en: abak: flow: commands: checkup: fail: You are not prepared! success: Congratulations, you are ready to ROCK :) compare: words: updating: "Updating %{branch} → %{upstream}" diverging: "Branches may diverging\nAdvice: switch to branch '%{branch}' and retry operation" configure: fail: Something goes wrong! success: Configuration generated and saved ↓ words: email: Email password: Password locale: Locale http_proxy: HTTP proxy sms_otp: SMS OTP configuring: Configuring errors: execution_failed: Github api request failed empty_response: Github service respond with empty response body done: words: deleting: Deleting %{branch} in %{upstream} done: √ errors: branch: delete_now_allowed: You can't delete %{branch} missed_on: Branch %{branch} doesn`t exists on %{upstream} publish: fail: Goddamned, not again! words: updating: Updating %{branch} → %{upstream} publicating: Creating pull request %{branch} → %{upstream} errors: publication: failed: Some errors occurs while request publicating configuration: name: Configuration fields: login: Login password: Password errors: login: blank: Can't be blank password: blank: Can't be blank repository: name: Repository fields: origin: Origin upstream: Upstream errors: origin: not_set: Git remote 'origin' not set upstream: not_set: Git remote 'upstream' not set pullrequest: name: Pull Request fields: title: Title message body: Body message head: Head branch base: Base branch exception: Exception errors: head: invalid: Branch name is invalid base: invalid: Branch name is invalid exception: message: "%{backtrace}"