in_cell layout_description['elements'].uniq - element_names_from_cells end private # Creates cells that are defined in page's page_layout definition. def create_cells definition['cells'].each do |cellname| cells.create!(:name => cellname) end end end end