## 5.3.0 (2022-02-20) * Add `:extension` argument to `Down.download` for overriding tempfile extension (@razum2um) * Normalize response header names for http.rb and wget backends (@zarqman) ## 5.2.4 (2021-09-12) * Keep original cookies between redirections (@antprt) ## 5.2.3 (2021-08-03) * Bump addressable version requirement to 2.8+ to remediate vulnerability (@aldodelgado) ## 5.2.2 (2021-05-27) * Add info about received content length in `Down::TooLarge` error (@evheny0) * Relax http.rb constraint to allow versions 5.x (@mgrunberg) ## 5.2.1 (2021-04-26) * Raise `Down::NotModified` on 304 response status in `Down::NetHttp#open` (@ellafeldmann) ## 5.2.0 (2020-09-20) * Add `:uri_normalizer` option to `Down::NetHttp` (@janko) * Add `:http_basic_authentication` option to `Down::NetHttp#open` (@janko) * Fix uninitialized instance variables warnings in `Down::ChunkedIO` (@janko) * Handle unknown HTTP error codes in `Down::NetHttp` (@darndt) ## 5.1.1 (2020-02-04) * Fix keyword arguments warnings on Ruby 2.7 in `Down.download` and `Down.open` (@janko) ## 5.1.0 (2020-01-09) * Fix keyword arguments warnings on Ruby 2.7 (@janko) * Fix `FrozenError` exception in `Down::ChunkedIO#readpartial` (@janko) * Deprecate passing headers as top-level options in `Down::NetHttp` (@janko) ## 5.0.1 (2019-12-20) * In `Down::NetHttp` only use Addressable normalization if `URI.parse` fails (@coding-chimp) ## 5.0.0 (2019-09-26) * Change `ChunkedIO#each_chunk` to return chunks in original encoding (@janko) * Always return binary strings in `ChunkedIO#readpartial` (@janko) * Handle frozen chunks in `Down::ChunkedIO` (@janko) * Change `ChunkedIO#gets` to return lines in specified encoding (@janko) * Halve memory allocation for `ChunkedIO#gets` (@janko) * Halve memory allocation for `ChunkedIO#read` without arguments (@janko) * Drop support for `HTTP::Client` argument in `Down::HTTP.new` (@janko) * Repurpose `Down::NotFound` to be raised on `404 Not Found` response (@janko) ## 4.8.1 (2019-05-01) * Make `ChunkedIO#read`/`#readpartial` with length always return strings in binary encoding (@janko) * In `ChunkedIO#gets` respect the limit argument when separator is nil (@edlebert) ## 4.8.0 (2018-12-19) * Prefer UTF-8 filenames in `Content-Disposition` header for `Tempfile#original_filename` (@janko) * Make the internal Tempfile of `Down::ChunkedIO` inaccessible to outside programs (@janko) ## 4.7.0 (2018-11-18) * Allow request headers to be passed via `:headers` to `Down::NetHttp#download` and `#open` (@janko) ## 4.6.1 (2018-10-24) * Release HTTP.rb version constraint to allow HTTP.rb 4.x (@janko) ## 4.6.0 (2018-09-29) * Ensure URLs are properly encoded in `NetHttp#download` and `#open` using Addressable (@linyaoli) * Raise `ResponseError` with clear message when redirect URI was invalid in Down::NetHttp (@janko) ## 4.5.0 (2018-05-11) * Deprecate passing an `HTTP::Client` object to `Down::Http#initialize` (@janko) * Add ability to pass a block to `Down::Http#initialize` for extending default options (@janko) * Return empty string when length is zero in `ChunkedIO#read` and `ChunkedIO#readpartial` (@janko) * Make `posix-spawn` optional (@janko) ## 4.4.0 (2018-04-12) * Add `:method` option to `Down::Http` for specifying the request method (@janko) * Set default timeout of 30 for each operation to all backends (@janko) ## 4.3.0 (2018-03-11) * Accept CLI arguments as a list of symbols in `Down::Wget#download` (@janko) * Avoid potential URL parsing errors in `Down::Http::DownloadedFile#filename_from_url` (@janko) * Make memory usage of `Down::Wget#download` constant (@janko) * Add `:destination` option to `Down.download` for specifying download destination (@janko) ## 4.2.1 (2018-01-29) * Reduce memory allocation in `Down::ChunkedIO` by 10x when buffer string is used (@janko) * Reduce memory allocation in `Down::Http.download` by 10x. ## 4.2.0 (2017-12-22) * Handle `:max_redirects` in `Down::NetHttp#open` and follow up to 2 redirects by default (@janko) ## 4.1.1 (2017-10-15) * Raise all system call exceptions as `Down::ConnectionError` in `Down::NetHttp` (@janko) * Raise `Errno::ETIMEDOUT` as `Down::TimeoutError` in `Down::NetHttp` (@janko) * Raise `Addressable::URI::InvalidURIError` as `Down::InvalidUrl` in `Down::Http` (@janko) ## 4.1.0 (2017-08-29) * Fix `FiberError` occurring on `Down::NetHttp.open` when response is chunked and gzipped (@janko) * Use a default `User-Agent` in `Down::NetHttp.open` (@janko) * Fix raw read timeout error sometimes being raised instead of `Down::TimeoutError` in `Down.open` (@janko) * `Down::ChunkedIO` can now be parsed by the CSV Ruby standard library (@janko) * Implement `Down::ChunkedIO#gets` (@janko) * Implement `Down::ChunkedIO#pos` (@janko) ## 4.0.1 (2017-07-08) * Load and assign the `NetHttp` backend immediately on `require "down"` (@janko) * Remove undocumented `Down::ChunkedIO#backend=` that was added in 4.0.0 to avoid confusion (@janko) ## 4.0.0 (2017-06-24) * Don't apply `Down.download` and `Down.open` overrides when loading a backend (@janko) * Remove `Down::Http.client` attribute accessor (@janko) * Make `Down::NetHttp`, `Down::Http`, and `Down::Wget` classes instead of modules (@janko) * Remove `Down.copy_to_tempfile` (@janko) * Add Wget backend (@janko) * Add `:content_length_proc` and `:progress_proc` to the HTTP.rb backend (@janko) * Halve string allocations in `Down::ChunkedIO#readpartial` when buffer string is not used (@janko) ## 3.2.0 (2017-06-21) * Add `Down::ChunkedIO#readpartial` for more memory efficient reading (@janko) * Fix `Down::ChunkedIO` not returning second part of the last chunk if it was previously partially read (@janko) * Strip internal variables from `Down::ChunkedIO#inspect` and show only the important ones (@janko) * Add `Down::ChunkedIO#closed?` (@janko) * Add `Down::ChunkedIO#rewindable?` (@janko) * In `Down::ChunkedIO` only create the Tempfile if it's going to be used (@janko) ## 3.1.0 (2017-06-16) * Split `Down::NotFound` into explanatory exceptions (@janko) * Add `:read_timeout` and `:open_timeout` options to `Down::NetHttp.open` (@janko) * Return an `Integer` in `data[:status]` on a result of `Down.open` when using the HTTP.rb strategy (@janko) ## 3.0.0 (2017-05-24) * Make `Down.open` pass encoding from content type charset to `Down::ChunkedIO` (@janko) * Add `:encoding` option to `Down::ChunkedIO.new` for specifying the encoding of returned content (@janko) * Add HTTP.rb backend as an alternative to Net::HTTP (@janko) * Stop testing on MRI 2.1 (@janko) * Forward cookies from the `Set-Cookie` response header when redirecting (@janko) * Add `frozen-string-literal: true` comments for less string allocations on Ruby 2.3+ (@janko) * Modify `#content_type` to return nil instead of `application/octet-stream` when `Content-Type` is blank in `Down.download` (@janko) * `Down::ChunkedIO#read`, `#each_chunk`, `#eof?`, `rewind` now raise an `IOError` when `Down::ChunkedIO` has been closed (@janko) * `Down::ChunkedIO` now caches only the content that has been read (@janko) * Add `Down::ChunkedIO#size=` to allow assigning size after the `Down::ChunkedIO` has been instantiated (@janko) * Make `:size` an optional argument in `Down::ChunkedIO` (@janko) * Call enumerator's `ensure` block when `Down::ChunkedIO#close` is called (@janko) * Add `:rewindable` option to `Down::ChunkedIO` and `Down.open` for disabling caching read content into a file (@janko) * Drop support for MRI 2.0 (@janko) * Drop support for MRI 1.9.3 (@janko) * Remove deprecated `:progress` option (@janko) * Remove deprecated `:timeout` option (@janko) * Reraise only a subset of exceptions as `Down::NotFound` in `Down.download` (@janko) * Support streaming of "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" responses in `Down.open` again (@janko) * Remove deprecated `Down.stream` (@janko) ## 2.5.1 (2017-05-13) * Remove URL from the error messages (@janko) ## 2.5.0 (2017-05-03) * Support both Strings and `URI` objects in `Down.download` and `Down.open` (@olleolleolle) * Work around a `CGI.unescape` bug in Ruby 2.4. * Apply HTTP Basic authentication contained in URLs in `Down.open`. * Raise `Down::NotFound` on 4xx and 5xx responses in `Down.open`. * Write `:status` and `:headers` information to `Down::ChunkedIO#data` in `Down.open`. * Add `#data` attribute to `Down::ChunkedIO` for saving custom result data. * Don't save retrieved chunks into the file in `Down::ChunkedIO#each_chunk`. * Add `:proxy` option to `Down.download` and `Down.open`. ## 2.4.3 (2017-04-06) * Show the input URL in the `Down::Error` message. ## 2.4.2 (2017-03-28) * Don't raise `StopIteration` in `Down::ChunkedIO` when `:chunks` is an empty Enumerator. ## 2.4.1 (2017-03-23) * Correctly detect empty filename from `Content-Disposition` header, and in this case continue extracting filename from URL. ## 2.4.0 (2017-03-19) * Allow `Down.open` to accept request headers as options with String keys, just like `Down.download` does. * Decode URI-decoded filenames from the `Content-Disposition` header * Parse filenames without quotes from the `Content-Disposition` header ## 2.3.8 (2016-11-07) * Work around `Transfer-Encoding: chunked` responses by downloading whole response body. ## 2.3.7 (2016-11-06) * In `Down.open` send requests using the URI *path* instead of the full URI. ## 2.3.6 (2016-07-26) * Read #original_filename from the "Content-Disposition" header. * Extract `Down::ChunkedIO` into a file, so that it can be required separately. * In `Down.stream` close the IO after reading from it. ## 2.3.5 (2016-07-18) * Prevent reading the whole response body when the IO returned by `Down.open` is closed. ## 2.3.4 (2016-07-14) * Require `net/http` ## 2.3.3 (2016-06-23) * Improve `Down::ChunkedIO` (and thus `Down.open`): - `#each_chunk` and `#read` now automatically call `:on_close` when all chunks were downloaded - `#eof?` had incorrect behaviour, where it would return true if everything was downloaded, instead only when it's also at the end of the file - `#close` can now be called multiple times, as the `:on_close` will always be called only once - end of download is now detected immediately when the last chunk was downloaded (as opposed to after trying to read the next one) ## 2.3.2 (2016-06-22) * Add `Down.open` for IO-like streaming, and deprecate `Down.stream` (janko-m) * Allow URLs with basic authentication (`http://user:password@example.com`) (janko-m) ## ~~2.3.1 (2016-06-22)~~ (yanked) ## ~~2.3.0 (2016-06-22)~~ (yanked) ## 2.2.1 (2016-06-06) * Make Down work on Windows (martinsefcik) * Close an internal file descriptor that was left open (martinsefcik) ## 2.2.0 (2016-05-19) * Add ability to follow redirects, and allow maximum of 2 redirects by default (janko-m) * Fix a potential Windows issue when extracting `#original_filename` (janko-m) * Fix `#original_filename` being incomplete if filename contains a slash (janko-m) ## 2.1.0 (2016-04-12) * Make `:progress_proc` and `:content_length_proc` work with `:max_size` (janko-m) * Deprecate `:progress` in favor of open-uri's `:progress_proc` (janko-m) * Deprecate `:timeout` in favor of open-uri's `:open_timeout` and `:read_timeout` (janko-m) * Add `Down.stream` for streaming remote files in chunks (janko-m) * Replace deprecated `URI.encode` with `CGI.unescape` in downloaded file's `#original_filename` (janko-m) ## 2.0.1 (2016-03-06) * Add error message when file was to large, and use a simple error message for other generic download failures (janko-m) ## 2.0.0 (2016-02-03) * Fix an issue where valid URLs were transformed into invalid URLs (janko-m) - All input URLs now have to be properly encoded, which should already be the case in most situations. * Include the error class when download fails (janko-m) ## 1.1.0 (2016-01-26) * Forward all additional options to open-uri (janko-m) ## 1.0.5 (2015-12-18) * Move the open-uri file to the new location instead of copying it (janko-m) ## 1.0.4 (2015-11-19) * Delete the old open-uri file after using it (janko-m) ## 1.0.3 (2015-11-16) * Fix `#download` and `#copy_to_tempfile` not preserving the file extension (janko-m) * Fix `#copy_to_tempfile` not working when given a nested basename (janko-m) ## 1.0.2 (2015-10-24) * Fix Down not working with Ruby 1.9.3 (janko-m) ## 1.0.1 (2015-10-01) * Don't allow redirects when downloading files (janko-m)