require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'test_helper') module Boson class OptionParserTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def create(opts) @opt = end def parse(*args) @non_opts = [] @opt.parse(args.flatten) end context "IndifferentAccessHash" do before(:each) { @hash = 'foo' => 'bar', 'baz' => 'bee' } it "can access values indifferently" do @hash['foo'].should == 'bar' @hash[:foo].should == 'bar' @hash.values_at(:foo, :baz).should == ['bar', 'bee'] end it "can be initialized with either strings or symbols and be equal" do hash2 = :foo=>'bar', :baz=>'bee' @hash.should == hash2 end it "returns keys as symbols by default" do @hash.should == {:foo=>'bar', :baz=>'bee'} end it "can set values indifferently" do @hash['foo'] = 'duh' @hash[:foo].should == 'duh' @hash[:baz] = 'wasp' @hash['baz'].should == 'wasp' end end context "naming" do it "automatically aliases long options with their first letter" do create "--foo" => true parse("-f")["foo"].should == true end it "automatically aliases two options with same first letters by aliasing alphabetical first with lowercase and second with uppercase" do create :verbose=>:boolean, :vertical=>:string, :verz=>:boolean parse('-v', '-V','2').should == {:verbose=>true, :vertical=>'2'} end it "doesn't auto-alias options that have multiple names given" do create ["--foo", "--bar"] => :boolean parse("-f")["foo"].should == nil end it "allows aliases to be symbols or strings" do create [:foo, :bar, 'baz'] =>:string parse("--foo", "12")[:foo].should == "12" parse("--bar", "12")[:foo].should == "12" parse("--baz", "12")[:foo].should == "12" end it "allows multiple aliases for a given opt" do create ["--foo", "--bar", "--baz"] => :string parse("--foo", "12")["foo"].should == "12" parse("--bar", "12")["foo"].should == "12" parse("--baz", "12")["foo"].should == "12" end it "allows custom short names" do create "-f" => :string parse("-f", "12").should == {:f => "12"} end it "allows capital short names" do create :A => :boolean parse("-A")[:A].should == true end it "allows capital short aliases" do create [:awesome, :A] => :string parse("--awesome", "bar")[:awesome].should == 'bar' parse("-A", "bar")[:awesome].should == 'bar' end it "allows custom short aliases" do create ["--bar", "-f"] => :string parse("-f", "12").should == {:bar => "12"} end it "allows humanized opt name" do create 'foo' => :string, :bar => :required parse("-f", "1", "-b", "2").should == {:foo => "1", :bar => "2"} end it "allows humanized symbol opt name" do create :foo=>:string parse('-f','1').should == {:foo=>'1'} end it "doesn't allow alias to override another option" do create :foo=>:string, [:bar, :foo]=>:boolean parse("--foo", "boo")[:foo].should == 'boo' end it "doesn't recognize long opt format for a opt that is originally short" do create 'f' => :string parse("-f", "1").should == {:f => "1"} parse("--f", "1").should == {} end it "accepts --[no-]opt variant for booleans, setting false for value" do create "--foo" => :boolean parse("--no-foo")["foo"].should == false parse("--foo")["foo"].should == true end it "will prefer 'no-opt' variant over inverting 'opt' if explicitly set" do create "--no-foo" => true parse("--no-foo")["no-foo"].should == true end end context "option values can be set with" do it "a opt= assignment" do create "--foo" => :required parse("--foo=12")["foo"].should == "12" parse("-f=12")["foo"].should == "12" parse("--foo=bar=baz")["foo"].should == "bar=baz" parse("--foo=sentence with spaces")["foo"].should == "sentence with spaces" end it "a -nXY assignment" do create "--num" => :required parse("-n12")["num"].should == "12" end it "conjoined short options" do create "--foo" => true, "--bar" => true, "--app" => true opts = parse "-fba" opts["foo"].should == true opts["bar"].should == true opts["app"].should == true end it "conjoined short options with argument" do create "--foo" => true, "--bar" => true, "--app" => :required opts = parse "-fba", "12" opts["foo"].should == true opts["bar"].should == true opts["app"].should == "12" end end context "parse" do it "extracts non-option arguments" do create "--foo" => :required, "--bar" => true parse("foo", "bar", "--baz", "--foo", "12", "--bar", "-T", "bang").should == { :foo => "12", :bar => true } @opt.leading_non_opts.should == ["foo", "bar", "--baz"] @opt.trailing_non_opts.should == ["-T", "bang"] @opt.non_opts.should == ["foo", "bar", "--baz", "-T", "bang"] end context "with parse flag" do it ":delete_invalid_opts deletes and warns of invalid options" do create(:foo=>:boolean) capture_stderr { @opt.parse(%w{-f -d ok}, :delete_invalid_opts=>true) }.should =~ /Deleted invalid option '-d'/ @opt.non_opts.should == ['ok'] end it ":opts_before_args only allows options before args" do create(:foo=>:boolean) @opt.parse(%w{ok -f}, :opts_before_args=>true).should == {} @opt.parse(%w{-f ok}, :opts_before_args=>true).should == {:foo=>true} end end context "with no arguments" do it "and no options returns an empty hash" do create({}) parse.should == {} end it "and several options returns an empty hash" do create "--foo" => :boolean, "--bar" => :string parse.should == {} end end end context "option hashes" do it "make hash keys available as symbols as well" do create "--foo" => :string parse("--foo", "12")[:foo].should == "12" end it "don't set nonexistant options" do create "--foo" => :boolean parse("--foo")["bar"].should == nil opts = parse opts["foo"].should == nil end end it ":required type raises an error if it isn't given" do create "--foo" => :required, "--bar" => :string assert_error(OptionParser::Error, 'no value.*required.*foo') { parse("--bar", "str") } end context ":string type" do before :each do create "--foo" => :string, "--bar" => :string end it "doesn't set nonexistant options" do parse("--bling")[:bar].should == nil end it "sets values correctly" do parse("--foo", "12")[:foo].should == "12" parse("--bar", "12")[:bar].should == "12" end it "raises error if passed another valid option" do assert_error(OptionParser::Error, "cannot pass.*'foo'") { parse("--foo", "--bar") } end it "raises error if not passed a value" do assert_error(OptionParser::Error, "no value.*'foo'") { parse("--foo") } end it "overwrites earlier values with later values" do parse("--foo", "12", "--foo", "13")[:foo].should == "13" end end context ":string type with :values attribute" do before(:all ) { create :foo=>{:type=>:string, :values=>%w{angola abu abib}} } it "auto aliases if a match exists" do parse("-f", "an")[:foo].should == 'angola' end it "auto aliases first sorted match" do parse("-f", "a")[:foo].should == 'abib' end it "raises error if option doesn't auto alias or match given values" do assert_error(OptionParser::Error, "invalid.*'z'") { parse("-f", "z") } end it "doesn't raise error for a nonmatch if enum is false" do create :foo=>{:type=>:string, :values=>%w{angola abu abib}, :enum=>false} parse("-f", "z")[:foo].should == 'z' end end context ":string type with default value" do before(:each) do create "--branch" => "master" end it "should get the specified value" do parse("--branch", "bugfix").should == { :branch => "bugfix" } end it "should get the default value when not specified" do parse.should == { :branch => "master" } end end context ":numeric type" do before(:each) do create "n" => :numeric, "m" => 5 end it "supports numeric defaults" do parse["m"].should == 5 end it "converts values to numeric types" do parse("-n", "3", "-m", ".5").should == {:n => 3, :m => 0.5} end it "raises error when value isn't numeric" do assert_error(OptionParser::Error, "expected numeric value for.*'n'") { parse("-n", "foo") } end it "raises error when opt is present without value" do assert_error(OptionParser::Error, "no value.*'n'") { parse("-n") } end end context ":array type" do before(:all) { create :a=>:array, :b=>[1,2,3], :c=>{:type=>:array, :values=>%w{foo fa bar zebra}}, :d=>{:type=>:array, :split=>" "} } it "supports array defaults" do parse[:b].should == [1,2,3] end it "converts comma delimited values to an array" do parse("-a","1,2,5")[:a].should == %w{1 2 5} end it "raises error when option has no value" do assert_error(OptionParser::Error, "no value.*'a'") { parse("-a") } end it "auto aliases :values attribute" do parse("-c","f,b")[:c].should == %w{fa bar} end it "allows a configurable splitter" do parse("-d", "yogi berra")[:d].should == %w{yogi berra} end end context "option with attributes" do it "can get type from :type" do create :foo=>{:type=>:numeric} parse("-f", '3')[:foo] == 3 end it "can get type and default from :default" do create :foo=>{:default=>[]} parse("-f", "1")[:foo].should == ['1'] parse[:foo].should == [] end it "assumes :boolean type if no type found" do create :foo=>{:some=>'params'} parse('-f')[:foo].should == true end end context "#formatted_usage" do def usage @opt.formatted_usage.split(" ").sort end it "outputs string args with sample values" do create "--repo" => :string, "--branch" => "bugfix", "-n" => 6 usage.should == %w([--branch=bugfix] [--repo=REPO] [-n=6]) end it "outputs numeric args with 'N' as sample value" do create "--iter" => :numeric usage.should == ["[--iter=N]"] end it "outputs array args with sample value" do create "--libs" => :array usage.should == ["[--libs=A,B,C]"] end end end end