554 DnF1ZXJ5VGhlbkZldG 31985 20200213220650.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 2:186--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00140004 [No caption: 17. Earthquake Effects; Brick Buildings] Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 206543 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/31985/files/I0028286A.jpg ark:/13030/tf4b69p0dw ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00140004.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 31989 20200213220650.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 2:122--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00139967 [No caption: 12. San Jose, General Earthquake Destruction] Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 179295 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/31989/files/I0028222A.jpg ark:/13030/tf6290095x ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00139967.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 31990 20200213220650.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 3:010--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00140053 [No caption: 21. Earthquake and Fire Effects to Class B Buildings] Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 191254 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/31990/files/I0028400A.jpg ark:/13030/tf5r29p11m ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00140053.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 31993 20200213220650.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 1:104--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00139766 [No caption: 2. General Views, Earthquake and Fire Ruins] Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 200133 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/31993/files/I0027872A.jpg ark:/13030/tf1779n8mt ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00139766.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 31996 20200213220650.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 1:214--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00139840 S. F. [San Francisco] - Clay St. looking east from Battery Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 248760 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/31996/files/I0027982A.jpg ark:/13030/tf2t1nb2gv ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00139840.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 31999 20200213220650.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 1:103--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00139765 [No caption: 2. General Views, Earthquake and Fire Ruins] Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 183274 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/31999/files/I0027871A.jpg ark:/13030/tf1199n9bv ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00139765.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32001 20200213220650.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 1:125--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00139787 [No caption: 2. General Views, Earthquake and Fire Ruins] Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 165241 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32001/files/I0027893A.jpg ark:/13030/tf5d5nb4kp ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00139787.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32002 20200213220650.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 1:056--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00139719 [No caption: 2. General Views, Earthquake and Fire Ruins] Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 171683 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32002/files/I0027824A.jpg ark:/13030/tf5b69p194 ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00139719.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32003 20200213220650.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 1:225--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00139851 Warehouse, Haywards [Hayward] Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 211466 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32003/files/I0027993A.jpg ark:/13030/tf8199p3bk ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00139851.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32005 20200213220650.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 1:107--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00139769 Up Market from Sansome Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 169641 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32005/files/I0027875A.jpg ark:/13030/tf200005ht ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00139769.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32006 20200213220650.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 1:090--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00139752 "Dupont St." China Town. "Hodson" Foto, Sac, Cal [Sacramento, California] Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 177045 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32006/files/I0027858A.jpg ark:/13030/tf6199p1g2 ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00139752.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32008 20200213220650.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 1:076--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00139739 [Looking up Kearny from Market] Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 182674 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32008/files/I0027844A.jpg ark:/13030/tf9489p3jn ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00139739.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32010 20200213220650.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 3:156--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00140150 [No caption: 24. Fire Effects to Structural Steel and Cast Iron Columns] Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 220749 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32010/files/I0028587A.jpg ark:/13030/tf9d5nb72m ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00140150.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32011 20200213220650.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 1:220--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00139846 Court House, San Leandro Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 202044 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32011/files/I0027988A.jpg ark:/13030/tf7r29p489 ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00139846.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32013 20200213220650.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 3:041--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00140080 [No caption: 22. Earthquake Destruction to Public Buildings in San Francisco] Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 172651 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32013/files/I0028431A.jpg ark:/13030/tf109nb1mw ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00140080.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32015 20200213220650.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 3:013--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00140056 [No caption: 21. Earthquake and Fire Effects to Class B Buildings] Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 152827 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32015/files/I0028403A.jpg ark:/13030/tf209nb2k5 ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00140056.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32019 20200213220650.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 1:012--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00139683 [No caption: 1. Fire Views] Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 164028 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32019/files/I0027780A.jpg ark:/13030/tf9g5011c5 ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00139683.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32022 20200213220650.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 1:021--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00139692 [No caption: 1. Fire Views] Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 180508 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32022/files/I0027789A.jpg ark:/13030/tf596nb538 ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00139692.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32024 20200213220650.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 1:007--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00139678 [No caption: 1. Fire Views] Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 178006 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32024/files/I0027775A.jpg ark:/13030/tf5r29p103 ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00139678.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32025 20200213220650.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 1:014--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00139685 "The Morning Call", April 18, 1906. Copyrighted by Smith Bros. Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 183082 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32025/files/I0027782A.jpg ark:/13030/tf4p3007w4 ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00139685.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32026 20200213220650.