en: lita: handlers: github: status: good: "GitHub is reporting that all systems are green!" minor: "GitHub is reporting minor issues (status:yellow)! Last message:\n%{created_on} :: %{body}" major: "GitHub is reporting major issues (status:red)! Last message:\n%{created_on} :: %{body}" token_generate: no_secret: "'totp_secret' has not been provided in the config, unable to generate TOTP" totp: "%{token}" github_repo: method_disabled: "Sorry, this function has either been disabled or not enabled in the config" repo_create: pass: "Created %{org}/%{repo}: %{repo_url}" fail: "Unable to create %{org}/%{repo}" exists: "Unable to create %{org}/%{repo} as it already exists" repo_delete: pass: "Deleted %{org}/%{repo}" fail: "Unable to delete %{org}/%{repo}" not_found: "That repo (%{org}/%{repo}) does not exist" repo_info: reply: "%{repo} (private:%{private}) :: %{url}\nDesc: %{description}\nIssues: %{issues_count} PRs: %{pr_count}" github_pr: method_disabled: "Sorry, this function has either been disabled or not enabled in the config" exception: "An unexpected exception was hit during the GitHub API operation. Please make sure all arguments are proper and try again, or try checking the GitHub status (gh status)" not_found: "Pull request #%{pr} on %{org}/%{repo} not found" pr_info: header: "%{repo} #%{number}: %{title} :: %{url}\n" status: "Opened By: %{user} | State: %{state_str} | Build: %{build_status}" merged: " | Merged By: %{merged_by}\n" mergeable: " | Mergeable: %{mergeable}\n" commit_info: "Head: %{pr_sha_short} | Commits: %{commits} (+%{plus}/-%{minus}) :: %{compare}\n" comments: "PR Comments: %{comments} | Code Comments: %{review_comments}\n" pr_merge: pass: "Merged pull request #%{pr} from %{org}/%{branch}\n%{title}" fail: "Failed trying to merge PR #%{pr} (%{title}) :: %{url}\nMessage: %{msg}" pr_list: large_list: "You have more than %{max} open pull requests :(! Here are the ten newest oldest:\n" no_prs: "This repo has no open pull requests; good job!"