#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'rubygems' require 'tools' puts ToolsUtil.get_plain_text("xxxx") puts ToolsUtil.get_plain_text([10,20,30]) puts ToolsUtil.get_plain_text({:a => 1}) # class Filesize # include Comparabletool # TYPE_PREFIXES = { # # Unit prefixes used for SI file sizes. # :SI => %w{k M G T P E Z Y}, # # Unit prefixes used for binary file sizes. # :BINARY => %w{Ki Mi Gi Ti Pi Ei Zi Yi} # } # # @deprecated Please use TYPE_PREFIXES[:SI] instead # PREFIXES = TYPE_PREFIXES[:SI] # # Set of rules describing file sizes according to SI units. # SI = { # :regexp => /^([\d,.]+)?\s?([kmgtpezy]?)b$/i, # :multiplier => 1000, # :prefixes => TYPE_PREFIXES[:SI], # :presuffix => '' # deprecated # } # # Set of rules describing file sizes according to binary units. # BINARY = { # :regexp => /^([\d,.]+)?\s?(?:([kmgtpezy])i)?b$/i, # :multiplier => 1024, # :prefixes => TYPE_PREFIXES[:BINARY], # :presuffix => 'i' # deprecated # } # # @param [Number] size A file size, in bytes. # # @param [SI, BINARY] type Which type to use for conversions. # def initialize(size, type = BINARY) # @bytes = size.to_i # @type = type # end # # @return [Number] Returns the size in bytes. # def to_i # @bytes # end # alias_method :to_int, :to_i # # @param [String] unit Which unit to convert to. # # @return [Float] Returns the size in a given unit. # def to(unit = 'B') # to_parts = self.class.parse(unit) # prefix = to_parts[:prefix] # if prefix == 'B' or prefix.empty? # return to_i.to_f # end # to_type = to_parts[:type] # size = @bytes # pos = (@type[:prefixes].map { |s| s[0].chr.downcase }.index(prefix.downcase) || -1) + 1 # size = size/(to_type[:multiplier].to_f**(pos)) unless pos < 1 # end # alias_method :to_f, :to # # @param (see #to_f) # # @return [String] Same as {#to_f}, but as a string, with the unit appended. # # @see #to_f # def to_s(unit = 'B') # "%.2f %s" % [to(unit).to_f.to_s, unit] # end # # Same as {#to_s} but with an automatic determination of the most # # sensible unit. # # # # @return [String] # # @see #to_s # def pretty # size = @bytes # if size < @type[:multiplier] # unit = "B" # else # pos = (Math.log(size) / Math.log(@type[:multiplier])).floor # pos = @type[:prefixes].size-1 if pos > @type[:prefixes].size - 1 # unit = @type[:prefixes][pos-1] + "B" # end # to_s(unit) # end # # @return [Filesize] # def +(other) # self.class.new(@bytes + other.to_i, @type) # end # # @return [Filesize] # def -(other) # self.class.new(@bytes - other.to_i, @type) # end # # @return [Filesize] # def *(other) # self.class.new(@bytes * other.to_i, @type) # end # # @return [Filesize] # def /(other) # result = @bytes / other.to_f # if other.is_a? Filesize # result # else # self.class.new(result, @type) # end # end # def <=>(other) # self.to_i <=> other.to_i # end # # @return [Array] # # @api private # def coerce(other) # return self, other # end # class << self # # Parses a string, which describes a file size, and returns a # # Filesize object. # # # # @param [String] arg A file size to parse. # # @raise [ArgumentError] Raised if the file size cannot be parsed properly. # # @return [Filesize] # def from(arg) # parts = parse(arg) # prefix = parts[:prefix] # size = parts[:size] # type = parts[:type] # raise ArgumentError, "Unparseable filesize" unless type # offset = (type[:prefixes].map { |s| s[0].chr.downcase }.index(prefix.downcase) || -1) + 1 # new(size * (type[:multiplier] ** (offset)), type) # end # # @return [Hash<:prefix, :size, :type>] # # @api private # def parse(string) # type = nil # # in this order, so we prefer binary :) # [BINARY, SI].each { |_type| # if string =~ _type[:regexp] # type = _type # break # end # } # prefix = $2 || '' # size = ($1 || 0).to_f # return { :prefix => prefix, :size => size, :type => type} # end # end # end # # The size of a floppy disk # Floppy = Filesize.from("1474 KiB") # # The size of a CD # CD = Filesize.from("700 MB") # # The size of a common DVD # DVD_5 = Filesize.from("4.38 GiB") # # The same as a DVD 5 # DVD = DVD_5 # # The size of a single-sided dual-layer DVD # DVD_9 = Filesize.from("7.92 GiB") # # The size of a double-sided single-layer DVD # DVD_10 = DVD_5 * 2 # # The size of a double-sided DVD, combining a DVD-9 and a DVD-5 # DVD_14 = DVD_9 + DVD_5 # # The size of a double-sided dual-layer DVD # DVD_18 = DVD_14 * 2 # # The size of a Zip disk # ZIP = Filesize.from("100 MB") # puts ZIP # ap "timeo".similar "timeout" # ap "notifica".similar "notifica_email" # ap "notifica".similar "notifica_slack" # ap "notifoca_".similar "notifica_email" # ap "notifaca".similar "notifica_slack" # args = ['cmdapi', 'gbix' ,'search' ,'host' , '--query', 'name=*cmdapi*', '--query' ,'host=*cmdapi*'] # status, query = args.extract_option_value '--query', true # ap Hash[*query] # ToolsConfig.change_value_in_config "/home/francisco/.newcmdapi/cmdapi.config", false ,'cmdapi','teste_insert_config','status' # {'cmdapi' => {"teste_insert_config" => {"status" => false }}} # specialname="Hello!#$@" # cleanedname = specialname.gsub(/[^a-zA-Z0-9\-]/,"") # ap specialname # ap cleanedname # r = ToolsPrompt.yes? 'Do you like Ruby?' # ap r # r = ToolsPrompt.ask 'What is your name?', default: ENV['USER'] # ap r # r = ToolsPrompt.mask("What is your secret?") # aux = [ # "\tScorpion".yellow, # "\tKano".yellow, # "\tJax".yellow, # ] # r = ToolsPrompt.select("Choose your destiny?", aux) # ap r # choices = %w(vodka beer wine whisky bourbon) # prompt.multi_select("Select drinks?", choices) # choices = %w(emacs nano vim) # ToolsPrompt.enum_select("Select an editor?", choices) # name = prompt.ask("What is your name?") do |q| # q.required true # q.validate /\A\w+\Z/ # q.modify :capitalize # end # ap name # ap prompt.keypress("Press any key to continue, resumes automatically in 3 seconds ...".yellow, timeout: 3) # default_editor = '/home/francisco/sublime_text_3/sublime_text' # result = ToolsFiles.open_file '/home/francisco/.newcmdapi/oldcmdapi.config' # unless result.true? # ap result # end # ToolsFiles.remove_file '/home/francisco/2018/xykotools/tools/teste-persistent.cache' # ToolsCache.create_cache_file 'tools', (File.dirname __dir__) + '/tools/teste-persistent.cache', 60 # ToolsCache.tools_set :k1, 100 # ap ToolsCache.tools_list # ToolsCache.tools_unset :k1 # ap ToolsCache.tools_list # ToolsCache.tools_set :k2, {:i => 100, :j => 200} # ToolsCache.tools_set :k2, {:l => 100, :m => 200} # ToolsCache.tools_set :k3, [] # ToolsCache.tools_set :k3, [1,2,3] # ToolsCache.tools_set :k3, [4] # ap ToolsCache.tools_get :k3 # ap ToolsCache.tools_get :k2 # ap ToolsCache.tools_clear # ap ToolsCache.tools_list # ToolsCache.create_cache_file 'cmdapi', '/home/francisco/2018/xykotools/tools/teste-persistent.cache', 60 # # cache.clear # ToolsCache.cmdapi_set :ldap, {:rogerio => {:name => 'rogerio'}} # ToolsCache.cmdapi_set :ldap, {:wagner => {:name => 'wagner'}} # ToolsCache.cmdapi_set :cloud, [100,200] # ToolsCache.cmdapi_set :cloud, 300 # ToolsCache.cmdapi_set :cloud, [300,500,'teste'] # ToolsCache.cmdapi_set :cloud, "teste2" # ToolsCache.cmdapi_set :cloud, {:teste => 1} # ToolsCache.cmdapi_set :nat, "texto para nat" # ToolsCache.cmdapi_set :nat, "texto para nat_ depois da primeira" # ToolsCache.cmdapi_setext :ldap, {:francisco => {:name => 'francisco'}} # ToolsCache.cmdapi_setext :ldap, {:wagner => {:name => 'wagner'}, :leandro => {:name => 'leandro'}} # ap ToolsCache.cmdapi_list # sleep 5 # #ap ToolsCache.cmdapi_list # ToolsCache.cmdapi_unset :nat # ap ToolsCache.cmdapi_list # sleep 5 # ToolsCache.cmdapi_set :nat, "texto para nat_ depois da primeira" # cache = ToolsCache.cmdapi_list # ap cache # ToolsCache.cmdapi_unsetext :ldap, :francisco # cache = ToolsCache.cmdapi_list # ap cache # cache.each do |key| # puts "#{key} - #{cache[key]}" # end # ap ToolsCache.cmdapi_get 'ldap' # ap ToolsCache.cmdapi_list # valor = '100' # ToolsCache.cmdapi_add "variável", valor # file_to_load = "/home/francisco/2018/xykotools/cmdapi/lib/files/proxy_sample.txt" # file = ToolsFiles.load_file file_to_load # ap file # ToolsLog.create_log_file 'xyko', '/home/francisco/2018/xykotools/tools/xyko.log' # ToolsLog.xyko_info 'Minitest.: test_cmdapi_ldap_validate' # ToolsLog.xyko_info 'teste do methodo1', :yellow # ToolsLog.xyko_info 'teste do methodo1', :light_green # oolsDisplay.show_colorize "red".red+ " " + "white".white # teste = '123' # ap teste.num? # ap teste # ap NetAddr::CIDR.methods.sort # net = NetAddr::CIDR.create ip # ap net # teste = false # if teste.boolean? # if teste # puts "true" # else # puts "false" # end # end # ap teste.boolean? # ToolsDisplay.show "teste", :green # ToolsDisplay.show "TEXT SAMELINE sem cor ", :sameline # ToolsDisplay.show "+ SAMELINE" # ToolsDisplay.show "TEXT SAMELINE com cor ", :sameline, :red # ToolsDisplay.show "TEXT GREEN", :green # ToolsDisplay.show "TEXT YELLOW", :yellow # msg = "teste do encrypt".light_blue # passwd = 'tools999' # encrypted = msg.encrypt passwd # puts (encrypted.decrypt passwd) # ip = `ifconfig | grep -F 10. | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d: -f2` # ip = ip.split("\n").first if ip.include? "\n" # ToolsDisplay.show (IPAddress.valid?(ip)).to_s, :yellow # ap ip # ret = ToolsNet.resolv_ip_name '' # ap ret # dns = ToolsNet.resolv_dns 'www.globo.com' # ToolsDisplay.show dns ap (Time.now - 86_400) exit # ToolsLog.create_log_file 'xyko', '/home/francisco/2018/xykotools/tools/xyko.log' # ToolsLog.xyko_info 'teste do methodo1', :light_yellow # ToolsLog.xyko_warn 'teste do methodo2' # ToolsLog.xyko_error 'teste do methodo3' # ToolsLog.xyko_debug 'teste do methodo4' # ToolsFiles.create_dir Tools.home + '/2018/xykotools/tools/home', 'tools_home' # home = (ToolsUtil.get_variable 'tools_home') # ToolstoolConfig.load_config config_file # config = ToolsUtil.get_variable 'config_data' # ap config # ToolsConfig.insert_in_config config_file, {:info1 => "teste1"} # ToolsConfig.insert_in_config config_file, {:info2 => "teste1"} # ToolsConfig.insert_in_config config_file, {:info3 => "teste1"} # ToolsConfig.load_config config_file # config = ToolsUtil.get_variable 'config_data' # ap config # ToolsConfig.load_config home, 'config' # ToolsConfig.write_config home, 'config' # ToolsLog.create_log_file 'tools', '/home/francisco/2018/xykotools/tools/xyko.log' # class Hash # def has_shape?