# # test/unit/bio/db/embl/test_embl.rb - Unit test for Bio::EMBL # # Copyright:: Copyright (C) 2005 Mitsuteru Nakao # License:: The Ruby License # # $Id:$ # # loading helper routine for testing bioruby require 'pathname' load Pathname.new(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), ['..'] * 4, 'bioruby_test_helper.rb')).cleanpath.to_s # libraries needed for the tests require 'test/unit' require 'bio/db/embl/embl' module Bio class TestEMBL < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup output = File.read(File.join(BioRubyTestDataPath, 'embl', 'AB090716.embl')) @obj = Bio::EMBL.new(output) end def test_id_line assert(@obj.id_line) end def test_id_line_iterator assert(@obj.id_line {|key, value| }) end def test_id_line_entry_name assert_equal('AB090716', @obj.id_line('ENTRY_NAME')) end def test_id_line_data_class assert_equal('standard', @obj.id_line('DATA_CLASS')) end def test_id_line_molecule_type assert_equal('genomic DNA', @obj.id_line('MOLECULE_TYPE')) end def test_id_line_division assert_equal('VRT', @obj.id_line('DIVISION')) end def test_id_line_sequence_length assert_equal(166, @obj.id_line('SEQUENCE_LENGTH')) end def test_entry entry_id = 'AB090716' assert_equal(entry_id, @obj.entry) assert_equal(entry_id, @obj.entry_name) assert_equal(entry_id, @obj.entry_id) end def test_molecule molecule = 'genomic DNA' assert_equal(molecule, @obj.molecule) assert_equal(molecule, @obj.molecule_type) end def test_division assert_equal('VRT', @obj.division) end def test_sequence_length seqlen = 166 assert_equal(seqlen, @obj.sequence_length) assert_equal(seqlen, @obj.seqlen) end # Bio::EMBLDB::COMMON#ac def test_ac ac = ['AB090716'] assert_equal(ac, @obj.ac) assert_equal(ac, @obj.accessions) end # Bio::EMBLDB::COMMON#accession def test_accession assert_equal('AB090716', @obj.accession) end def test_sv assert_equal('AB090716.1', @obj.sv) end def test_version assert_equal(1, @obj.version) end def test_dt assert(@obj.dt) end def test_dt_iterator assert(@obj.dt {|key, value| }) end def test_dt_created assert_equal('25-OCT-2002 (Rel. 73, Created)', @obj.dt('created')) end def test_dt_updated assert_equal('29-NOV-2002 (Rel. 73, Last updated, Version 2)', @obj.dt('updated')) end # Bio::EMBLDB::COMMON#de def test_de assert_equal("Haplochromis sp. 'muzu, rukwa' LWS gene for long wavelength-sensitive opsin, partial cds, specimen_voucher:specimen No. HT-9361.", @obj.de) end # Bio::EMBLDB::COMMON#kw def test_kw assert_equal([], @obj.kw) assert_equal([], @obj.keywords) end def test_os assert_equal("Haplochromis sp. 'muzu, rukwa'", @obj.os[0]['os']) assert_nil(@obj.os[0]['name']) end # Bio::EMBLDB::COMMON#oc def test_oc assert_equal('Eukaryota', @obj.oc.first) end # Bio::EMBLDB::COMMON#og def test_og assert_equal([], @obj.og) end # Bio::EMBLDB::COMMON#ref def test_ref assert_equal(2, @obj.ref.size) end # Bio::EMBLDB::COMMON#references def test_references assert_equal(Array, @obj.references.class) end # Bio::EMBLDB::COMMON#dr def test_dr assert_equal({}, @obj.dr) end def test_fh assert_equal('Key Location/Qualifiers', @obj.fh) end def test_ft assert_equal(Array, @obj.ft.class) end def test_ft_iterator @obj.ft.each do |feature| assert_equal(Bio::Feature, feature.class) end end def test_ft_accessor assert_equal('CDS', @obj.ft[1].feature) end def test_each_cds @obj.each_cds do |x| assert_equal('CDS', x.feature) end end def test_each_gene @obj.each_gene do |x| assert_equal('gene', x.feature) end end def test_cc assert_equal('', @obj.cc) end # def test_xx # end def test_sq data = {"a"=>29, "c"=>42, "ntlen"=>166, "g"=>41, "t"=>54, "other"=>0} assert_equal(data, @obj.sq) end def test_sq_get assert_equal(29, @obj.sq("a")) end def test_seq seq = 'gttctggcctcatggactgaagacttcctgtggacctgatgtgttcagtggaagtgaagaccctggagtacagtcctacatgattgttctcatgattacttgctgtttcatccccctggctatcatcatcctgtgctaccttgctgtgtggatggccatccgtgct' assert_equal(seq, @obj.seq) assert_equal(seq, @obj.naseq) assert_equal(seq, @obj.ntseq) end end end