/** * jQuery Easy Confirm Dialog plugin 1.2 * * Copyright (c) 2010 Emil Janitzek (http://projectshadowlight.org) * Based on Confirm 1.3 by Nadia Alramli (http://nadiana.com/) * * Samples and instructions at: * http://projectshadowlight.org/jquery-easy-confirm-dialog/ * * This script is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. */ (function($) { $.easyconfirm = {}; $.easyconfirm.locales = {}; $.easyconfirm.locales.enUS = { title: 'Are you sure?', text: 'Are you sure that you want to perform this action?', button: ['Cancel', 'Confirm'], closeText: 'close' }; $.easyconfirm.locales.svSE = { title: 'Är du säker?', text: 'Är du säker på att du vill genomföra denna åtgärden?', button: ['Avbryt', 'Bekräfta'], closeText: 'stäng' }; $.fn.easyconfirm = function(options) { var _attr = $.fn.attr; $.fn.attr = function(attr, value) { // Let the original attr() do its work. var returned = _attr.apply(this, arguments); // Fix for jQuery 1.6+ if (attr == 'title' && returned === undefined) returned = ''; return returned; }; var options = jQuery.extend({ eventType: 'click', icon: 'help' }, options); var locale = jQuery.extend({}, $.easyconfirm.locales.enUS, options.locale); // Shortcut to eventType. var type = options.eventType; return this.each(function() { var target = this; var $target = jQuery(target); // If no events present then and if there is a valid url, then trigger url change var urlClick = function() { if (target.href) { var length = String(target.href).length; if (target.href.substring(length - 1, length) != '#') document.location = target.href; } }; // If any handlers where bind before triggering, lets save them and add them later var saveHandlers = function() { var events = jQuery.data(target, 'events'); if (events) { target._handlers = new Array(); for (var i in events[type]) { target._handlers.push(events[type][i]); } $target.unbind(type); } }; // Re-bind old events var rebindHandlers = function() { if (target._handlers !== undefined) { jQuery.each(target._handlers, function() { $target.bind(type, this); }); } }; if ($target.attr('title') !== null && $target.attr('title').length > 0) locale.text = $target.attr('title'); var dialog = (options.dialog === undefined || typeof(options.dialog) != 'object') ? $('