(shape) # all? do |k, v| # Hash === v ? v.has_shape?(shape[k]) : shape[k] === v # end # end # end # cmdapi_home = "/home/francisco/2018/xykotools/tools" # cmdapi_configfile = cmdapi_home + '/cmdapi.config' # ToolsConfig.create_config_file 'cmdapi', cmdapi_configfile, :yaml, # {:first_time => true} # config_file_path = ToolsUtil.get_variable "cmdapi_config_file" # config_file_type = ToolsUtil.get_variable "cmdapi_config_type" # config_file = ToolsConfig.load_config config_file_path # data = { # :cloud => { # :region_default => "devh", # :use_ssl => true, # :time_out => 120, # :regions => { # :"devhl,devh,devl,qa2" => { # :region => "RJDEV", # :secretkey => "Jfm8nuodLGebK089ObWchDcPbXJLui66j0lNusVI_5vrS3jaYKYivr-hhRGYjI-ret2dWETL9qw7NOOrQFstWQ", # :apikey => "H-KPAqnrjKOuASLYkMSEMr49gGIku5NWzhIwTPMKb5MvOjdpgx6apYgPCeV04xoPt4bG415Z5U9sCb4FM9rkYw", # :url => "https://rjdev.globoi.com/client/api" # }, # :"cm10,cm18,cm19,cm21,cm22,cm25,cmstg" => { # :region => "RJCME", # :secretkey => "LvoZc-0p92hxrunOFhrbkacPTE8GdvKnkx3cfm6QSGG_4m_YHvvkThGjmhRwBMvaPtoLFFHxIL9RhQPPk399gw", # :apikey => "dKDvCQZeAm5ZDEQ8XhaCNDobWbr0xgrhMVX2eYyGWesxTg3Rs21u8Xt-RHjFoWimSfnTH9aTHr1Y0v7L2Lhtrw", # :url => "https://rjcme.globoi.com/client/api" # }, # :lab => { # :region => "RJLAB", # :apikey => "RAqpmpw-gbk9ey1ijreESn2tEq_eii1q5VR_lCzk5Q5Nr44om85EjBhuX7g9q6CmBYX8pg2_ofmNHPC_kLOr_Q", # :secretkey => "snAlbaR9I8t6YlVvti4Xn96gFPWjY8VDkOeLc84Wm6q9sAYsnnTbhaQRztDHF91PkEPZZgQInFEdGNpleiDvYA", # :url => "" # } # } # } # } # ToolsConfig.insert_in_config config_file_path, data # data = { # :default_options => { # :editor => "/home/francisco/sublime_text_3/sublime_text", # :check_config => true, # :check_version => { # :status => false, # :latest => "2017-07-21T09:38:23-03:00", # :ttl => 60, # :renew => 60, # :update => true # } # } # } # ToolsConfig.insert_in_config config_file_path, data # #end # config_file = ToolsConfig.load_config config_file_path # require 'hash_validator' # cloud_shape = { # cloud: { # region_default: 'string', # use_ssl: 'boolean', # time_out: 'integer', # regions: Hash, # } # } # cloud_regions_shape = { # region: 'string', # secretkey: 'string', # apikey: 'string', # url: 'string', # } # validator = HashValidator.validate(config_file, cloud_shape) # ap validator.errors unless validator.valid? # config_file[:cloud][:regions].each do |k,v| # validator = HashValidator.validate(v, cloud_regions_shape) # ap validator.errors unless validator.valid? # end # default_shape = { # :editor => 'string', # :check_config => true, # :check_version => { # :status => 'boolean', # :latest => "2017-07-21T09:38:23-03:00", # :ttl => 'integer', # :renew => 'integer', # :update => 'boolean', # } # } # exit # config = ToolsConfig.load_config config_file # ap config # realize Supso::Filer::Mount["/mnt/projetos/apikeys/globosdn_controller"] # globointerno.cmfdnc01:/dev/portal/ # config = ToolsConfig.load_config config_file # ap config # ap ToolsConfig.test_config config_file # ToolsCache.create_cache_file 'xyko', '/home/francisco/2018/xykotools/tools' # data = {:key => '100', } # ToolsCache.xyko_set data # ToolsCache.xyko_unset data # ToolsConfig.create_config_file 'glbapi', '/home/francisco/.glbapi/glbapi.config' # k = 'teste_xxx' # pattern = { "status": Integer} # ToolsConfig.insert_in_config "/home/francisco/.newcmdapi/cmdapi.config", {'cmdapi' => {"#{k}" => pattern}}