require "tmpdir" require "stringio" require "nokogiri" require "roo/utils" require "roo/formatters/base" require "roo/formatters/csv" require "roo/formatters/matrix" require "roo/formatters/xml" require "roo/formatters/yaml" # Base class for all other types of spreadsheets class Roo::Base include Enumerable include Roo::Formatters::Base include Roo::Formatters::CSV include Roo::Formatters::Matrix include Roo::Formatters::XML include Roo::Formatters::YAML MAX_ROW_COL = 999_999 MIN_ROW_COL = 0 attr_reader :headers # sets the line with attribute names (default: 1) attr_accessor :header_line def self.TEMP_PREFIX warn "[DEPRECATION] please access TEMP_PREFIX via Roo::TEMP_PREFIX" Roo::TEMP_PREFIX end def self.finalize(object_id) proc { finalize_tempdirs(object_id) } end def initialize(filename, options = {}, _file_warning = :error, _tmpdir = nil) @filename = filename @options = options @cell = {} @cell_type = {} @cells_read = {} @first_row = {} @last_row = {} @first_column = {} @last_column = {} @header_line = 1 end def close if self.class.respond_to?(:finalize_tempdirs) self.class.finalize_tempdirs(object_id) end instance_variables.each do |instance_variable| instance_variable_set(instance_variable, nil) end nil end def default_sheet @default_sheet ||= sheets.first end # sets the working sheet in the document # 'sheet' can be a number (0 = first sheet) or the name of a sheet. def default_sheet=(sheet) validate_sheet!(sheet) @default_sheet = sheet.is_a?(String) ? sheet : sheets[sheet] @first_row[sheet] = @last_row[sheet] = @first_column[sheet] = @last_column[sheet] = nil @cells_read[sheet] = false end # first non-empty column as a letter def first_column_as_letter(sheet = default_sheet) ::Roo::Utils.number_to_letter(first_column(sheet)) end # last non-empty column as a letter def last_column_as_letter(sheet = default_sheet) ::Roo::Utils.number_to_letter(last_column(sheet)) end # Set first/last row/column for sheet def first_last_row_col_for_sheet(sheet) @first_last_row_cols ||= {} @first_last_row_cols[sheet] ||= begin result = collect_last_row_col_for_sheet(sheet) { first_row: result[:first_row] == MAX_ROW_COL ? nil : result[:first_row], first_column: result[:first_column] == MAX_ROW_COL ? nil : result[:first_column], last_row: result[:last_row] == MIN_ROW_COL ? nil : result[:last_row], last_column: result[:last_column] == MIN_ROW_COL ? nil : result[:last_column] } end end # Collect first/last row/column from sheet def collect_last_row_col_for_sheet(sheet) first_row = first_column = MAX_ROW_COL last_row = last_column = MIN_ROW_COL @cell[sheet].each_pair do |key, value| next unless value first_row = [first_row, key.first.to_i].min last_row = [last_row, key.first.to_i].max first_column = [first_column, key.last.to_i].min last_column = [last_column, key.last.to_i].max end if @cell[sheet] { first_row: first_row, first_column: first_column, last_row: last_row, last_column: last_column } end %i(first_row last_row first_column last_column).each do |key| ivar = "@#{key}".to_sym define_method(key) do |sheet = default_sheet| read_cells(sheet) instance_variable_get(ivar)[sheet] ||= first_last_row_col_for_sheet(sheet)[key] end end def inspect "<##{self.class}:#{object_id.to_s(8)} #{instance_variables.join(' ')}>" end # find a row either by row number or a condition # Caution: this works only within the default sheet -> set default_sheet before you call this method # (experimental. see examples in the test_roo.rb file) def find(*args) # :nodoc options = (args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args.pop : {}) case args[0] when Integer find_by_row(args[0]) when :all find_by_conditions(options) else fail ArgumentError, "unexpected arg #{args[0].inspect}, pass a row index or :all" end end # returns all values in this row as an array # row numbers are 1,2,3,... like in the spreadsheet def row(row_number, sheet = default_sheet) read_cells(sheet) first_column(sheet).upto(last_column(sheet)).map do |col| cell(row_number, col, sheet) end end # returns all values in this column as an array # column numbers are 1,2,3,... like in the spreadsheet def column(column_number, sheet = default_sheet) if column_number.is_a?(::String) column_number = ::Roo::Utils.letter_to_number(column_number) end read_cells(sheet) first_row(sheet).upto(last_row(sheet)).map do |row| cell(row, column_number, sheet) end end # set a cell to a certain value # (this will not be saved back to the spreadsheet file!) def set(row, col, value, sheet = default_sheet) #:nodoc: read_cells(sheet) row, col = normalize(row, col) cell_type = cell_type_by_value(value) set_value(row, col, value, sheet) set_type(row, col, cell_type, sheet) end def cell_type_by_value(value) case value when Integer then :float when String, Float then :string else fail ArgumentError, "Type for #{value} not set" end end # reopens and read a spreadsheet document def reload ds = default_sheet reinitialize self.default_sheet = ds end # true if cell is empty def empty?