require "json" require "tty-prompt" require "colorize" require "io/console/size" require_relative "licenses" module License::CLI HEIGHT, WIDTH = IO.console_size LICENSE_FIELDS = {} { ["yyyy", "year"] => [ "Year of the license",, ], ["fullname", "name of author", "name of copyright owner"] => [ "Name of copyright owner", ENV["USER"], ], ["one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does."] => [ "The program's name and a brief", nil, ], [ "program", ] => [ "The name of the program", Dir.pwd.split(/\/\\/).last, ], }.each do |key, value| key.each do |k| LICENSE_FIELDS[k] = value end end module_function def interactive prompt = license_name ="Select Your license:", LICENSES[:licenses]) license_key = LICENSES[:licenses].find { |l| l[:name] == license_name } license_sub_data = LICENSES[:license_info][license_key[:key]] license_data = license_sub_data[:data] puts "#{license_sub_data[:name]} is...".light_white puts " Description:".light_black puts wrap(license_data[:description], WIDTH - 4) .split("\n") .map { |line| " " + line } .join("\n") puts " URL:".light_black puts " " + license_data[:url] puts "This license's...".light_white if license_data[:permissions].any? puts " Permissions:".green puts " - " + license_data[:permissions].join("\n - ") end if license_data[:conditions].any? puts " Conditions:".red puts " - " + license_data[:conditions].join("\n - ") end if license_data[:limitations].any? puts " Limitations:".yellow puts " - " + license_data[:limitations].join("\n - ") end puts accepted = prompt.yes?("Use this license?") exit 1 unless accepted license_file = prompt.ask("Where do you want to save this license?", default: "LICENSE") license_text = license_data[:body] fields = {} base_fields = license_text.scan(/[<\[](?!https?:\/\/).+?[>\]]/).uniq if base_fields.any? puts "There are some fields that you should fill in:".light_white base_fields.each do |raw_field| field = raw_field[1..-2] field_data = LICENSE_FIELDS[field] field_data ||= [field, ""] fields[raw_field] = prompt.ask( field_data[0] + "?", default: field_data[1], ) end fields.each do |field, value| license_text.gsub!(field, value.to_s) end end File.write(license_file, license_text) puts "License saved to #{license_file}".green end def wrap(text, width) res = [] line = +"" text.split(/\s/).each do |word| tmp_line = line + word + " " if tmp_line.length > width res << line line = +(word + " ") else line = +tmp_line end end res << line!(&:strip).join("\n") end end