// ========================================================================== // Project: SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework // Copyright: ©2006-2009 Sprout Systems, Inc. and contributors. // Portions ©2008-2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. // License: Licensed under MIT license (see license.js) // ========================================================================== /*global ActiveXObject */ /** A response represents a single response from a server request. An instance of this class is returned whenever you call SC.Request.send(). TODO: Add more info @extend SC.Object @since SproutCore 1.0 */ SC.Response = SC.Object.extend( /** @scope SC.Response.prototype */ { /** Becomes true if there was a failure. Makes this into an error object. @property {Boolean} */ isError: NO, /** Always the current response @property {SC.Response} */ errorValue: function() { return this; }.property().cacheable(), /** The error object generated when this becomes an error @property {SC.Error} */ errorObject: null, /** Request used to generate this response. This is a copy of the original request object as you may have modified the original request object since then. To retrieve the original request object use originalRequest. @property {SC.Request} */ request: null, /** The request object that originated this request series. Mostly this is useful if you are looking for a reference to the original request. To inspect actual properties you should use request instead. @property {SC.Request} */ originalRequest: function() { var ret = this.get('request'); while (ret.get('source')) ret = ret.get('source'); return ret ; }.property('request').cacheable(), /** Type of request. Must be an HTTP method. Based on the request @property {String} */ type: function() { return this.getPath('request.type'); }.property('request').cacheable(), /** URL of request. @property {String} */ address: function() { return this.getPath('request.address'); }.property('request').cacheable(), /** If set then will attempt to automatically parse response as JSON regardless of headers. @property {Boolean} */ isJSON: function() { return this.getPath('request.isJSON') || NO; }.property('request').cacheable(), /** If set, then will attempt to automatically parse response as XML regarldess of headers. @property {Boolean} */ isXML: function() { return this.getPath('request.isXML') || NO ; }.property('request').cacheable(), /** Returns the hash of listeners set on the request. @property {Hash} */ listeners: function() { return this.getPath('request.listeners'); }.property('request').cacheable(), /** The response status code. @property {Number} */ status: -100, // READY /** Headers from the response. Computed on-demand @property {Hash} */ headers: null, /** Response body. If isJSON was set, will be parsed automatically. @response {Hash|String|SC.Error} the response body or the parsed JSON. Returns a SC.Error instance if there is a JSON parsing error. */ body: function() { // TODO: support XML var ret = this.get('encodedBody'); if (ret && this.get('isJSON')) { try { ret = SC.json.decode(ret); } catch(e) { return SC.Error.create({ message: e.name + ': ' + e.message, label: 'Response', errorValue: this }); } } return ret; }.property('encodedBody').cacheable(), /** @private @deprecated Alias for body. Provides compatibility with older code. @property {Hash|String} */ response: function() { return this.get('body'); }.property('body').cacheable(), /** Set to YES if response is cancelled */ isCancelled: NO, /** Set to YES if the request timed out. Set to NO if the request has completed before the timeout value. Set to null if the timeout timer is still ticking. */ timedOut: null, /** The timer tracking the timeout */ timeoutTimer: null, // .......................................................... // METHODS // /** Called by the request manager when its time to actually run. This will invoke any callbacks on the source request then invoke transport() to begin the actual request. */ fire: function() { var req = this.get('request'), source = req ? req.get('source') : null; // first give the source a chance to fixup the request and response // then freeze req so no more changes can happen. if (source && source.willSend) source.willSend(req, this); req.freeze(); // if the source did not cancel the request, then invoke the transport // to actually trigger the request. This might receive a response // immediately if it is synchronous. if (!this.get('isCancelled')) this.invokeTransport(); // If the request specified a timeout value, then set a timer for it now. var timeout = req.get('timeout'); if (timeout) { var timer = SC.Timer.schedule({ target: this, action: 'timeoutReached', interval: timeout, repeats: NO }); this.set('timeoutTimer', timer); } // if the transport did not cancel the request for some reason, let the // source know that the request was sent if (!this.get('isCancelled') && source && source.didSend) { source.didSend(req, this); } }, invokeTransport: function() { this.receive(function(proceed) { this.set('status', 200); }, this); }, /** Invoked by the transport when it receives a response. The passed-in callback will be invoked to actually process the response. If cancelled we will pass NO. You should clean up instead. Invokes callbacks on the source request also. @param {Function} callback the function to receive @param {Object} context context to execute the callback in @returns {SC.Response} receiver */ receive: function(callback, context) { // If we timed out, we should ignore this response. if (!this.get('timedOut')) { // If we had a timeout timer scheduled, invalidate it now. var timer = this.get('timeoutTimer'); if (timer) timer.invalidate(); this.set('timedOut', NO); var req = this.get('request'); var source = req ? req.get('source') : null; SC.run(function() { // invoke the source, giving a chance to fixup the reponse or (more // likely) cancel the request. if (source && source.willReceive) source.willReceive(req, this); // invoke the callback. note if the response was cancelled or not callback.call(context, !this.get('isCancelled')); // if we weren't cancelled, then give the source first crack at handling // the response. if the source doesn't want listeners to be notified, // it will cancel the response. if (!this.get('isCancelled') && source && source.didReceive) { source.didReceive(req, this); } // notify listeners if we weren't cancelled. if (!this.get('isCancelled')) this.notify(); }, this); } // no matter what, remove from inflight queue SC.Request.manager.transportDidClose(this) ; return this; }, /** Default method just closes the connection. It will also mark the request as cancelled, which will not call any listeners. */ cancel: function() { if (!this.get('isCancelled')) { this.set('isCancelled', YES) ; this.cancelTransport() ; SC.Request.manager.transportDidClose(this) ; } }, /** Default method just closes the connection. */ timeoutReached: function() { // If we already received a response yet the timer still fired for some // reason, do nothing. if (this.get('timedOut') === null) { this.set('timedOut', YES); this.cancelTransport(); SC.Request.manager.transportDidClose(this); // Set our value to an error. var error = SC.