(row, col, sheet = default_sheet) read_cells(sheet) row, col = normalize(row, col) contents = cell(row, col, sheet) !contents || (celltype(row, col, sheet) == :string && contents.empty?) \ || (row < first_row(sheet) || row > last_row(sheet) || col < first_column(sheet) || col > last_column(sheet)) end # returns information of the spreadsheet document and all sheets within # this document. def info without_changing_default_sheet do result = "File: #{File.basename(@filename)}\n"\ "Number of sheets: #{sheets.size}\n"\ "Sheets: #{sheets.join(', ')}\n" n = 1 sheets.each do |sheet| self.default_sheet = sheet result << "Sheet " + n.to_s + ":\n" if first_row result << " First row: #{first_row}\n" result << " Last row: #{last_row}\n" result << " First column: #{::Roo::Utils.number_to_letter(first_column)}\n" result << " Last column: #{::Roo::Utils.number_to_letter(last_column)}" else result << " - empty -" end result << "\n" if sheet != sheets.last n += 1 end result end end # when a method like spreadsheet.a42 is called # convert it to a call of spreadsheet.cell('a',42) def method_missing(m, *args) # #aa42 => #cell('aa',42) # #aa42('Sheet1') => #cell('aa',42,'Sheet1') if m =~ /^([a-z]+)(\d+)$/ col = ::Roo::Utils.letter_to_number(Regexp.last_match[1]) row = Regexp.last_match[2].to_i if args.empty? cell(row, col) else cell(row, col, args.first) end else super end end # access different worksheets by calling spreadsheet.sheet(1) # or spreadsheet.sheet('SHEETNAME') def sheet(index, name = false) self.default_sheet = index.is_a?(::String) ? index : sheets[index] name ? [default_sheet, self] : self end # iterate through all worksheets of a document def each_with_pagename sheets.each do |s| yield sheet(s, true) end end # by passing in headers as options, this method returns # specific columns from your header assignment # for example: # xls.sheet('New Prices').parse(:upc => 'UPC', :price => 'Price') would return: # [{:upc => 123456789012, :price => 35.42},..] # the queries are matched with regex, so regex options can be passed in # such as :price => '^(Cost|Price)' # case insensitive by default # by using the :header_search option, you can query for headers # and return a hash of every row with the keys set to the header result # for example: # xls.sheet('New Prices').parse(:header_search => ['UPC*SKU','^Price*\sCost\s']) # that example searches for a column titled either UPC or SKU and another # column titled either Price or Cost (regex characters allowed) # * is the wildcard character # you can also pass in a :clean => true option to strip the sheet of # control characters and white spaces around columns def each(options = {}) return to_enum(:each, options) unless block_given? if options.empty? 1.upto(last_row) do |line| yield row(line) end else clean_sheet_if_need(options) search_or_set_header(options) headers = @headers || (first_column..last_column).each_with_object({}) do |col, hash| hash[cell(@header_line, col)] = col end @header_line.upto(last_row) do |line| yield(headers.each_with_object({}) { |(k, v), hash| hash[k] = cell(line, v) }) end end end def parse(options = {}) results = each(options).map do |row| block_given? ? yield(row) : row end options[:headers] == true ? results : results.drop(1) end def row_with(query, return_headers = false) line_no = 0 closest_mismatched_headers = [] each do |row| line_no += 1 headers = { |q| row.grep(q)[0] }.compact if headers.length == query.length @header_line = line_no return return_headers ? headers : line_no else closest_mismatched_headers = headers if headers.length > closest_mismatched_headers.length if line_no > 100 break end end end missing_headers = { |q| closest_mismatched_headers.grep(q).empty? } raise Roo::HeaderRowNotFoundError, missing_headers end protected def file_type_check(filename, exts, name, warning_level, packed = nil) if packed == :zip # => spreadsheet.ods # Decompression is not performed here, only the 'zip' extension # is removed from the file. filename = File.basename(filename, File.extname(filename)) end if uri?(filename) && (qs_begin = filename.rindex("?")) filename = filename[0..qs_begin - 1] end exts = Array(exts) return if exts.include?(File.extname(filename).downcase) case warning_level when :error warn file_type_warning_message(filename, exts) fail TypeError, "#{filename} is not #{name} file" when :warning warn "are you sure, this is #{name} spreadsheet file?" warn file_type_warning_message(filename, exts) when :ignore # ignore else fail "#{warning_level} illegal state of file_warning" end end # konvertiert einen Key in der Form "12,45" (=row,column) in # ein Array mit numerischen Werten ([12,45]) # Diese Methode ist eine temp. Loesung, um zu erforschen, ob der # Zugriff mit numerischen Keys schneller ist. def key_to_num(str) r, c = str.split(",") [r.to_i, c.to_i] end # see: key_to_num def key_to_string(arr) "#{arr[0]},#{arr[1]}" end def is_stream?(filename_or_stream) filename_or_stream.respond_to?