This list represents the complete set of commands supported by mtex2MML. The most obvious gap in this library is the inability to define new commands (via `\mathop`, `\def`, `\mathchoice`, etc.). Everything else in standard TeX math should be fine, though. ## Symbols ``` latex _ ( ) [ ] / \ \, \; \: \! \! \{ \} \& \# \% \> \| \| \$ ``` ## A ``` latex \above \abovewithdelims \acute \aleph \alpha \Alpha \amalg \And \angle \approx \approxeq \arccos \arcsin \arctan \arg \Arrowvert \arrowvert \ast \asymp \atop \atopwithdelims ``` ## B ``` latex \backepsilon \backprime \backsim \backsimeq \backslash \bar \barwedge \Bbb \bbox \bcancel \because \beta \Beta \beth \between \bf \bgcolor \big \Big \bigcap \bigcirc \bigcup \Bigg \bigg \Biggl \biggl \Biggm \biggm \Biggr \biggr \biginterleave \Bigl \bigl \Bigm \bigm \bigodot \bigoplus \bigotimes \bigr \Bigr \bigsqcap \bigsqcup \bigstar \bigtriangledown \bigtriangleup \biguplus \bigvee \bigwedge \binom \blacklozenge \blacksquare \blacktriangle \blacktriangledown \blacktriangleleft \blacktriangleright \bmod \boldsymbol \bot \bottom \bowtie \Box \boxdot \boxed \boxminus \boxplus \boxtimes \brace \bracevert \brack \breve \buildrel \bullet \Bumpeq \bumpeq ``` ## C ``` latex \cal \cancel \cancelto \canceledto \Cap \cap \cdot \cdotp \cdots \centerdot \cfrac \check \checkmark \chi \choose \circ \circeq \circlearrowleft \circlearrowright \circledast \circledcirc \circleddash \circledR \circledS \clap \closure \clubsuit \colon \Colonapprox \colonapprox \Coloneq \coloneq \Coloneqq \coloneqq \Colonsim \colonsim \color \colorbox \complement \cong \conint \contourintegral \coprod \coproduct \cos \cosh \cot \coth \cr \csc \Cup \cup \curlyeqprec \curlyeqsucc \curlyvee \curlywedge \curvearrowbotright \curvearrowleft \curvearrowright ``` ## D ``` latex \dagger \daleth \darr \dashleftarrow \dashrightarrow \dashv \dbinom \dblcolon \ddagger \ddddot \dddot \ddot \ddots \deg \Del \Delta \delta \det \dfrac \diagdown \diagup \Diamond \diamond \diamondsuit \digamma \dim \displaystyle \div \divideontimes \dot \Doteq \doteq \doteqdot \dotplus \dots \dotsb \dotsc \dotsi \dotsm \dotso \doublebarwedge \doublecap \doublecup \doubleintegral \Downarrow \downarrow \downdownarrows \downharpoonleft \downharpoonright \downuparrow \duparr ``` ## E ``` latex \ell \embedsin \emptyset \enclose \enspace \epsilon \eqcirc \eqalign \eqalignno \eqcolon \Eqcolon \eqqcolon \Eqqcolon \eqsim \eqslantgtr \eqslantless \equiv \eta \Eta \eth \exists \exp ``` ## F ``` latex \fallingdotseq \fbox \Finv \flat \forall \frac \frak \frown ``` ## G ``` latex \Game \Gamma \gamma \gcd \ge \geq \geqq \geqslant \genfrac \gets \gg \ggg \gggtr \gimel \gnapprox \gneq \gneqq \gnsim \grave \gt \gtrapprox \gtrdot \gtreqless \gtreqqless \gtrless \gtrsim \gvertneqq ``` ## H ``` latex \hat \hbar \hbox \hdashline \heartsuit \hline \hom \hookleftarrow \hookrightarrow \hphantom \hskip \hslash \hspace \Huge \huge ``` ## I ``` latex \idotsint \iff \iiiint \iiint \iint \Im \imath \implies \impliedby \in \inf \infinity \infty \injlim \int \integral \intercal \intersection \Intersection \intop \invamp \iota \Iota \it ``` ## J ``` latex \jmath \Join ``` ## K ``` latex \Kappa \kappa \ker \kern ``` ## L ``` latex \Lambda \lambda \land \lang \langle \LARGE \Large \large \LaTeX \lbrace \lbrack \lceil \lcorner \ldotp \ldots \le \leadsto \Leftarrow \leftarrow \leftarrowtail \leftharpoondown \leftharpoonup \leftleftarrows \Leftrightarrow \leftrightarrow \leftrightarrows \leftrightharpoons \leftrightsquigarrow \leftrightsquigarrow \leftroot \leftsquigarrow \leftthreetimes \lefttorightarrow \leq \leqq \leqslant \lessapprox \lessdot \lesseqgtr \lesseqqgtr \lessgtr \lesssim \lfloor \lg \lgroup \lhd \lim \liminf \limits \limsup \ll \llangle \llap \llcorner \Lleftarrow \lll \llless \lmoustache \ln \lnapprox \lneq \lneqq \lnot \lnsim \log \lor \Longleftarrow \longleftarrow \Longleftrightarrow \longleftrightarrow \longmapsto \longrightarrow \Longrightarrow \looparrowleft \looparrowright \lrcorner \lower \lozenge \Lsh \lt \ltimes \lVert \lvert \lvertneqq ``` ## M ``` latex \maltese \map \mapsto \mathbb \mathbf \mathbin \mathcal \mathclap \mathclose \mathfr \mathfrak \mathit \mathinner \mathllap \mathop \mathopen \mathord \mathpunct \mathraisebox \mathrel \mathring \mathrlap \mathrm \mathscr \mathsf \mathstrut \mathtt \max \mbox \measuredangle \medspace \mho \mid \min \minusb \mkern \mod \models \moveleft \moveright \mp \mskip \mspace \mtexnum \mu \Mu \multimap \multiscripts ``` ## N ``` latex \nabla \natural \ncong \ne \neArr \nearr \neArrow \nearrow \neg \negmedspace \negthickspace \negthinspace \neq \nequiv \nexists \ngeq \ngeqq \ngeqslant \ngtr \ni \nLeftarrow \nleftarrow \nLeftrightarrow \nleftrightarrow \nleq \nleqq \nleqslant \nless \nmid \nobreakspace \nolimits \nonumber \normalsize \not \notag \notin \notni \nparallel \nprec \npreceq \nRightarrow \nrightarrow \nshortmid \nshortparallel \nsim \nsubset \nsubseteq \nsubseteqq \nsucc \nsucceq \nsupset \nsupseteq \nsupseteqq \ntriangleleft \ntrianglelefteq \ntriangleright \ntrianglerighteq \Nu \nu \nvDash \nvdash \nVDash \nVdash \nwArr \nwarr \nwArrow \nwarrow ``` ## O ``` latex \odash \odot \oint \oldstyle \Omega \omega \omicron \ominus \operatorname \oplus \Oplus \oslash \otimes \Otimes \over \overbrace \overbracket \overleftarrow \overleftrightarrow \overline \overrightarrow \overset \overwithdelims \owns ``` ## P ``` latex \parallel \parr \partial \Perp \perp \phantom \Phi \phi \Pi \pi \pitchfork \plusb \pm \pmb \pmod \pod \Pr \prec \precapprox \preccurlyeq \preceq \precnapprox \precneqq \precnsim \precsim \prime \prod \product \projlim \propto \Psi \psi ``` ## Q ``` latex \qed \qquad \quad \quadrupleintegral ``` ## R ``` latex \raise \rang \rangle \rbrace \rbrack \rceil \Re \restriction \rfloor \rgroup \rhd \Rho \rho \Rightarrow \rightarrow \rightarrowtail \rightharpoondown \rightharpoonup \rightleftarrows \rightleftharpoons \rightrightarrows \rightsquigarrow \rightthreetimes \righttoleftarrow \risingdotseq \rlap \rm \rmoustache \root \Rrightarrow \rrangle \Rsh \rtimes \rVert \rvert ``` ## S ``` latex \S \scr \scriptscriptsize \scriptscriptstyle \scriptsize \scriptstyle \searr \seArr \searrow \seArrow \sec \setminus \sf \sharp \shortmid \shortparallel \sideset \Sigma \sigma \sim \simeq \sin \sinh \slash \skew \small \smallfrown \smallint \smallsetminus \smallsmile \smash \smile \Space \space \spadesuit \sphericalangle \sqcap \sqcup \sqrt \sqsubset \sqsubseteq \sqsupset \sqsupseteq \square \sslash \stackrel \star \strut \subset \Subset \subseteq \subseteqq \subsetneq \subsetneqq \substack \succ \succapprox \succcurlyeq \succeq \succnapprox \succneqq \succnsim \succsim \sum \sup \supset \Supset \supseteq \supseteqq \supsetneq \supsetneqq \surd \swarr \swArr \swarrow \swArrow ``` ## T ``` latex \tan \tanh \tau \Tau \tbinom \tensor \TeX \text \textbf \textit \textgreater \textless \textrm \textsf \textsize \textstyle \texttt \tfrac \therefore \Theta \theta \thickapprox \thicksim \thickspace \thinspace \tilde \times \timesb \Tiny \tiny \to \top \triangle \triangledown \triangleleft \trianglelefteq \triangleq \triangleright \trianglerighteq \tripleintegral \tt \twoheadleftarrow \twoheadrightarrow ``` ## U ``` latex \udots \ulcorner \underbrace \underbracket \underleftarrow \underleftrightarrow \underline \underoverset (such as `\underoverset{subscript}{superscript}{symbol}`) \underrightarrow \underset \Union \union \unlhd \unrhd \uparr \Uparrow \uparrow \updarr \Updownarrow \updownarrow \upharpoonleft \upharpoonright \uplus \uproot \Upsi \Upsilon \upsilon \upuparrows \urcorner ``` ## V ``` latex \varDelta \varepsilon \varGamma \varinjlim \varkappa \varLambda \varliminf \varlimsup \varnothing \varOmega \varphi \varPhi \varpi \varPi \varprojlim \varpropto \varPsi \varrho \varsigma \varSigma \varsubsetneq \varsubsetneqq \varsupsetneq \varsupsetneqq \vartheta \varTheta \vartriangle \vartriangleleft \vartriangleright \varUpsilon \varXi \Vbar \vcenter \vDash \vdash \VDash \Vdash \vdots \vec \vee \Vee \veebar \verb \Vert \vert \vphantom \Vvdash ``` ## W ``` latex \wedge \Wedge \widebar \widecheck \widehat \widetilde \widevec \wp \wr ``` ## X ``` latex \xcancel \xhookleftarrow \xhookrightarrow \Xi \xi \xleftarrow \xLeftarrow \xleftrightarrow \xLeftrightarrow \xleftrightharpoons \xlongequal \xmapsto \xrightarrow \xRightarrow \xrightleftharpoons \xtofrom \xtwoheadleftarrow \xtwoheadrightarrow ``` ## Y ``` latex \yen ``` ## Z ``` latex \zeta \Zeta ``` ## Environments ``` latex \begin{env}...\end{env} ``` where `env` is one of ``` latex align align* alignat alignat* aligned alignedat array Bmatrix bmatrix cases eqnarray eqnarray* equation equation* gather gather* gathered matrix multline multline* pmatrix smallmatrix split subarray svg Vmatrix vmatrix ``` ### The `array` Environment As in standard LaTeX, the `array` environment takes one optional argument, indicating the alignment of the whole array with the respect to the equation axis, and one mandatory argument, indicating the alignment of the columns. Thus ``` latex \begin{array}[t]{clrc} 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 \\ 5 & 6 & 7 & 8 \\ 9 & 10& 11& 12 \end{array} ``` produces an array with four columns. The first and last column are centered; the second and third are, respectively, left- and right-aligned. The top line of the array is aligned with the equation axis. As in AMSLaTeX ``` latex \begin{matrix} ... \end{matrix} ``` is precisely equivalent to ``` \begin{array}{cc...c} ... \end{array} ``` except that you don't have to explicitly state the number of columns. ### Column separators While defining columns, you can use `|` to indicate an unbroken vertical line, and `:` to indicate a dashed line. For example: ``` latex \begin{array}[b]{c:c|c} Bad & Good & Ugly \end{array} ``` This creates a dashed column between `Bad & Good` and an unbroken line between `Good & Bad`. Placing either a `:` or `|` as the first or last character creates a frame around the array. For example: ``` latex \begin{array}[b]{|c:c|c} Bad & Good & Ugly \end{array} ``` This creates an unbroken frame around the array. It's also equivalent to ``` latex \begin{array}[b]{c:c|c|} Bad & Good & Ugly \end{array} ``` ### The `svg` Environment Using the `svg` environment: ``` latex \begin{svg} ... \end{svg} ``` allows you to embed snippets of SVG in mtex equations. To assist in [Instiki]('s LaTeX export feature, you can also include a `graphicx` command: ``` latex \begin{svg} ... \end{svg} \includegraphics[width=...]{foo} ``` where `foo.pdf` is a file containing a PDF version of the graphic. In mtex, the `\includegraphics` command is defined as a NOOP, and the SVG is embedded in the MathML output. In Instiki's LaTeX export, the opposite is true: the `svg` environment is a NOOP, and the `\includegraphics` command is included in the output. ## WebTeX-style Arrays and Array Options The [WebTeX notation for arrays]( is also supported. The `\array{}` command allows much finer control over the layout of arrays than is available in the standard (AMS)LaTeX-style environments above.