require 'bigdecimal' module Saxon class ItemType # A collection of lamba-like objects for converting Ruby values into # lexical strings for specific XSD datatypes module LexicalStringConversion # Simple validation helper that checks if a value string matches an # allowed lexical string pattern space or not. # # @param value [Object] the value whose to_s representation should be # checked # @param item_type [Saxon::ItemType] the ItemType whose lexical pattern # space should be checked against # @param pattern [Regexp] the lexical pattern space Regexp to use in the # checking # @return [String] the lexical string for the value and type # @raise [Errors::BadRubyValue] if the ruby value doesn't produce a string # which validates against the allowed pattern def self.validate(value, item_type, pattern) str = value.to_s raise, item_type) if str.match(pattern).nil? str end # Helper class for performing conversion and validation to XDM integer # types from Ruby's Fixnum/Bignum/Integer classes class IntegerConversion attr_reader :min, :max def initialize(min, max) @min, @max = min, max end # Returns whether the Ruby integer is within the range allowed for the # XDM type # @param integer_value [Integer] the ruby integer to check # @return [Boolean] whether the value is within bounds def in_bounds?(integer_value) gte_min?(integer_value) && lte_max?(integer_value) end # Returns whether the Ruby integer is >= the lower bound of the range # allowed for the XDM type # @param integer_value [Integer] the ruby integer to check # @return [Boolean] whether the value is okay def gte_min?(integer_value) return true if min.nil? integer_value >= min end # Returns whether the Ruby integer is <= the upper bound of the range # allowed for the XDM type # @param integer_value [Integer] the ruby integer to check # @return [Boolean] whether the value is okay def lte_max?(integer_value) return true if max.nil? integer_value <= max end # Check a value against our type constraints, and return the lexical # string representation if it's okay. # # @param value [Integer] the ruby value # @param item_type [Saxon::ItemType] the item type # @return [String] the lexical string representation of the value # @raise [Errors::RubyValueOutOfBounds] if the value is outside the # type's permitted bounds def call(value, item_type) integer_value = case value when ::Numeric value.to_i else Integer(LexicalStringConversion.validate(value, item_type, Patterns::INTEGER), 10) end raise, item_type) unless in_bounds?(integer_value) integer_value.to_s end end # Helper class for performing conversion and validation to XDM # Floating-point types from Ruby's Float class class FloatConversion def initialize(size = :double) @double = size == :double end # Check a value against our type constraints, and return the lexical # string representation if it's okay. # # @param value [Float] the ruby value # @param item_type [Saxon::ItemType] the item type # @return [String] the lexical string representation of the value def call(value, item_type) case value when ::Float::INFINITY 'INF' when -::Float::INFINITY '-INF' when Numeric float_value(value).to_s else LexicalStringConversion.validate(value, item_type, Patterns::FLOAT) end end private # Is this a double-precision XDM float? # @return [Boolean] true if we're converting a double-precision float def double? @double end # Return the float as either a double-precision or single-precision # float as needed def float_value(float_value) return float_value if double? convert_to_single_precision(float_value) end def