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 1:063--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00139726 [No caption: 2. General Views, Earthquake and Fire Ruins] Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 150231 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32026/files/I0027831A.jpg ark:/13030/tf5199p14k ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00139726.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32028 20200213220650.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 2:233--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00140043 [No caption: 19. Earthquake Effects: (1) Churches; (2) Stone Structures] Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 187055 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32028/files/I0028351A.jpg ark:/13030/tf696nb5rd ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00140043.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32029 20200213220650.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 3:043--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00140081 [No caption: 22. Earthquake Destruction to Public Buildings in San Francisco] Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 156528 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32029/files/I0028433A.jpg ark:/13030/tf8489p386 ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00140081.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32032 20200213220650.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 2:003--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00139871 [No caption: 6. Santa Rosa, General Earthquake and Fire Views] Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 179115 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32032/files/I0028048A.jpg ark:/13030/tf3f59n9hp ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00139871.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32038 20200213220650.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 1:081--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00139743 Copyright 1906 W.J. Street Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 160365 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32038/files/I0027849A.jpg ark:/13030/tf0489n854 ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00139743.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32051 20200213220650.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 2:198--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00140015 [No caption: 18. Earthquake Effects; School Buildings] Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 171769 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32051/files/I0028298A.jpg ark:/13030/tf2f59p06t ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00140015.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32053 20200213220650.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 2:168--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00139996 [No caption: 15. Earthquake Effects; Frame Buildings] Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 218706 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32053/files/I0028268A.jpg ark:/13030/tf3r29p0cp ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00139996.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32065 20200213220651.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 1:092--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00139754 [No caption: 2. General Views, Earthquake and Fire Ruins] Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 203890 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32065/files/I0027860A.jpg ark:/13030/tf2t1nb2fb ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00139754.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32068 20200213220651.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 1:165--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00139826 [No caption: 2. General Views, Earthquake and Fire Ruins] Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 169284 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32068/files/I0027933A.jpg ark:/13030/tf3h4nb40x ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00139826.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32072 20200213220651.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 2:018--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00139886 [No caption: 6. Santa Rosa, General Earthquake and Fire Views] Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 212213 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32072/files/I0028063A.jpg ark:/13030/tf187005zn ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00139886.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32075 20200213220651.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 2:058--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00139913 [No caption: 10. Palo Alto, Principally Stanford University] Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 191740 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32075/files/I0028158A.jpg ark:/13030/tf767nb6ph ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00139913.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32081 20200213220651.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 2:092--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00139941 10. Palo Alto, Principally Stanford University Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 185936 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32081/files/I0028192A.jpg ark:/13030/tf987010m0 ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00139941.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32083 20200213220651.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 2:210--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00140023 Wreck of the High School at San Jose Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 202491 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32083/files/I0028310A.jpg ark:/13030/tf3s2007tf ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00140023.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32085 20200213220651.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 3:088--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00140099 [No caption: 23. Earthquake and Fire Effects for First Class Structures, Mainly Class A Type] Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 191865 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32085/files/I0028519A.jpg ark:/13030/tf2489n9hd ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00140099.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32087 20200213220651.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 2:037--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00139902 [No caption: 8. Damage to San Francisco's Water Supply] Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 196268 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32087/files/I0028137A.jpg ark:/13030/tf809nb6s2 ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00139902.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32089 20200213220651.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 1:223--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00139849 Court House, San Leandro Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 211014 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32089/files/I0027991A.jpg ark:/13030/tf3b69p0k5 ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00139849.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32093 20200213220651.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 3:019--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00140060 W. P. Fuller Warehouse [southwest corner of Beale and Mission Sts.] Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 179056 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32093/files/I0028409A.jpg ark:/13030/tf7k400982 ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00140060.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32094 20200213220651.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 1:145--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00139807 [No caption: 2. General Views, Earthquake and Fire Ruins] Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 195139 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32094/files/I0027913A.jpg ark:/13030/tf0f59n82j ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00139807.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32102 20200213220651.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 1:216--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00139842 Clay St., San Francisco Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 241676 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32102/files/I0027984A.jpg ark:/13030/tf35800724 ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00139842.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32104 20200213220651.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 2:119--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00139965 [No caption: 12. San Jose, General Earthquake Destruction] Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 206623 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32104/files/I0028219A.jpg ark:/13030/tf6j49p31k ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00139965.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32105 20200213220651.