require 'memoist' require 'active_model' Rack::Attack class Rack::Attack class << self extend Memoist def prefixed_keys^rack::attack:/) end # AKA unprefixed_keys def keys { |key| unprefix_key(key) } end def unprefix_key(key) key.sub "#{cache.prefix}:", '' end def to_h keys.each_with_object({}) do |k, h| h[k] = end end def counters_h (keys - Fail2Ban.banned_ip_keys).each_with_object({}) do |unprefixed_key, h| h[unprefixed_key] = end end def ip_from_key(key) key.match(/\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}/)&.to_s end def humanize_h(h) h.transform_keys do |key| humanize_key(key) end end # Reverse Cache#key_and_expiry: # … "#{prefix}:#{(@last_epoch_time / period).to_i}:#{unprefixed_key}" … def _parse_key(unprefixed_key) unprefixed_key.match( /\A (?\d+) # 1 or more digits # In the case of 'fail2ban:count:local_name', want name to onlybe 'local_name' (?::(?:fail|allow)2ban:count)?:(?.+) :(?[^:]+) \Z/x ) end class ParsedKey end # Reverse Cache#key_and_expiry: # … "#{prefix}:#{(@last_epoch_time / period).to_i}:#{unprefixed_key}" … # @return [Hash] # :time_bucket [Number]: The raw time bucket ( / period), like 5180595 # :name [String]: The name of the rule, as passed to `throttle`, `def_fail2ban`, etc. # :discriminator [String]: A discriminator such as a specific IP address. # :time_range [Range]: # (If we have enough information to calculate) A Range, like Time('12:35')..Time('12:40'). # This Range has an extra duration method that returns a ActiveSupport::Duration representing # the duration of the period. def parse_key(unprefixed_key) match = _parse_key(unprefixed_key) return unless match match.named_captures.with_indifferent_access.tap do |hash| hash[:rule] = rule = find_rule(hash[:name]) if ( hash[:time_bucket] and rule and rule.respond_to?(:period) ) hash[:time_range] = rule.time_range(hash[:time_bucket]) end end end def time_bucket_from_key(unprefixed_key) _parse_key(unprefixed_key)&.[](:time_bucket) end def name_from_key(unprefixed_key) _parse_key(unprefixed_key)&.[](:name) end def discriminator_from_key(unprefixed_key) _parse_key(unprefixed_key)&.[](:discriminator) end def time_range(unprefixed_key) parse_key(unprefixed_key)&.[](:time_range) end def find_rule(name) throttles[name] || blocklists[name] || fail2bans[name] end # Transform # rack::attack:5179628:req/ip: # into something like # throttle('req/ip'): # so you can see which period it was for and what the limit for that period was. # Would have to look up the rules stored in Rack::Attack. def humanize_key(key) key = unprefix_key(key) match = parse_key(key) return key unless match name = match[:name] rule = find_rule(name) rule_type = rule.type if rule "#{rule_type}('#{name}'):#{match[:discriminator]}" end # Unlike the provided #tracked?, this returns a boolean which is only true if one of the tracks # matches. (The provided tracked? just returns the array of `tracks`.) def is_tracked?(request) tracks.any? do |_name, track| track.matched_by?(request) end end end # class << self module PeriodIntrospection # time_bucket is epoch_time / period def time_range(time_bucket) time_bucket = time_bucket.to_i start_time = * period) end_time = + period) duration = - start_time) (start_time .. end_time).tap do |time_range| # @return [ActiveSupport::Duration] time_range.define_singleton_method :duration do duration end end end end module InspectWithOptions def options {} end # throttle('req/ip', limit: 300, period: 1.minute) def inspect_with_options "#{type}('#{name}', #{options.inspect})" end end class Throttle include PeriodIntrospection include InspectWithOptions def options { period: period, limit: limit, } end end class << self def fail2bans; @fail2bans ||= {}; end def def_fail2ban(name, options) self.fail2bans[name] = name, options.merge(type: :fail2ban)) end def def_allow2ban(name, options) self.fail2bans[name] =, options.merge(type: :allow2ban)) end def fail2ban(name, discriminator, klass: Fail2Ban, &block) instance = fail2bans[name] or raise "could not find a fail2ban rule named '#{name}'; make sure you define with def_fail2ban/def_allow2ban first" klass.filter( "#{name}:#{discriminator}", findtime: instance.period, maxretry: instance.limit, bantime: instance.bantime, &block ) end def allow2ban(name, discriminator, &block) fail2ban(name, discriminator, klass: Allow2Ban, &block) end end # Make it instantiable like Throttle so we can introspect it module InstantiableFail2Ban MANDATORY_OPTIONS = [:limit, :period, :type].freeze attr_reader :name, :limit, :period, :bantime, :type def initialize(name, options) @name = name MANDATORY_OPTIONS.each do |opt| raise"Must pass #{opt.inspect} option") unless options[opt] end @limit = options[:limit] @period = options[:period].respond_to?(:call) ? options[:period] : options[:period].to_i @bantime = options[:bantime] or raise ArgumentError, "Must pass bantime option" @type = options[:type] end include PeriodIntrospection include InspectWithOptions def options { period: period, limit: limit, } end end class Fail2Ban include InstantiableFail2Ban class << self def prefixed_keys^#{cache.prefix}:(allow|fail)2ban:/) end # AKA unprefixed_keys # Removes the Rack::Attack.cache.prefix, but not 'allow2ban' def keys { |key| Rack::Attack.unprefix_key(key) } end def to_h keys.each_with_object({}) do |k, h| h[k] = end end def banned_ip_keys keys.grep(/(allow|fail)2ban:ban:/) end def full_key_prefix "#{cache.prefix}:#{key_prefix}" end end end class BannedIp include ActiveModel::Model include ActiveModel::Validations #include ActiveModel::Attributes attr_accessor :ip attr_accessor :bantime #attribute :bantime, :number validates :ip, :bantime, presence: true end class BannedIps class << self def prefixed_keys^#{full_key_prefix}:/) end # Removes only the Rack::Attack.cache.prefix def keys { |key| Rack::Attack.unprefix_key(key) } end def ips { |key| ip_from_key(key) } end def ban!(ip, bantime) cache.write("#{key_prefix}:#{ip}", 1, bantime) end def banned?(ip)"#{key_prefix}:#{ip}") ? true : false end def ip_from_key(key) key = Rack::Attack.unprefix_key(key) key.sub "#{key_prefix}:", '' end def full_key_prefix "#{cache.prefix}:#{key_prefix}" end protected def key_prefix 'banned_ips' end private def cache Rack::Attack.cache end end end class Request extend Memoist memoize \ def headers env. select { |k,v| k.start_with? 'HTTP_'}. transform_keys { |k| k.sub(/^HTTP_/, '').split('_').map(&:capitalize).join('-') }. sort.to_h. tap do |headers| headers.define_singleton_method :[] do |k| super(k.split(/[-_]/).map(&:capitalize).join('-')) end end end end end