convert_to_single_precision(float_value) [float_value].pack('f').unpack('f').first end end # Convert a value in seconds into an XDM Duration string class DurationConversion attr_reader :pattern def initialize(pattern) @pattern = pattern end # Produce a lexical Duration string from a numeric Ruby value # representing seconds def call(value, item_type) return numeric(value) if Numeric === value LexicalStringConversion.validate(value, item_type, pattern) end private def numeric(value) sign = value.negative? ? '-' : '' case value when Integer "#{sign}PT#{value.abs}S" when BigDecimal "#{sign}PT#{value.abs.to_s('F')}S" else sprintf("%sPT%0.9fS", sign, value.abs) end end end # Helper class for creating convertors for the various G* Date-related # types that allow single values (GDay, GMonth, GYear). class GDateConversion attr_reader :bounds, :integer_formatter, :validation_pattern # @param args [Hash] # @option args [Range] :bounds the integer bounds for values of this type # @option args [Regexp] :validation_pattern the pattern used to validate the # value when it's a String not an Integer # @option args [Proc] :integer_formatter a proc/lambda that will produce a # correctly-formatted lexical string from an Integer value def initialize(args = {}) @bounds = args.fetch(:bounds) @validation_pattern = args.fetch(:validation_pattern) @integer_formatter = args.fetch(:integer_formatter) end # @param value [String, Integer] the value to convert # @param item_type [XDM::ItemType] the type being converted to # @return [String] a correctly formatted String def call(value, item_type) case value when Integer check_value_bounds!(value, item_type) sprintf(, value) else formatted_value = LexicalStringConversion.validate(value, item_type, validation_pattern) extract_and_check_value_bounds!(formatted_value, item_type) formatted_value end end private def extract_value_from_validated_format(formatted_value) Integer(formatted_value.gsub(validation_pattern, '\1'), 10) end def check_value_bounds!(value, item_type) bounds_method = bounds.respond_to?(:include?) ? :include? : :call raise, item_type) unless bounds.send(bounds_method, value) end def extract_and_check_value_bounds!(formatted_value, item_type) check_value_bounds!(extract_value_from_validated_format(formatted_value), item_type) end end # Convert Bytes. Idiomatically, Ruby uses +ASCII_8BIT+ encoded strings to # represent bytes, and so a single character represents a single byte. XDM # uses the decimal value of a signed or unsigned 8 bit integer class ByteConversion attr_reader :unpack_format def initialize(kind = :signed) @unpack_format = kind == :unsigned ? 'C' : 'c' end def call(value, item_type) raise, item_type) if value.bytesize != 1 value = value.to_s.force_encoding(Encoding::ASCII_8BIT) value.unpack(unpack_format).first.to_s end end # Pattern fragments that can be combined to help create the lexical space # patterns in {Patterns} module PatternFragments TIME_DURATION = /(?:T (?: # The time part of the format allows T0H1M1S, T1H1M, T1M1S, T1H1S, T1H, T1M, T1S [0-9]+[HM]| [0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?S| [0-9]+H[0-9]+M| [0-9]+H[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?S| [0-9]+M[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?S| [0-9]+H[0-9]+M[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?S ) )?/x DATE = /-?[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}/ TIME = /[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}(?:\.[0-9]+)?/ TIME_ZONE = /(?:[\-+][0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}|Z)?