module MnoEnterprise class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base protect_from_forgery include ApplicationHelper prepend_before_filter :skip_devise_trackable_on_xhr before_filter :set_default_meta before_filter :store_location before_filter :perform_return_to # I18n if MnoEnterprise.i18n_enabled include MnoEnterprise::Concerns::Controllers::I18n end # Angular CSRF if MnoEnterprise.include_angular_csrf include MnoEnterprise::Concerns::Controllers::AngularCSRF end #============================================ # CanCan Authorization Rescue #============================================ # Rescue the CanCan permission denied error rescue_from CanCan::AccessDenied do |_exception| respond_to do |format| format.html { redirect_to main_app.root_path, alert: 'Unauthorized Action' } format.json { render nothing: true, status: :forbidden } end end def current_ability end def set_default_meta @meta = {} @meta[:title] = "Application" @meta[:description] = "Enterprise Applications" end #============================================ # Devise #============================================ protected # Do not updated devise last access timestamps on ajax call so that # timeout feature works properly # Only GET request get ignored - POST/PUT/DELETE requests reflect a # user action and should therefore be taken into account def skip_devise_trackable_on_xhr if request.format == 'application/json' && request.get? request.env["devise.skip_trackable"] = true end end # Return the user to the 'return_to' url if one was specified # previously. Only if user is signed in def perform_return_to return true unless current_user && (url = return_to_url(current_user)) redirect_to url end # Devise will always redirect to the last non devise route # (alias not starting with /auth) # --- # WARNING: if one day you change the below please also check that # the new behaviour fits with ConfirmationsController (yes...I's not clean) def store_location capture_return_to_redirection || capture_previous_url end def capture_previous_url if request.format == 'text/html' && request.fullpath =~ /\/(myspace|deletion_requests|org_invites|provision)/ session[:previous_url] = request.original_url end end # Handle return_to parameter in URL if present def capture_return_to_redirection return false unless request.format == 'text/html' && params[:return_to].present? # Capture return url session[:return_to] = params[:return_to] end # Return the URL that the user should be immediately returned to def return_to_url(resource) return nil unless (url = session.delete(:return_to)).present? # Add Web Token to URL separator = (url =~ /\?/ ? '&' : '?') url + "#{separator}wtk=#{MnoEnterprise.jwt({user_id: resource.uid})}" end # Redirect to previous url and reset it def after_sign_in_path_for(resource) previous_url = session.delete(:previous_url) url = MnoEnterprise.router.dashboard_path || main_app.root_url return (return_to_url(resource) || previous_url || url) end # Some controllers needs to redirect to 'MySpace' which breaks if you dont use mnoe-frontend # Rather than relying on the MainApp to define dashboard_path we check it here # The MainApp can redefine this two methods to fit its structure # Some of these are extracted to individuals methods like after_provision_path. def mnoe_home_path MnoEnterprise.router.dashboard_path || main_app.root_path end def mnoe_home_url MnoEnterprise.router.dashboard_path || main_app.root_url end # Overwriting the sign_out redirect path method def after_sign_out_path_for(resource_or_scope) MnoEnterprise.router.after_sign_out_url || super end private # Append params to the fragment part of an existing url String # add_param("/#/platform/accounts", 'foo', 'bar') # => "/#/platform/accounts?foo=bar" # add_param("/#/platform/dashboard/he/43?en=690", 'foo', 'bar') # => "/#/platform/dashboard/he/43?en=690&foo=bar" def add_param_to_fragment(url, param_name, param_value) uri = URI(url) fragment = URI(uri.fragment || "") params = URI.decode_www_form(fragment.query || "") << [param_name, param_value] fragment.query = URI.encode_www_form(params) uri.fragment = fragment.to_s uri.to_s end end end