module ExpressTemplates module Markup class Tag include ExpressTemplates::Macro attr_accessor :children INDENT = ' ' # These come from Macro but must remain overridden here for performance reasons. # To verify, comment these two methods and # run rake test and observe the performance hit. Why? def self.macro_name @macro_name ||= to_s.split('::').last.underscore end def macro_name ; self.class.macro_name end def html_options do |name, value| case when name.to_sym.eql?(:data) && value.kind_of?(Hash) {|k,v| %Q(data-#{k}=\\"#{v}\\") }.join(" ") when code = value.to_s.match(/^\{\{(.*)\}\}$/).try(:[], 1) %Q(#{name}=\\"\#{#{code}}\\") else %Q(#{name}=\\"#{value}\\") end end.join(" ") end def start_tag "<#{macro_name}#{html_options.empty? ? '' : ' '+html_options}>" end def close_tag "" end def add_css_class(css_class) @options['class'] ||= '' css_class = css_class.to_s.gsub('_', '-').gsub(/^-/,'') if css_class.to_s.match /^_.*_/ @options['class'] = (@options['class'].split + [css_class]).uniq.join(" ") end def method_missing(name, *args, &children) add_css_class(name) _process(*args) unless args.empty? if children # in the case where CSS classes are specified via method unless @expander.nil? @expander.process_children! self, &children else raise "block passed without expander" end end return self end def should_not_abbreviate? false end def compile ruby_fragments = do |child| if child.respond_to?(:compile) child.compile else if code = child.to_s.match(/\{\{(.*)\}\}/).try(:[], 1) %Q("\#\{#{code}\}") else %Q("#{child}") end end end unless ruby_fragments.empty? _wrap_with_tags(ruby_fragments) else if should_not_abbreviate? _wrap_with_tags(ruby_fragments) else %Q("#{start_tag.gsub(/>$/, ' />')}") end end end def to_template(depth = 0) template_fragments = do |child| if child.respond_to?(:to_template) child.to_template(depth+1) else child end end indent = INDENT*(depth+1) macro_name + _blockify(template_fragments.join("\n#{indent}"), depth) end private def _wrap_with_tags(ruby_fragments) ruby_fragments.unshift %Q("#{start_tag}") ruby_fragments.push %Q("#{close_tag}") ruby_fragments.reject {|frag| frag.empty? }.join("+") end def _indent(code) code.split("\n").map {|line| INDENT + line }.join("\n") end def _blockify(code, depth) indent = INDENT*depth code.empty? ? code : " {\n#{_indent(code)}\n}\n" end end end end