module TreasureData module Command IMPORT_TEMPLATES = { 'apache' => [ /^([^ ]*) [^ ]* ([^ ]*) \[([^\]]*)\] "(\S+)(?: +([^ ]*) +\S*)?" ([^ ]*) ([^ ]*)(?: "([^\"]*)" "([^\"]*)")?$/, ['host', 'user', 'time', 'method', 'path', 'code', 'size', 'referer', 'agent'], "%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z"], 'syslog' => [ /^([^ ]* [^ ]* [^ ]*) ([^ ]*) ([a-zA-Z0-9_\/\.\-]*)(?:\[([0-9]+)\])?[^\:]*\: *(.*)$/, ['time', 'host', 'ident', 'pid', 'message'], "%b %d %H:%M:%S"], } # TODO import-item # TODO tail def table_import(op) op.banner << "\nsupported formats:\n" op.banner << " apache\n" op.banner << " syslog\n" op.banner << " msgpack\n" op.banner << " json\n" format = 'apache' time_key = 'time' op.on('--format FORMAT', "file format (default: #{format})") {|s| format = s } op.on('--apache', "same as --format apache; apache common log format") { format = 'apache' } op.on('--syslog', "same as --format syslog; syslog") { format = 'syslog' } op.on('--msgpack', "same as --format msgpack; msgpack stream format") { format = 'msgpack' } op.on('--json', "same as --format json; LF-separated json format") { format = 'json' } op.on('-t', '--time-key COL_NAME', "time key name for json and msgpack format (e.g. 'created_at')") {|s| time_key = s } db_name, table_name, *paths = op.cmd_parse client = get_client case format when 'json', 'msgpack' #unless time_key # $stderr.puts "-t, --time-key COL_NAME (e.g. '-t created_at') parameter is required for #{format} format" # exit 1 #end if format == 'json' require 'json' require 'time' parser = else parser = end else regexp, names, time_format = IMPORT_TEMPLATES[format] if !regexp || !names || !time_format $stderr.puts "Unknown format '#{format}'" exit 1 end parser =, regexp, time_format) end get_table(client, db_name, table_name) require 'zlib' files = {|path| if path == '-' $stdin elsif path =~ /\.gz$/ require 'td/compat_gzip_reader' else end } require 'msgpack' require 'tempfile' #require 'thread' {|file,path| import_log_file(file, path, client, db_name, table_name, parser) } puts "done." end private def import_log_file(file, path, client, db_name, table_name, parser) puts "importing #{path}..." out ='td-import') out.binmode if out.respond_to?(:binmode) writer = n = 0 x = 0, path) {|record| writer.write record.to_msgpack n += 1 x += 1 if n % 10000 == 0 puts " imported #{n} entries from #{path}..." elsif out.pos > 1024*1024 # TODO size puts " imported #{n} entries from #{path}..." begin writer.finish size = out.pos out.pos = 0 puts " uploading #{size} bytes..." client.import(db_name, table_name, "msgpack.gz", out, size) out.truncate(0) out.pos = 0 x = 0 writer = rescue $stderr.puts " #{$!}" return 1 # TODO error end end } if x != 0 writer.finish size = out.pos out.pos = 0 puts " uploading #{size} bytes..." # TODO upload on background thread client.import(db_name, table_name, "msgpack.gz", out, size) end puts " imported #{n} entries from #{path}." ensure out.close rescue nil writer.close rescue nil end require 'date' # DateTime#strptime require 'time' # Time#strptime, Time#parse class TextParser def initialize(names, regexp, time_format) @names = names @regexp = regexp @time_format = time_format end def call(file, path, &block) i = 0 file.each_line {|line| i += 1 begin line.rstrip! m = @regexp.match(line) unless m raise "invalid log format at #{path}:#{i}" end record = {} cap = m.captures @names.each_with_index {|name,i| if value = cap[i] if name == "time" value = parse_time(value).to_i end record[name] = value end } rescue $stderr.puts " skipped: #{$!}: #{line.dump}" end } end if Time.respond_to?(:strptime) def parse_time(value) Time.strptime(value, @time_format) end else def parse_time(value) Time.parse(DateTime.strptime(value, @time_format).to_s) end end end class JsonParser def initialize(time_key) require 'json' @time_key = time_key end def call(file, path, &block) i = 0 file.each_line {|line| i += 1 begin record = JSON.parse(line) unless record.is_a?(Hash) raise "record must be a Hash" end time = record[@time_key] unless time raise "record doesn't have '#{@time_key}' column" end case time when Integer # do nothing else time = Time.parse(time.to_s).to_i end record['time'] = time rescue $stderr.puts " skipped: #{$!}: #{line.dump}" end } end end class MessagePackParser def initialize(time_key) require 'json' @time_key = time_key end def call(file, path, &block) i = 0 {|record| i += 1 begin unless record.is_a?(Hash) raise "record must be a Hash" end time = record[@time_key] unless time raise "record doesn't have '#{@time_key}' column" end case time when Integer # do nothing else time = Time.parse(time.to_s).to_i end record['time'] = time rescue $stderr.puts " skipped: #{$!}: #{record.to_json}" end } rescue EOFError end end end end