(:seek) end private def clean_sheet_if_need(options) return unless options[:clean] options.delete(:clean) @cleaned ||= {} clean_sheet(default_sheet) unless @cleaned[default_sheet] end def search_or_set_header(options) if options[:header_search] @headers = nil @header_line = row_with(options[:header_search]) elsif [:first_row, true].include?(options[:headers]) @headers = [] row(first_row).each_with_index { |x, i| @headers << [x, i + 1] } else set_headers(options) end end def local_filename(filename, tmpdir, packed) return if is_stream?(filename) filename = download_uri(filename, tmpdir) if uri?(filename) filename = unzip(filename, tmpdir) if packed == :zip fail IOError, "file #{filename} does not exist" unless File.file?(filename) filename end def file_type_warning_message(filename, exts) *rest, last_ext = exts ext_list = rest.any? ? "#{rest.join(', ')} or #{last_ext}" : last_ext "use #{Roo::CLASS_FOR_EXTENSION.fetch(last_ext.sub('.', '').to_sym)}.new to handle #{ext_list} spreadsheet files. This has #{File.extname(filename).downcase}" rescue KeyError raise "unknown file types: #{ext_list}" end def find_by_row(row_index) row_index += (header_line - 1) if @header_line row(row_index) do |cell_index| cell(row_index, cell_index + 1) end end def find_by_conditions(options) rows = first_row.upto(last_row) header_for = 1.upto(last_column).each_with_object({}) do |col, hash| hash[col] = cell(@header_line, col) end # are all conditions met? conditions = options[:conditions] if conditions && !conditions.empty? column_with = header_for.invert rows = do |i| conditions.all? { |key, val| cell(i, column_with[key]) == val } end end if options[:array] { |i| row(i) } else do |i| 1.upto(row(i).size).each_with_object({}) do |j, hash| hash[header_for.fetch(j)] = cell(i, j) end end end end def without_changing_default_sheet original_default_sheet = default_sheet yield ensure self.default_sheet = original_default_sheet end def reinitialize initialize(@filename) end def find_basename(filename) if uri?(filename) require "uri" uri = URI.parse filename File.basename(uri.path) elsif !is_stream?(filename) File.basename(filename) end end def make_tmpdir(prefix = nil, root = nil, &block) warn "[DEPRECATION] extend Roo::Tempdir and use its .make_tempdir instead" prefix = "#{Roo::TEMP_PREFIX}#{prefix}" root ||= ENV["ROO_TMP"] if block_given? # folder is deleted at end of block ::Dir.mktmpdir(prefix, root, &block) else self.class.make_tempdir(self, prefix, root) end end def clean_sheet(sheet) read_cells(sheet) @cell[sheet].each_pair do |coord, value| @cell[sheet][coord] = sanitize_value(value) if value.is_a?(::String) end @cleaned[sheet] = true end def sanitize_value(v) v.gsub(/[[:cntrl:]]|^[\p{Space}]+|[\p{Space}]+$/, "") end def set_headers(hash = {}) # try to find header row with all values or give an error # then create new hash by indexing strings and keeping integers for header array header_row = row_with(hash.values, true) @headers = {} hash.each_with_index do |(key, _), index| @headers[key] = header_index(header_row[index]) end end def header_index(query) row(@header_line).index(query) + first_column end def set_value(row, col, value, sheet = default_sheet) @cell[sheet][[row, col]] = value end def set_type(row, col, type, sheet = default_sheet) @cell_type[sheet][[row, col]] = type end # converts cell coordinate to numeric values of row,col def normalize(row, col) if row.is_a?(::String) if col.is_a?(::Integer) # ('A',1): # ('B', 5) -> (5, 2) row, col = col, row else fail ArgumentError end end col = ::Roo::Utils.letter_to_number(col) if col.is_a?(::String) [row, col] end def uri?(filename) filename.start_with?("http://", "https://", "ftp://") rescue false end def download_uri(uri, tmpdir) require "open-uri" tempfilename = File.join(tmpdir, find_basename(uri)) begin, "wb") do |file|, "User-Agent" => "Ruby/#{RUBY_VERSION}") do |net| file.write( end end rescue OpenURI::HTTPError raise "could not open #{uri}" end tempfilename end def open_from_stream(stream, tmpdir) tempfilename = File.join(tmpdir, "spreadsheet"), "wb") do |file| file.write(stream[7..-1]) end File.join(tmpdir, "spreadsheet") end def unzip(filename, tmpdir) require "zip/filesystem" do |zip| process_zipfile_packed(zip, tmpdir) end end # check if default_sheet was set and exists in sheets-array def validate_sheet!(sheet) case sheet when nil fail ArgumentError, "Error: sheet 'nil' not valid" when Integer sheets.fetch(sheet) do fail RangeError, "sheet index #{sheet} not found" end when String unless sheets.include?(sheet) fail RangeError, "sheet '#{sheet}' not found" end else fail TypeError, "not a valid sheet type: #{sheet.inspect}" end end def process_zipfile_packed(zip, tmpdir, path = "") if zip.file.file? path # extract and return filename, path), "wb") do |file| file.write( end File.join(tmpdir, path) else ret = nil path += "/" unless path.empty? zip.dir.foreach(path) do |filename| ret = process_zipfile_packed(zip, tmpdir, path + filename) end ret end end end