/ NCNAME_START_CHAR = '[A-Z]|_|[a-z]|[\u{C0}-\u{D6}]|[\u{D8}-\u{F6}]|[\u{F8}-\u{2FF}]|[\u{370}-\u{37D}]|[\u{37F}-\u{1FFF}]|[\u{200C}-\u{200D}]|[\u{2070}-\u{218F}]|[\u{2C00}-\u{2FEF}]|[\u{3001}-\u{D7FF}]|[\u{F900}-\u{FDCF}]|[\u{FDF0}-\u{FFFD}]|[\u{10000}-\u{EFFFF}]' NAME_START_CHAR = ":|" + NCNAME_START_CHAR NCNAME_CHAR = NCNAME_START_CHAR + '|-|\.|[0-9]|\u{B7}|[\u{0300}-\u{036F}]|[\u{203F}-\u{2040}]' NAME_CHAR = ":|" + NCNAME_CHAR end # A collection of lexical space patterns for XDM types module Patterns def*patterns)['\A'] + + ['\z']).join('')) end DATE = build(PatternFragments::DATE, PatternFragments::TIME_ZONE) DATE_TIME = build(PatternFragments::DATE, 'T', PatternFragments::TIME, PatternFragments::TIME_ZONE) TIME = build(PatternFragments::TIME, PatternFragments::TIME_ZONE) DURATION = build(/-?P(?!\z)(?:[0-9]+Y)?(?:[0-9]+M)?(?:[0-9]+D)?/, PatternFragments::TIME_DURATION) DAY_TIME_DURATION = build(/-?P(?!\z)(?:[0-9]+D)?/, PatternFragments::TIME_DURATION) YEAR_MONTH_DURATION = /\A-?P(?!\z)(?:[0-9]+Y)?(?:[0-9]+M)?\z/ G_DAY = build(/---([0-9]{2})/, PatternFragments::TIME_ZONE) G_MONTH = build(/--([0-9]{2})/, PatternFragments::TIME_ZONE) G_YEAR = build(/(-?[0-9]{4,})/, PatternFragments::TIME_ZONE) G_YEAR_MONTH = build(/-?([0-9]{4,})-([0-9]{2})/, PatternFragments::TIME_ZONE) G_MONTH_DAY = build(/--([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})/, PatternFragments::TIME_ZONE) INTEGER = /\A[+-]?[0-9]+\z/ DECIMAL = /\A[+-]?[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?\z/ FLOAT = /\A(?:[+-]?[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?(?:[eE][0-9]+)?|-?INF|NaN)\z/ NCNAME = build("(?:#{PatternFragments::NCNAME_START_CHAR})", "(?:#{PatternFragments::NCNAME_CHAR})*") NAME = build("(?:#{PatternFragments::NAME_START_CHAR})", "(?:#{PatternFragments::NAME_CHAR})*") TOKEN = /\A[^\u0020\u000A\u000D\u0009]+(?: [^\u0020\u000A\u000D\u0009]+)*\z/ NORMALIZED_STRING = /\A[^\u000A\u000D\u0009]+\z/ NMTOKEN = build("(?:#{PatternFragments::NAME_CHAR})+") LANGUAGE = /\A[a-zA-Z]{1,8}(-[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,8})*\z/ BASE64_BINARY = /\A(?:(?:[A-Za-z0-9+\/] ?){4})*(?:(?:[A-Za-z0-9+\/] ?){3}[A-Za-z0-9+\/]|(?:[A-Za-z0-9+\/] ?){2}[AEIMQUYcgkosw048] ?=|[A-Za-z0-9+\/] ?[AQgw] ?= ?=)?\z/ end # Convertors from Ruby values to lexical string representations for a # particular XDM type module Convertors ANY_URI = ->(value, item_type) { uri_classes = [URI::Generic] case value when URI::Generic value.to_s else begin URI(value.to_s).to_s rescue URI::InvalidURIError raise, item_type) end end } BASE64_BINARY = ->(value, item_type) { Base64.strict_encode64(value.to_s.force_encoding(Encoding::ASCII_8BIT)) } BOOLEAN = ->(value, item_type) { value ? 'true' : 'false' } BYTE = DATE = ->(value, item_type) { if value.respond_to?(:strftime) value.strftime('%F') else LexicalStringConversion.validate(value, item_type, Patterns::DATE) end } DATE_TIME = ->(value, item_type) { if value.respond_to?(:strftime) value.strftime('%FT%T%:z') else LexicalStringConversion.validate(value, item_type, Patterns::DATE_TIME) end } TIME = ->(value, item_type) { LexicalStringConversion.validate(value, item_type, Patterns::TIME) } DATE_TIME_STAMP = DATE_TIME DAY_TIME_DURATION = DECIMAL = ->(value, item_type) { case value when ::Integer value.to_s when ::BigDecimal value.to_s('F') when ::Float BigDecimal(value, ::Float::DIG).to_s('F') else LexicalStringConversion.validate(value, item_type, Patterns::DECIMAL) end } DOUBLE = DURATION = FLOAT = G_DAY ={ bounds: 1..31, validation_pattern: Patterns::G_DAY, integer_formatter: ->(value) { '---%02d' } }) G_MONTH ={ bounds: 1..12, validation_pattern: Patterns::G_MONTH, integer_formatter: ->(value) { '--%02d' } }) G_MONTH_DAY = ->(value, item_type) { month_days = { 1 => 31, 2 => 29, 3 => 31, 4 => 30, 5 => 31, 6 => 30, 7 => 31, 8 => 31, 9 => 30, 10 => 31, 11 => 30, 12 => 31 } formatted_value = LexicalStringConversion.validate(value, item_type, Patterns::G_MONTH_DAY) month, day = Patterns::G_MONTH_DAY.match(formatted_value).captures.take(2).map { |i| Integer(i, 10) } raise, item_type) if day > month_days[month] formatted_value } G_YEAR ={ bounds: ->(value) { value != 0 }, validation_pattern: Patterns::G_YEAR, integer_formatter: ->(value) { value.negative? ? '%05d' : '%04d' } }) G_YEAR_MONTH = ->(value, item_type) { formatted_value = LexicalStringConversion.validate(value, item_type, Patterns::G_YEAR_MONTH) year, month = Patterns::G_YEAR_MONTH.match(formatted_value).captures.take(2).map { |i| Integer(i, 10) } if year == 0 || !(1..12).include?(month) raise, item_type) end value } HEX_BINARY = ->(value, item_type) { value.to_s.force_encoding(Encoding::ASCII_8BIT) { |b| b.to_s(16) }.join } INT =, 2147483647) INTEGER =, nil) LANGUAGE = ->(value, item_type) { LexicalStringConversion.validate(value, item_type, Patterns::LANGUAGE) } LONG =, 9223372036854775807) NAME = ->(value, item_type) { LexicalStringConversion.validate(value, item_type, Patterns::NAME) } ID = IDREF = ENTITY = NCNAME = ->(value, item_type) { LexicalStringConversion.validate(value, item_type, Patterns::NCNAME) } NEGATIVE_INTEGER =, -1) NMTOKEN = ->(value, item_type) { LexicalStringConversion.validate(value, item_type, Patterns::NMTOKEN) } NON_NEGATIVE_INTEGER =, nil) NON_POSITIVE_INTEGER =, 0) NORMALIZED_STRING = ->(value, item_type) { LexicalStringConversion.validate(value, item_type, Patterns::NORMALIZED_STRING) } POSITIVE_INTEGER =, nil) SHORT =, 32767) # STRING (It's questionable whether anything needs doing here) TOKEN = ->(value, item_type) { LexicalStringConversion.validate(value, item_type, Patterns::TOKEN) } UNSIGNED_BYTE = UNSIGNED_INT =, 4294967295) UNSIGNED_LONG =, 18446744073709551615) UNSIGNED_SHORT =, 65535) YEAR_MONTH_DURATION = ->(value, item_type) { LexicalStringConversion.validate(value, item_type, Patterns::YEAR_MONTH_DURATION) } QNAME = NOTATION = ->(value, item_type) { raise Errors::UnconvertableNamespaceSensitveItemType } end # Conversion process error classes module Errors # Raised during conversion from Ruby value to XDM Type lexical string # when the ruby value does not conform to the Type's string # representation. class BadRubyValue < ArgumentError attr_reader :value, :item_type def initialize(value, item_type) @value, @item_type = value, item_type end def to_s "Ruby value #{value.inspect} cannot be converted to an XDM #{item_type.type_name.to_s}" end end # Raised during conversion from Ruby value to XDM type lexical string # when the ruby value fits the Type's string representation, but is out # of the permitted bounds for the type, for instance an integer bigger # than 32767 for the type xs:short class RubyValueOutOfBounds < ArgumentError attr_reader :value, :item_type def initialize(value, item_type) @value, @item_type = value, item_type end def to_s "Ruby value #{value.inspect} is outside the allowed bounds of an XDM #{item_type.type_name.to_s}" end end # Raised during conversion from Ruby value to XDM type if the XDM type # is one of the namespace-sensitive types that cannot be created from a # lexical string class UnconvertableNamespaceSensitveItemType < Exception; end end end end end