$error("HTTP Request timed out", "Request", 408) ; error.set("errorValue", this) ; this.set('isError', YES); this.set('errorObject', error); // Invoke the didTimeout callback. var req = this.get('request'); var source = req ? req.get('source') : null; if (!this.get('isCancelled') && source && source.didTimeout) { source.didTimeout(req, this); } } }, /** Override with concrete implementation to actually cancel the transport. */ cancelTransport: function() {}, /** @private Will notify each listener. */ _notifyListener: function(listeners, status) { var info = listeners[status], params, target, action; if (!info) return NO ; params = (info.params || []).copy(); params.unshift(this); target = info.target; action = info.action; if (SC.typeOf(action) === SC.T_STRING) action = target[action]; return action.apply(target, params); }, /** Notifies any saved target/action. Call whenever you cancel, or end. @returns {SC.Response} receiver */ notify: function() { var listeners = this.get('listeners'), status = this.get('status'), baseStat = Math.floor(status / 100) * 100, handled = NO ; if (!listeners) return this ; // nothing to do handled = this._notifyListener(listeners, status); if (!handled) handled = this._notifyListener(listeners, baseStat); if (!handled) handled = this._notifyListener(listeners, 0); return this ; }, /** String representation of the response object */ toString: function() { var ret = sc_super(); return "%@<%@ %@, status=%@".fmt(ret, this.get('type'), this.get('address'), this.get('status')); } }); /** Concrete implementation of SC.Response that implements support for using XHR requests. @extends SC.Response @since SproutCore 1.0 */ SC.XHRResponse = SC.Response.extend({ /** Implement transport-specific support for fetching all headers */ headers: function() { var xhr = this.get('rawRequest'), str = xhr ? xhr.getAllResponseHeaders() : null, ret = {}; if (!str) return ret; str.split("\n").forEach(function(header) { var idx = header.indexOf(':'), key, value; if (idx>=0) { key = header.slice(0,idx); value = header.slice(idx+1).trim(); ret[key] = value ; } }, this); return ret ; }.property('status').cacheable(), // returns a header value if found... header: function(key) { var xhr = this.get('rawRequest'); return xhr ? xhr.getResponseHeader(key) : null; }, /** Implement transport-specific support for fetching tasks */ encodedBody: function() { var xhr = this.get('rawRequest'), ret ; if (!xhr) ret = null; else if (this.get('isXML')) ret = xhr.responseXML; else ret = xhr.responseText; return ret ; }.property('status').cacheable(), cancelTransport: function() { var rawRequest = this.get('rawRequest'); if (rawRequest) rawRequest.abort(); this.set('rawRequest', null); }, invokeTransport: function() { var rawRequest, transport, handleReadyStateChange, async, headers; // Get an XHR object function tryThese() { for (var i=0; i < arguments.length; i++) { try { var item = arguments[i]() ; return item ; } catch (e) {} } return NO; } rawRequest = tryThese( function() { return new XMLHttpRequest(); }, function() { return new ActiveXObject('Msxml2.XMLHTTP'); }, function() { return new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP'); } ); // save it this.set('rawRequest', rawRequest); // configure async callback - differs per browser... async = !!this.getPath('request.isAsynchronous') ; if (async) { if (!SC.browser.msie && !SC.browser.opera ) { SC.Event.add(rawRequest, 'readystatechange', this, this.finishRequest, rawRequest) ; } else { transport=this; handleReadyStateChange = function() { if (!transport) return null ; var ret = transport.finishRequest(); if (ret) transport = null ; // cleanup memory return ret ; }; rawRequest.onreadystatechange = handleReadyStateChange; } } // initiate request. rawRequest.open(this.get('type'), this.get('address'), async ) ; // headers need to be set *after* the open call. headers = this.getPath('request.headers') ; for (var headerKey in headers) { rawRequest.setRequestHeader(headerKey, headers[headerKey]) ; } // now send the actual request body - for sync requests browser will // block here rawRequest.send(this.getPath('request.encodedBody')) ; if (!async) this.finishRequest() ; // not async return rawRequest ; }, /** @private Called by the XHR when it responds with some final results. @param {XMLHttpRequest} rawRequest the actual request @returns {SC.XHRRequestTransport} receiver */ finishRequest: function(evt) { var rawRequest = this.get('rawRequest'), readyState = rawRequest.readyState, error, status, msg; if (readyState === 4) { this.receive(function(proceed) { if (!proceed) return ; // skip receiving... // collect the status and decide if we're in an error state or not status = -1 ; try { status = rawRequest.status || 0; } catch (e) {} // if there was an error - setup error and save it if ((status < 200) || (status >= 300)) { try { msg = rawRequest.statusText || ''; } catch(e2) { msg = ''; } error = SC.$error(msg || "HTTP Request failed", "Request", status) ; error.set("errorValue", this) ; this.set('isError', YES); this.set('errorObject', error); } // set the status - this will trigger changes on relatedp properties this.set('status', status); }, this); // Avoid memory leaks if (!SC.browser.msie) { SC.Event.remove(rawRequest, 'readystatechange', this, this.finishRequest); } else { rawRequest.onreadystatechange = null; } return YES; } return NO; } });