module React class RenderingContext class << self attr_accessor :waiting_on_resources def render(name, *args, &block) was_outer_most = !@not_outer_most @not_outer_most = true remove_nodes_from_args(args) @buffer ||= [] unless @buffer if block element = build do saved_waiting_on_resources = waiting_on_resources self.waiting_on_resources = nil run_child_block(name.nil?, &block) if name buffer = @buffer.dup React::API.create_element(name, *args) { buffer }.tap do |element| element.waiting_on_resources = saved_waiting_on_resources || !!buffer.detect { |e| e.waiting_on_resources if e.respond_to?(:waiting_on_resources) } element.waiting_on_resources ||= waiting_on_resources if buffer.last.is_a?(String) end elsif @buffer.last.is_a? React::Element @buffer.last.tap { |element| element.waiting_on_resources ||= saved_waiting_on_resources } else buffer_s = @buffer.last.to_s React::RenderingContext.render(:span) { buffer_s }.tap { |element| element.waiting_on_resources = saved_waiting_on_resources } end end elsif name.is_a? React::Element element = name else element = React::API.create_element(name, *args) element.waiting_on_resources = waiting_on_resources end @buffer << element self.waiting_on_resources = nil element ensure @not_outer_most = @buffer = nil if was_outer_most end def build current = @buffer @buffer = [] return_val = yield @buffer @buffer = current return_val end def delete(element) @buffer.delete(element) element end alias as_node delete def rendered?(element) @buffer.include? element end def replace(e1, e2) @buffer[@buffer.index(e1)] = e2 end def remove_nodes_from_args(args) args[0].each do |key, value| begin value.delete if value.is_a?(Element) # deletes Element from buffer rescue Exception end end if args[0] && args[0].is_a?(Hash) end # run_child_block gathers the element(s) generated by a child block. # for example when rendering this div: div { "hello".span; "goodby".span } # two child Elements will be generated. # # the final value of the block should either be # 1 an object that responds to :acts_as_string? # 2 a string, # 3 an element that is NOT yet pushed on the rendering buffer # 4 or the last element pushed on the buffer # # in case 1 we change the object to a string, and then it becomes case 2 # in case 2 we automatically push the string onto the buffer # in case 3 we also push the Element onto the buffer IF the buffer is empty # case 4 requires no special processing # # Once we have taken care of these special cases we do a check IF we are in an # outer rendering scope. In this case react only allows us to generate 1 Element # so we insure that is the case, and also check to make sure that element in the buffer # is the element returned def run_child_block(is_outer_scope) result = yield if result.respond_to?(:acts_as_string?) && result.acts_as_string? @buffer << result.to_s elsif result.is_a?(String) || (result.is_a?(React::Element) && @buffer.empty?) @buffer << result end raise_render_error(result) if is_outer_scope && @buffer != [result] end # heurestically raise a meaningful error based on the situation def raise_render_error(result) improper_render 'A different element was returned than was generated within the DSL.', 'Possibly improper use of Element#delete.' if @buffer.count == 1 improper_render "Instead #{@buffer.count} elements were generated.", 'Do you want to wrap your elements in a div?' if @buffer.count > 1 improper_render "Instead the component #{result} was returned.", "Did you mean #{result}()?" if result.try :reactrb_component? improper_render "Instead the #{result.class} #{result} was returned.", 'You may need to convert this to a string.' end def improper_render(message, solution) raise "a component's render method must generate and return exactly 1 element or a string.\n"\ " #{message} #{solution}" end end end end class Object [:span, :td, :th, :while_loading].each do |tag| define_method(tag) do |*args, &block| args.unshift(tag) return send(*args, &block) if is_a? React::Component React::RenderingContext.render(*args) { to_s } end end def para(*args, &block) args.unshift(:p) return send(*args, &block) if is_a? React::Component React::RenderingContext.render(*args) { to_s } end def br return send(:br) if is_a? React::Component React::RenderingContext.render(:span) do React::RenderingContext.render(to_s) React::RenderingContext.render(:br) end end end