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 2:131--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00139974 [No caption: 13. Spreckels Sugar Mill, Salinas Valley] Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 228809 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32105/files/I0028231A.jpg ark:/13030/tf4199p00q ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00139974.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32110 20200213220651.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 3:211--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00140188 Telephone building, interior view, seventh floor, Kinnear shutters Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 193680 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32110/files/I0028642A.jpg ark:/13030/tf5q2nb57z ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00140188.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32112 20200213220651.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 2:073--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00139924 [No caption: 10. Palo Alto, Principally Stanford University] Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 170500 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32112/files/I0028173A.jpg ark:/13030/tf909nb7g6 ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00139924.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32131 20200213220651.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 2:208--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00140021 18. Earthquake Effects; School Buildings Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 174768 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32131/files/I0028308A.jpg ark:/13030/tf2k4006p8 ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00140021.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32137 20200213220651.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 1:057--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00139720 Ruins of A.M. Towne's Residence. R.J. Waters & Co. [company] Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 178316 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32137/files/I0027825A.jpg ark:/13030/tf109nb1jv ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00139720.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32140 20200213220651.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 2:002--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00139870 [No caption: 6. Santa Rosa, General Earthquake and Fire Views] Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 208640 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32140/files/I0028047A.jpg ark:/13030/tf0v19n9bs ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00139870.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32144 20200213220651.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 4:066--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00140227 Stanford Gymnasium Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 161228 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32144/files/I0028739A.jpg ark:/13030/tf1p3005t6 ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00140227.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32147 20200213220651.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 2:196--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00140013 [No caption: 17. Earthquake Effects; Brick Buildings] Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 152391 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32147/files/I0028296A.jpg ark:/13030/tf829010b7 ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00140013.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32149 20200213220651.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 3:153--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00140147 Crocker Estate Building. March 25, 1907 Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 216350 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32149/files/I0028584A.jpg ark:/13030/tf7z09p39n ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00140147.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32150 20200213220651.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 1:030--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00139701 Copyright 1906 by A. Blumberg Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 203286 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32150/files/I0027798A.jpg ark:/13030/tf7j49p3pq ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00139701.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32152 20200213220651.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 3:015--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00140057 [No caption: 21. Earthquake and Fire Effects to Class B Buildings] Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 174249 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32152/files/I0028405A.jpg ark:/13030/tf8v19p3r1 ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00140057.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32153 20200213220651.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 3:206--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00140183 Telephone Company's store house Minna St. One Kinnear and several tin clad shutters Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 229778 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32153/files/I0028637A.jpg ark:/13030/tf0p30056k ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00140183.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32159 20200213220651.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 3:224--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00140193 [No caption: 26. Berkeley Land Slide, Spring of 1907] Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 184778 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32159/files/I0028655A.jpg ark:/13030/tf0z09n8bz ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00140193.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32160 20200213220651.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 1:131--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00139793 2. General Views, Earthquake and Fire Ruins Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 156218 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32160/files/I0027899A.jpg ark:/13030/tf7b69p302 ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00139793.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32166 20200213220651.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 1:121--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00139783 [No caption: 2. General Views, Earthquake and Fire Ruins] Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 187819 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32166/files/I0027889A.jpg ark:/13030/tf5g50094q ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00139783.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32195 20200213220652.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 1:055--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00139718 From Russian Hill Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 188663 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32195/files/I0027823A.jpg ark:/13030/tf5290079q ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00139718.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32199 20200213220652.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 2:096--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00139944 Showing chain blocks used for pulling down cables to move the gable Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 173396 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32199/files/I0028196A.jpg ark:/13030/tf987010nh ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00139944.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32200 20200213220652.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 2:023--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00139891 [No caption: 7. Golden Gate Park] Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 178509 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32200/files/I0028068A.jpg ark:/13030/tf7x0nb7h0 ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00139891.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32207 20200213220652.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 1:241--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00139858 Redwood tree on Fault Line near Fort Ross, Sonoma, Ca [California] Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 241397 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32207/files/I0028009A.jpg ark:/13030/tf8f59p432 ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00139858.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32208 20200213220652.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 2:207--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00140020 [No caption: 18. Earthquake Effects; School Buildings] Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 173793 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32208/files/I0028307A.jpg ark:/13030/tf8n39p3ws ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00140020.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32210 20200213220652.