## v0.1.8 (Tue Dec 1 2015) Update gems ## v0.1.7 (Fri Nov 27 2015) Update gems and some refactors * Use mb_string gem. [4c72add] * Use unicode-display_width to detect full-width unicode characters[704ea13] ## v0.1.6 (Sat Apr 4 2015) - Add a empty line for output [a30506d] ## v0.1.5 * Fix a bug. #3 ## v0.1.4 * Add number option #3 [7cff5b4] ## v0.1.3 * The `descript` option of `list` command was changed into the default. [3602272] ## v0.1.2 * Fix travis ci error #24 [6752e1d] Add a magic comment for ruby1.9 #2 ## v0.1.1 * Upgrade new github trending layout #1 [9a72e2b] ## v0.1.0 * Tweak help descriptions [0d3e681] ## v0.0.9 * Change a name of option from `all_language` to `language` [114e425] ## v0.0.8 * Upgrade simplecov 0.9.0 [5fbcbab] * Fix gemspec homepage typo [9bd6b48] ## v0.0.7 * Tweak help message.(Accent a green color in help) [9da3e5e] ## v0.0.6 * Implement terminal width is not enough, does not display description. [7754a71] ## v0.0.5 * Fix lack of addressable gem when installing [54ca275] ## v0.0.4 * Implement descrition option [4587e56] ## v0.0.3 * Implement since option [04f1978] * Fix star count is incorrect [ce6e07a] ## v0.0.2 * Implement display lang field [96e4b9c] ## v0.0.1 * Implement basic feature (show daily trending)