# encoding: utf-8 require File.expand_path('../../spec_helper.rb', __FILE__) describe Backup::Storage::Local do let(:model) { Backup::Model.new(:test_trigger, 'test label') } let(:storage_path) do File.join(File.expand_path(ENV['HOME'] || ''), 'backups') end let(:storage) do Backup::Storage::Local.new(model) do |local| local.keep = 5 end end describe '#initialize' do it 'should set the correct values' do storage.path.should == storage_path storage.storage_id.should be_nil storage.keep.should == 5 end it 'should set a storage_id if given' do local = Backup::Storage::Local.new(model, 'my storage_id') local.storage_id.should == 'my storage_id' end it 'should expand any path given' do storage = Backup::Storage::Local.new(model) do |local| local.path = 'my_backups/path' end storage.path.should == File.expand_path('my_backups/path') end context 'when setting configuration defaults' do after { Backup::Configuration::Storage::Local.clear_defaults! } it 'should use the configured defaults' do Backup::Configuration::Storage::Local.defaults do |local| local.path = 'some_path' local.keep = 'some_keep' end storage = Backup::Storage::Local.new(model) storage.path.should == File.expand_path('some_path') storage.storage_id.should be_nil storage.keep.should == 'some_keep' end it 'should override the configured defaults' do Backup::Configuration::Storage::Local.defaults do |local| local.path = 'old_path' local.keep = 'old_keep' end storage = Backup::Storage::Local.new(model) do |local| local.path = 'new_path' local.keep = 'new_keep' end storage.path.should == File.expand_path('new_path') storage.storage_id.should be_nil storage.keep.should == 'new_keep' end end # context 'when setting configuration defaults' end # describe '#initialize' describe '#transfer!' do let(:package) { mock } let(:s) { sequence '' } before do storage.instance_variable_set(:@package, package) storage.stubs(:storage_name).returns('Storage::Local') storage.stubs(:local_path).returns('/local/path') end context 'when transfer_method is :mv' do before { storage.stubs(:transfer_method).returns(:mv) } it 'should move the package files to their destination' do storage.expects(:remote_path_for).in_sequence(s).with(package). returns('remote/path') FileUtils.expects(:mkdir_p).in_sequence(s).with('remote/path') storage.expects(:files_to_transfer_for).in_sequence(s).with(package). multiple_yields( ['2011.', 'backup.tar.enc-aa'], ['2011.', 'backup.tar.enc-ab'] ) # first yield Backup::Logger.expects(:message).in_sequence(s).with( "Storage::Local started transferring " + "'2011.'." ) FileUtils.expects(:mv).in_sequence(s).with( File.join('/local/path', '2011.'), File.join('remote/path', 'backup.tar.enc-aa') ) # second yield Backup::Logger.expects(:message).in_sequence(s).with( "Storage::Local started transferring " + "'2011.'." ) FileUtils.expects(:mv).in_sequence(s).with( File.join('/local/path', '2011.'), File.join('remote/path', 'backup.tar.enc-ab') ) storage.send(:transfer!) end end # context 'when transfer_method is :mv' context 'when transfer_method is :cp' do before { storage.stubs(:transfer_method).returns(:cp) } it 'should copy the package files to their destination' do storage.expects(:remote_path_for).in_sequence(s).with(package). returns('remote/path') FileUtils.expects(:mkdir_p).in_sequence(s).with('remote/path') storage.expects(:files_to_transfer_for).in_sequence(s).with(package). multiple_yields( ['2011.', 'backup.tar.enc-aa'], ['2011.', 'backup.tar.enc-ab'] ) # first yield Backup::Logger.expects(:message).in_sequence(s).with( "Storage::Local started transferring " + "'2011.'." ) FileUtils.expects(:cp).in_sequence(s).with( File.join('/local/path', '2011.'), File.join('remote/path', 'backup.tar.enc-aa') ) # second yield Backup::Logger.expects(:message).in_sequence(s).with( "Storage::Local started transferring " + "'2011.'." ) FileUtils.expects(:cp).in_sequence(s).with( File.join('/local/path', '2011.'), File.join('remote/path', 'backup.tar.enc-ab') ) storage.send(:transfer!) end end # context 'when transfer_method is :cp' end # describe '#transfer!' describe '#remove!' do let(:package) { mock } let(:s) { sequence '' } before do storage.stubs(:storage_name).returns('Storage::Local') end it 'should remove the package files' do storage.expects(:remote_path_for).in_sequence(s).with(package). returns('remote/path') storage.expects(:transferred_files_for).in_sequence(s).with(package). multiple_yields( ['2011.', 'backup.tar.enc-aa'], ['2011.', 'backup.tar.enc-ab'] ) # after both yields Backup::Logger.expects(:message).in_sequence(s).with( "Storage::Local started removing " + "'2011.'.\n" + "Storage::Local started removing " + "'2011.'." ) FileUtils.expects(:rm_r).in_sequence(s).with('remote/path') storage.send(:remove!, package) end end # describe '#remove!' describe '#transfer_method' do context 'when the storage is the last for the model' do before do model.storages << storage end it 'should return :mv' do storage.send(:transfer_method).should == :mv storage.instance_variable_get(:@transfer_method).should == :mv end it 'should only check once' do storage.instance_variable_set(:@transfer_method, :mv) model.expects(:storages).never storage.send(:transfer_method).should == :mv end end # context 'when the storage is the last for the model' context 'when the storage is not the last for the model' do let(:package) { mock } before do model.storages << storage model.storages << Backup::Storage::Local.new(model) storage.instance_variable_set(:@package, package) end it 'should log a warning and return :cp' do storage.expects(:remote_path_for).with(package).returns('remote_path') Backup::Logger.expects(:warn).with do |err| err.should be_an_instance_of Backup::Errors::Storage::Local::TransferError err.message.should == "Storage::Local::TransferError: Local File Copy Warning!\n" + " The final backup file(s) for 'test label' (test_trigger)\n" + " will be *copied* to 'remote_path'\n" + " To avoid this, when using more than one Storage, the 'Local' Storage\n" + " should be added *last* so the files may be *moved* to their destination." end storage.send(:transfer_method).should == :cp storage.instance_variable_get(:@transfer_method).should == :cp end it 'should only check once' do storage.instance_variable_set(:@transfer_method, :cp) model.expects(:storages).never storage.send(:transfer_method).should == :cp end end # context 'when the storage is not the last for the model' end # describe '#transfer_method' end