# Changelog ## 2.4.2 * Support for `package_whitelist` in configuration. * Fix help output from command-line tool ## 2.4.1 * Fix problem where missing licenses from gemspecs overrode hand-authored manifest values. ## 2.4.0 * Support `papers --update` to bring manifest up to date with current libraries installed. ## 2.3.0 * Add `config.ignore_npm_dev_dependencies` option to not apply validation to npm devDepdency modules. This is useful if you don't need to consider packages that aren't use in production. ## 2.2.0 * Fix empty npm package name bug. The name of an npm package would be blank when its version was, e.g., a git url with no digits anywhere. * Include package type (Gem, npm package, etc.) in error messages. ## 2.1.0 * Add ISC license to default whitelist ## 2.0.1 * Correct validation of js.erb and coffee.erb files. ## 2.0.0 * Make the `version_whitelisted_license` option to apply to Bower components. This is a breaking change since current manifests with whitelisted licenses need to be updated to remove the version from their name in the manifest. ## 1.4.0 * Add `config.whitelist_javascript_paths`, a list of paths to exclude from JavaScript/CoffeeScript license validation. This is useful if you have subdirectories that include build dependencies that won't get shipped to your production environment. For example: ```ruby config.whitelist_javascript_paths << File.join('public', 'javascripts', 'node_modules') ``` ### 1.3.2 * Add support for CoffeeScript files in your manifest (simply add them to the javascripts list) * Fix an issue with `papers --generate` erroring out ### 1.3.1 * The previous gem binary was accidentally built without the NPM dependency management that was supposed to be included in 1.3.0. Sorry. ## 1.3.0 * Papers now validates NPM packages. This is useful if, for example, you have a Rails application that includes a JavaScript app (Ember.js, Angular.js, etc.) ## 1.2.0 * Add a configuration option, `version_whitelisted_license`. When used, it will cause gems with a specific license to _ignore versions_. This means that, for internally written gems, you don't have to specify a version and repeatedly update the license manifest as the gem updates. ## 1.1.0 * Add support for validating the licenses of Bower components (thanks to [@Aughr](https://github.com/aughr)) ## 1.0.0 (Initial Release) * Initial release of Papers. Support for validating the licenses of: * Ruby Gems * Javascript libraries and files