# TODO I should really do a Types collector class which does all this! # module Indexes mattr_accessor :configuration, :types, :type_mapping # Takes a snapshot of the originating table. # def self.take_snapshot *args configuration.take_snapshot *args end # Runs the indexers in parallel (index + cache). # def self.index randomly = true Indexes.take_snapshot # Run in parallel. # # TODO Make option to also use non-random. # rake index:random (default) # rake index:ordered # timed_exclaim "INDEXING USING #{Cores.max_processors} PROCESSORS, IN #{randomly ? 'RANDOM' : 'GIVEN'} ORDER." Cores.forked self.fields, { randomly: randomly } do |field, cores| field.index field.cache end timed_exclaim "INDEXING FINISHED." end def self.index_solr configuration.index_solr end # Returns an array of fields. # # TODO Rewrite. # def self.fields result = [] configuration.types.each do |type| type.fields.inject(result) do |total, field| total << field end end result end # # # TODO Rewrite. # def self.find type_name, field_name type_name = type_name.to_sym field_name = field_name.to_sym configuration.types.each do |type| next unless type.name == type_name type.fields.each do |field| next unless field.name == field_name return field end end end # Backup / Restore. # def self.backup_caches each_category do |category| category.exact.backup category.partial.backup end end def self.restore_caches each_category do |category| category.exact.restore category.partial.restore end end # Use these if you need to index / cache a single index. # def self.generate_index_only type_name, field_name Indexes.configuration.types.each do |type| next unless type_name == type.name type.fields.each do |field| field.index if field_name == field.name end end end def self.generate_cache_only type_name, category_name Indexes.each do |type| next unless type_name == type.name type.categories.each do |category| category.generate_caches if category_name == category.name end end end # Runs the index cache generation. # # TODO Needed? # def self.generate_caches each &:generate_caches end # Loads all indexes from the caches. # # TODO Rename load_indexes. # def self.load_from_cache each &:load_from_cache end def self.reload load_from_cache end # Checks if the caches are there. # def self.check_caches each do |type| type.categories.each do |category| category.exact.raise_unless_cache_exists category.partial.raise_unless_cache_exists end end end # Removes the cache files. # def self.clear_caches each_bundle do |exact, partial| exact.delete partial.delete end end # Creates the directory structure for the indexes. # # TODO Should be on type? # def self.create_directory_structure each_bundle do |exact, partial| exact.create_directory partial.create_directory end end # # def self.clear self.types = [] # TODO self.types = Types.new end def self.each &block types.each &block end def self.each_category &block each do |type| type.categories.each &block end end def self.each_bundle each_category do |category| yield category.exact, category.partial end end def self.add type self.type_mapping ||= {} self.types ||= [] self.type_mapping[type.name] = type self.types << type end def self.[] type_name self.type_mapping[type_name] end end