/* decoder.c diStorm3 - Powerful disassembler for X86/AMD64 http://ragestorm.net/distorm/ distorm at gmail dot com Copyright (C) 2003-2016 Gil Dabah This library is licensed under the BSD license. See the file COPYING. */ #include "decoder.h" #include "instructions.h" #include "insts.h" #include "prefix.h" #include "x86defs.h" #include "operands.h" #include "insts.h" #include "../include/mnemonics.h" /* Instruction Prefixes - Opcode - ModR/M - SIB - Displacement - Immediate */ static _DecodeType decode_get_effective_addr_size(_DecodeType dt, _iflags decodedPrefixes) { /* * This table is to map from the current decoding mode to an effective address size: * Decode16 -> Decode32 * Decode32 -> Decode16 * Decode64 -> Decode32 */ static _DecodeType AddrSizeTable[] = {Decode32Bits, Decode16Bits, Decode32Bits}; /* Switch to non default mode if prefix exists, only for ADDRESS SIZE. */ if (decodedPrefixes & INST_PRE_ADDR_SIZE) dt = AddrSizeTable[dt]; return dt; } static _DecodeType decode_get_effective_op_size(_DecodeType dt, _iflags decodedPrefixes, unsigned int rex, _iflags instFlags) { /* * This table is to map from the current decoding mode to an effective operand size: * Decode16 -> Decode32 * Decode32 -> Decode16 * Decode64 -> Decode16 * Not that in 64bits it's a bit more complicated, because of REX and promoted instructions. */ static _DecodeType OpSizeTable[] = {Decode32Bits, Decode16Bits, Decode16Bits}; if (decodedPrefixes & INST_PRE_OP_SIZE) return OpSizeTable[dt]; if (dt == Decode64Bits) { /* * REX Prefix toggles data size to 64 bits. * Operand size prefix toggles data size to 16. * Default data size is 32 bits. * Promoted instructions are 64 bits if they don't require a REX perfix. * Non promoted instructions are 64 bits if the REX prefix exists. */ /* Automatically promoted instructions have only INST_64BITS SET! */ if (((instFlags & (INST_64BITS | INST_PRE_REX)) == INST_64BITS) || /* Other instructions in 64 bits can be promoted only with a REX prefix. */ ((decodedPrefixes & INST_PRE_REX) && (rex & PREFIX_EX_W))) dt = Decode64Bits; else dt = Decode32Bits; /* Default. */ } return dt; } /* A helper macro to convert from diStorm's CPU flags to EFLAGS. */ #define CONVERT_FLAGS_TO_EFLAGS(dst, src, field) dst->field = ((src->field & D_COMPACT_SAME_FLAGS) | \ ((src->field & D_COMPACT_IF) ? D_IF : 0) | \ ((src->field & D_COMPACT_DF) ? D_DF : 0) | \ ((src->field & D_COMPACT_OF) ? D_OF : 0)); static _DecodeResult decode_inst(_CodeInfo* ci, _PrefixState* ps, _DInst* di) { /* Remember whether the instruction is privileged. */ uint16_t privilegedFlag = 0; /* The ModR/M byte of the current instruction. */ unsigned int modrm = 0; /* The REX/VEX prefix byte value. */ unsigned int vrex = ps->vrex; /* * Backup original input, so we can use it later if a problem occurs * (like not enough data for decoding, invalid opcode, etc). */ const uint8_t* startCode = ci->code; /* Holds the info about the current found instruction. */ _InstInfo* ii = NULL; _InstSharedInfo* isi = NULL; /* Used only for special CMP instructions which have pseudo opcodes suffix. */ unsigned char cmpType = 0; /* * Indicates whether it is right to LOCK the instruction by decoding its first operand. * Only then you know if it's ok to output the LOCK prefix's text... * Used for first operand only. */ int lockable = FALSE; /* Calculate (and cache) effective-operand-size and effective-address-size only once. */ _DecodeType effOpSz, effAdrSz; _iflags instFlags; ii = inst_lookup(ci, ps); if (ii == NULL) goto _Undecodable; isi = &InstSharedInfoTable[ii->sharedIndex]; instFlags = FlagsTable[isi->flagsIndex]; /* Copy the privileged bit and remove it from the opcodeId field ASAP. */ privilegedFlag = ii->opcodeId & OPCODE_ID_PRIVILEGED; ii->opcodeId &= ~OPCODE_ID_PRIVILEGED; /* * If both REX and OpSize are available we will have to disable the OpSize, because REX has precedence. * However, only if REX.W is set ! * We had to wait with this test, since the operand size may be a mandatory prefix, * and we know it only after prefetching. */ if ((ps->prefixExtType == PET_REX) && (ps->decodedPrefixes & INST_PRE_OP_SIZE) && (!ps->isOpSizeMandatory) && (vrex & PREFIX_EX_W)) { ps->decodedPrefixes &= ~INST_PRE_OP_SIZE; prefixes_ignore(ps, PFXIDX_OP_SIZE); } /* * In this point we know the instruction we are about to decode and its operands (unless, it's an invalid one!), * so it makes it the right time for decoding-type suitability testing. * Which practically means, don't allow 32 bits instructions in 16 bits decoding mode, but do allow * 16 bits instructions in 32 bits decoding mode, of course... * NOTE: Make sure the instruction set for 32 bits has explicitly this specific flag set. * NOTE2: Make sure the instruction set for 64 bits has explicitly this specific flag set. * If this is the case, drop what we've got and restart all over after DB'ing that byte. * Though, don't drop an instruction which is also supported in 16 and 32 bits. */ /* ! ! ! DISABLED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE ! ! ! Decode16Bits CAN NOW DECODE 32 BITS INSTRUCTIONS ! ! !*/ /* if (ii && (dt == Decode16Bits) && (instFlags & INST_32BITS) && (~instFlags & INST_16BITS)) ii = NULL; */ /* Drop instructions which are invalid in 64 bits. */ if ((ci->dt == Decode64Bits) && (instFlags & INST_INVALID_64BITS)) goto _Undecodable; /* If it's only a 64 bits instruction drop it in other decoding modes. */ if ((ci->dt != Decode64Bits) && (instFlags & INST_64BITS_FETCH)) goto _Undecodable; if (instFlags & INST_MODRM_REQUIRED) { /* If the ModRM byte is not part of the opcode, skip the last byte code, so code points now to ModRM. */ if (~instFlags & INST_MODRM_INCLUDED) { ci->code++; if (--ci->codeLen < 0) goto _Undecodable; } modrm = *ci->code; /* Some instructions enforce that reg=000, so validate that. (Specifically EXTRQ). */ if ((instFlags & INST_FORCE_REG0) && (((modrm >> 3) & 7) != 0)) goto _Undecodable; /* Some instructions enforce that mod=11, so validate that. */ if ((instFlags & INST_MODRR_REQUIRED) && (modrm < INST_DIVIDED_MODRM)) goto _Undecodable; } ci->code++; /* Skip the last byte we just read (either last opcode's byte code or a ModRM). */ /* Cache the effective operand-size and address-size. */ effOpSz = decode_get_effective_op_size(ci->dt, ps->decodedPrefixes, vrex, instFlags); effAdrSz = decode_get_effective_addr_size(ci->dt, ps->decodedPrefixes); memset(di, 0, sizeof(_DInst)); di->base = R_NONE; /* * Try to extract the next operand only if the latter exists. * For example, if there is not first operand, no reason to try to extract second operand... * I decided that a for-break is better for readability in this specific case than goto. * Note: do-while with a constant 0 makes the compiler warning about it. */ for (;;) { if (isi->d != OT_NONE) { if (!operands_extract(ci, di, ii, instFlags, (_OpType)isi->d, ONT_1, modrm, ps, effOpSz, effAdrSz, &lockable)) goto _Undecodable; } else break; if (isi->s != OT_NONE) { if (!operands_extract(ci, di, ii, instFlags, (_OpType)isi->s, ONT_2, modrm, ps, effOpSz, effAdrSz, NULL)) goto _Undecodable; } else break; /* Use third operand, only if the flags says this InstInfo requires it. */ if (instFlags & INST_USE_OP3) { if (!operands_extract(ci, di, ii, instFlags, (_OpType)((_InstInfoEx*)ii)->op3, ONT_3, modrm, ps, effOpSz, effAdrSz, NULL)) goto _Undecodable; } else break; /* Support for a fourth operand is added for (i.e:) INSERTQ instruction. */ if (instFlags & INST_USE_OP4) { if (!operands_extract(ci, di, ii, instFlags, (_OpType)((_InstInfoEx*)ii)->op4, ONT_4, modrm, ps, effOpSz, effAdrSz, NULL)) goto _Undecodable; } break; } /* Continue here after all operands were extracted. */ /* If it were a 3DNow! instruction, we will have to find the instruction itself now that we got its operands extracted. */ if (instFlags & INST_3DNOW_FETCH) { ii = inst_lookup_3dnow(ci); if (ii == NULL) goto _Undecodable; isi = &InstSharedInfoTable[ii->sharedIndex]; instFlags = FlagsTable[isi->flagsIndex]; } /* Check whether pseudo opcode is needed, only for CMP instructions: */ if (instFlags & INST_PSEUDO_OPCODE) { if (--ci->codeLen < 0) goto _Undecodable; cmpType = *ci->code; ci->code++; if (instFlags & INST_PRE_VEX) { /* AVX Comparison type must be between 0 to 