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 2:110--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00139956 Phelen [Phelan?] Building, First and Post, San Jose, California Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 207890 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32210/files/I0028210A.jpg ark:/13030/tf4n39p0vk ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00139956.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32214 20200213220652.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 2:015--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00139883 [No caption: 6. Santa Rosa, General Earthquake and Fire Views] Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 192918 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32214/files/I0028060A.jpg ark:/13030/tf5m3nb4wn ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00139883.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32227 20200213220652.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 4:069--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00140229 Fourth St., Santa Rosa Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 190571 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32227/files/I0028742A.jpg ark:/13030/tf9z09p4pf ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00140229.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32237 20200213220652.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 2:205--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00140018 [No caption: 18. Earthquake Effects; School Buildings] Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 204371 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32237/files/I0028305A.jpg ark:/13030/tf2q2nb330 ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00140018.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32239 20200213220652.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 3:066--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00140091 [No caption: 23. Earthquake and Fire Effects for First Class Structures, Mainly Class A Type] Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 203346 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32239/files/I0028497A.jpg ark:/13030/tf9t1nb8t3 ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00140091.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32240 20200213220652.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 2:123--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00139968 [No caption: 12. San Jose, General Earthquake Destruction] Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 176056 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32240/files/I0028223A.jpg ark:/13030/tf0d5nb1wb ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00139968.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32241 20200213220652.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 1:262--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00139865 [No caption: 5. Geological Views, 1906] Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 201081 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32241/files/I0028030A.jpg ark:/13030/tf596nb559 ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00139865.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32247 20200213220652.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 1:169--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00139830 Jones St. between Eddy and Ellis Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 190559 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32247/files/I0027937A.jpg ark:/13030/tf3g5007fs ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00139830.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32251 20200213220652.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 1:152--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00139813 [No caption: 2. General Views, Earthquake and Fire Ruins] Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 198318 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32251/files/I0027920A.jpg ark:/13030/tf4580072f ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00139813.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32253 20200213220652.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 1:153--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00139814 [No caption: 2. General Views, Earthquake and Fire Ruins] Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 170421 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32253/files/I0027921A.jpg ark:/13030/tf0p300552 ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00139814.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32267 20200213220652.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 4:052--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00140220 San Francisco Earthquake and Fire, 1906. Removing basement floors bulged by the earthquake Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 201496 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32267/files/I0028725A.jpg ark:/13030/tf258005xs ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00140220.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32269 20200213220652.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 3:121--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00140124 [No caption: 23. Earthquake and Fire Effects for First Class Structures, Mainly Class A Type] Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 172003 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32269/files/I0028552A.jpg ark:/13030/tf638nb52r ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00140124.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32274 20200213220652.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 2:103--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00139949 [No caption: 11. Agnews Insane Asylum] Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 178574 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32274/files/I0028203A.jpg ark:/13030/tf8f59p44k ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00139949.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32275 20200213220652.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 2:007--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00139875 [No caption: 6. Santa Rosa, General Earthquake and Fire Views] Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 188409 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32275/files/I0028052A.jpg ark:/13030/tf8k4010tr ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00139875.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32277 20200213220652.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 1:137--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00139799 2. General Views, Earthquake and Fire Ruins Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 167178 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32277/files/I0027905A.jpg ark:/13030/tf7n39p33k ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00139799.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32279 20200213220652.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 3:097--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00140105 Second floor showing suspended ceiling entirely destroyed, thus exposing hollow tile arch floors Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 181353 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32279/files/I0028528A.jpg ark:/13030/tf9s2011n8 ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00140105.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32280 20200213220652.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 1:022--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00139693 [No caption: 1. Fire Views] Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 198343 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32280/files/I0027790A.jpg ark:/13030/tf8k4010rq ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00139693.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32281 20200213220652.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 1:062--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00139725 Market and Sacramento Streets Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 184780 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32281/files/I0027830A.jpg ark:/13030/tf567nb4vh ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00139725.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32282 20200213220652.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 3:203--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00140180 Fair Building, vicinity of Front & Pacific. Corrugated iron doors Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 211207 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32282/files/I0028634A.jpg ark:/13030/tf6d5nb5nh ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00140180.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32284 20200213220652.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 1:066--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00139729 Looking up Kearney [Kearny] from Market Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 173434 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32284/files/I0027834A.jpg ark:/13030/tf8z09p47d ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00139729.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32285 20200213220653.