Zen.Editor = {};
* The Editor class can be used to create simple text editors that support HTML,
* Textile and Markdown (more might be supported in the future). The generated
* output is very simple and very easy to style (the class doesn't inject any CSS).
* ## Usage
* Adding an editor requires 2 steps. First you'll need to create a new instance
* of the editor:
* editor = new Zen.Editor.Base('css selector');
* Once the instance is created you can call the display() method to show the editor:
* editor.display();
* This will render the editor using the default format, HTML.
* ## Customizing
* By default the editor will generate HTML tags but this can be changed by passing
* an object as the second argument of the constructor method:
* editor = new Zen.Editor.Base('css selector', {format: '...'});
* The second argument accepts the following 2 options:
* format: the formatting engine to use. You can choose from "html" (default),
* "textile" and "markdown". You can also create your own driver as long as you make
* sure the class is loaded and defined under Zen.Editor.DriverName, where DriverName
* is the PascalCased version of the driver name.
* buttons: an array of default buttons. Note that in most cased you'd want to use the
* addButtons() method as specifying an array of buttons in the constructor will prevent
* the default buttons from being added.
* ## Adding Buttons
* The recommended way of adding buttons is using the addButtons method. This method takes
* a single argument which is an array of JSON objects. Each JSON object should contain the
* following keys:
* * name: the name of the button, used to generate the CSS class
* * html: the content of the button (text, html, etc)
* * callback: the function/method called whenever the button is clicked.
* Example:
* editor.addButtons(
* [
* {name: 'hello', html: 'Hello', callback: function() { alert('Hello!'); }}
* ]);
* When the callback is invoked the instance of the editor to which the button belongs will
* be sent to the callback.
* ## Drivers
* The Base class relies on so called "drivers": small classes that handle actions
* whenever a button is clicked. By default there are 3 drivers, HTML, Textile and Markdown.
* In order to use your own driver while still supporting the default buttons (bold, italic, etc)
* your class has to implement the following methods:
* * bold
* * italic
* * link
* * ol
* * ul
* When creating a method for a driver they should accept a single parameter, the instance
* of the editor to which the button belongs. Say your button wraps the currently selected
* text in an element you'd do something like the following:
* my_method: function(editor)
* {
* editor.insertAroundCursor({before: '<', after: '>'})
* }
* Also keep in mind that you don't have to create an entire class, you can also specify
* a closure in the "callback" key when adding a button.
* ## Markup
* The Editor class generates the following markup:
* As you can see the markup is very simple and no CSS rules are injected. This does however
* mean you generally spend a bit more time styling the editor but it also gives
* you much more flexibility and less trouble.
* @author Yorick Peterse
* @link http://yorickpeterse.com/ Yorick Peterse's Website
* @link http://zen-cms.com/ Zen Website
* @license http://code.yorickpeterse.com/license.txt The MIT license
* @since 0.1
Zen.Editor.Base = new Class(
Implements: Options,
* Object with all default options. The following options are available:
* * format: the text format (textile, markdown, etc)
* * buttons: Array of all buttons and their callbacks.
* Note that by default this object is empty, all buttons will be
* added by the initialize() method as the callbacks won't be available
* until the drivers have been loaded.
* @author Yorick Peterse
* @since 0.1
* @type {object}
format: 'html',
buttons: []
* Collection of objects for the CSS selector specified
* when initializing this class.
* @author Yorick Peterse
* @since 0.1
* @type {array}
elements: [],
* New instance of the driver for the current editor.
* @author Yorick Peterse
* @since 0.1
* @type {object}
driver: {},
* Initializes a new instance of the visual editor. The first
* argument is the CSS selector and the second a JSON object
* with additional options.
* @author Yorick Peterse
* @param {string} css_selector The CSS selector for the editor.
* @param {object} options JSON object with additional options.
* @return {object}
* @since 0.1
initialize: function(css_selector, options)
this.elements = $$(css_selector);
// Load our driver
var driver = this.options.format.capitalize().camelCase();
this.driver = new Zen.Editor[driver]();
// Add our buttons
if ( this.options.buttons.length <= 0 )
this.options.buttons = [
{name: 'bold' , html: 'Bold' , callback: this.driver.bold},
{name: 'italic' , html: 'Italic' , callback: this.driver.italic},
{name: 'link' , html: 'Link' , callback: this.driver.link},
{name: 'ol' , html: 'Ordered list' , callback: this.driver.ol},
{name: 'ul' , html: 'Unordered list', callback: this.driver.ul}
* Generates the required markup for the editor along
* with binding all events for all the available buttons.
* @author Yorick Peterse
* @since 0.1
* @return {void}
display: function()
// Ignore the entire process if no elements have been found
if ( this.elements.length === 0 ) { return; }
// Generate our markup
var toolbar = new Element('div', {'class': 'editor_toolbar'});
var ul = new Element('ul');
// Generate all the buttons
var li = new Element('li', {'class': btn.name});
// Add the html?
if ( btn.html )
li.set('html', btn.html);
li.addEvent('click', function()
// Get the editor closest to this button
var current_editor = this.getParent('.editor_container');
current_editor = current_editor.getElement('textarea');
var container = new Element('div', {'class': 'editor_container'});
// Replace the text area with all our elements
container.inject(element, 'before');
* Adds the specified buttons to this.options.buttons.
* Buttons can also be added by directly setting them in the construct
* but that will prevent the default buttons from getting added.
* @author Yorick Peterse
* @since 0.1
* @param {array} buttons An array of the buttons to add
* @return {void}
addButtons: function(buttons)
var self = this;