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 3:171--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00140164 [No caption: 24. Fire Effects to Structural Steel and Cast Iron Columns] Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 184816 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32285/files/I0028602A.jpg ark:/13030/tf6x0nb6bm ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00140164.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32301 20200213220653.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 4:003--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00140202 Montgomery St. north from Market. Waters & Co. Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 196037 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32301/files/I0028676A.jpg ark:/13030/tf8k4010zt ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00140202.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32302 20200213220653.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 2:017--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00139885 [No caption: 6. Santa Rosa, General Earthquake and Fire Views] Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 193403 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32302/files/I0028062A.jpg ark:/13030/tf238nb25m ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00139885.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32318 20200213220653.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 1:150--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00139811 [No caption: 2. General Views, Earthquake and Fire Ruins] Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 221022 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32318/files/I0027918A.jpg ark:/13030/tf2m3nb27x ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00139811.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32319 20200213220653.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 2:100--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00139947 [Concrete block construction, Palo Alto. R. B. Moran] Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 174505 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32319/files/I0028200A.jpg ark:/13030/tf7t1nb6wj ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00139947.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32321 20200213220653.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 3:229--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00140195 East face of museum building, Academy of Sciences, San Francisco Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. 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Damage to San Francisco's Water Supply] Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 248255 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32323/files/I0028138A.jpg ark:/13030/tf0n39n86x ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00139903.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32327 20200213220653.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 1:072--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00139735 [No caption: 2. General Views, Earthquake and Fire Ruins] Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 188439 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32327/files/I0027840A.jpg ark:/13030/tf8j49p3kg ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00139735.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32330 20200213220653.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 3:230--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00140196 General view of museum building, Academy of Sciences, San Francisco Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 156862 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32330/files/I0028661A.jpg ark:/13030/tf6p3008j2 ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00140196.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32336 20200213220653.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 3:110--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00140113 [No caption: 23. Earthquake and Fire Effects for First Class Structures, Mainly Class A Type] Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 232874 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32336/files/I0028541A.jpg ark:/13030/tf138nb29c ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00140113.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32337 20200213220653.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 2:102--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00139948 [No caption: 11. Agnews Insane Asylum] Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 175087 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32337/files/I0028202A.jpg ark:/13030/tf5q2nb56f ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00139948.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32343 20200213220653.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 3:115--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00140118 [No caption: 23. Earthquake and Fire Effects for First Class Structures, Mainly Class A Type] Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 203702 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32343/files/I0028546A.jpg ark:/13030/tf496nb40x ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00140118.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32352 20200213220653.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 3:077--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00140094 Light Court Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. 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Earthquake Effects; Brick Buildings] Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 206627 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32356/files/I0028294A.jpg ark:/13030/tf496nb3zx ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00140011.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32357 20200213220653.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 3:080--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00140096 Main stairway - Inyo marble Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 197838 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32357/files/I0028511A.jpg ark:/13030/tf9d5nb713 ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00140096.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32359 20200213220653.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 2:219--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00140030 [No caption: 19. Earthquake Effects: (1) Churches; (2) Stone Structures] Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 258893 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32359/files/I0028333A.jpg ark:/13030/tf3w1007m0 ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00140030.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32365 20200213220653.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 3:217--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00140191 Rear of Volkmann Bldg., Jackson St. near Sansome. Two Kinnear doors and wire glass Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 226781 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32365/files/I0028648A.jpg ark:/13030/tf3c600771 ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00140191.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32368 20200213220654.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 1:079--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00139741 [No caption: 2. General Views, Earthquake and Fire Ruins] Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 208984 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32368/files/I0027847A.jpg ark:/13030/tf587007q7 ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00139741.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32372 20200213220654.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 3:152--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00140146 Reuf Bldg. Montgomery Ave. and Kearney [Kearny] St. Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 189732 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32372/files/I0028583A.jpg ark:/13030/tf3f59n9j6 ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00140146.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers 32384 20200213220654.0 BANC PIC 1958.021 Vol. 1:035--fALB calher_cubanc_25_42_00139706 Copyrighted 1906 by Stewart & Rogers Image Researchers may make free and open use of the UC Berkeley Library’s digitized public domain materials. However, some materials in our online collections may be protected by U.S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Use or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the copyright owners. The use or reproduction of some materials may also be restricted by terms of University of California gift or purchase agreements, privacy and publicity rights, or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/about/permissions-policies). The Bancroft Library http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm View collection guide 223464 http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/32384/files/I0027803A.jpg ark:/13030/tf296nb2gk ark:/13030/tf0q2nb1hm 25:42 cubanc_25_42_00139706.xml CalHer: Derleth Derleth (Charles) San Francisco Photographs of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire from the Charles Derleth Papers