32, otherwise Reserved. */ if (cmpType >= INST_VCMP_MAX_RANGE) goto _Undecodable; } else { /* SSE Comparison type must be between 0 to 8, otherwise Reserved. */ if (cmpType >= INST_CMP_MAX_RANGE) goto _Undecodable; } } /* * There's a limit of 15 bytes on instruction length. The only way to violate * this limit is by putting redundant prefixes before an instruction. * start points to first prefix if any, otherwise it points to instruction first byte. */ if ((ci->code - ps->start) > INST_MAXIMUM_SIZE) goto _Undecodable; /* Drop instruction. */ /* * If we reached here the instruction was fully decoded, we located the instruction in the DB and extracted operands. * Use the correct mnemonic according to the DT. * If we are in 32 bits decoding mode it doesn't necessarily mean we will choose mnemonic2, alas, * it means that if there is a mnemonic2, it will be used. */ /* Start with prefix LOCK. */ if ((lockable == TRUE) && (instFlags & INST_PRE_LOCK)) { ps->usedPrefixes |= INST_PRE_LOCK; di->flags |= FLAG_LOCK; } else if ((instFlags & INST_PRE_REPNZ) && (ps->decodedPrefixes & INST_PRE_REPNZ)) { ps->usedPrefixes |= INST_PRE_REPNZ; di->flags |= FLAG_REPNZ; } else if ((instFlags & INST_PRE_REP) && (ps->decodedPrefixes & INST_PRE_REP)) { ps->usedPrefixes |= INST_PRE_REP; di->flags |= FLAG_REP; } /* If it's JeCXZ the ADDR_SIZE prefix affects them. */ if ((instFlags & (INST_PRE_ADDR_SIZE | INST_USE_EXMNEMONIC)) == (INST_PRE_ADDR_SIZE | INST_USE_EXMNEMONIC)) { ps->usedPrefixes |= INST_PRE_ADDR_SIZE; if (effAdrSz == Decode16Bits) di->opcode = ii->opcodeId; else if (effAdrSz == Decode32Bits) di->opcode = ((_InstInfoEx*)ii)->opcodeId2; /* Ignore REX.W in 64bits, JECXZ is promoted. */ else /* Decode64Bits */ di->opcode = ((_InstInfoEx*)ii)->opcodeId3; } /* LOOPxx instructions are also native instruction, but they are special case ones, ADDR_SIZE prefix affects them. */ else if ((instFlags & (INST_PRE_ADDR_SIZE | INST_NATIVE)) == (INST_PRE_ADDR_SIZE | INST_NATIVE)) { di->opcode = ii->opcodeId; /* If LOOPxx gets here from 64bits, it must be Decode32Bits because Address Size prefix is set. */ ps->usedPrefixes |= INST_PRE_ADDR_SIZE; } /* * Note: * If the instruction is prefixed by operand size we will format it in the non-default decoding mode! * So there might be a situation that an instruction of 32 bit gets formatted in 16 bits decoding mode. * Both ways should end up with a correct and expected formatting of the text. */ else if (effOpSz == Decode16Bits) { /* Decode16Bits */ /* Set operand size. */ FLAG_SET_OPSIZE(di, Decode16Bits); /* * If it's a special instruction which has two mnemonics, then use the 16 bits one + update usedPrefixes. * Note: use 16 bits mnemonic if that instruction supports 32 bit or 64 bit explicitly. */ if ((instFlags & INST_USE_EXMNEMONIC) && ((instFlags & (INST_32BITS | INST_64BITS)) == 0)) ps->usedPrefixes |= INST_PRE_OP_SIZE; di->opcode = ii->opcodeId; } else if (effOpSz == Decode32Bits) { /* Decode32Bits */ /* Set operand size. */ FLAG_SET_OPSIZE(di, Decode32Bits); /* Give a chance for special mnemonic instruction in 32 bits decoding. */ if (instFlags & INST_USE_EXMNEMONIC) { ps->usedPrefixes |= INST_PRE_OP_SIZE; /* Is it a special instruction which has another mnemonic for mod=11 ? */ if (instFlags & INST_MNEMONIC_MODRM_BASED) { if (modrm >= INST_DIVIDED_MODRM) di->opcode = ii->opcodeId; else di->opcode = ((_InstInfoEx*)ii)->opcodeId2; } else di->opcode = ((_InstInfoEx*)ii)->opcodeId2; } else di->opcode = ii->opcodeId; } else { /* Decode64Bits, note that some instructions might be decoded in Decode32Bits above. */ /* Set operand size. */ FLAG_SET_OPSIZE(di, Decode64Bits); if (instFlags & (INST_USE_EXMNEMONIC | INST_USE_EXMNEMONIC2)) { /* * We shouldn't be here for MODRM based mnemonics with a MOD=11, * because they must not use REX (otherwise it will get to the wrong instruction which share same opcode). * See XRSTOR and XSAVEOPT. */ if ((instFlags & INST_MNEMONIC_MODRM_BASED) && (modrm >= INST_DIVIDED_MODRM)) goto _Undecodable; /* Use third mnemonic, for 64 bits. */ if ((instFlags & INST_USE_EXMNEMONIC2) && (vrex & PREFIX_EX_W)) { ps->usedPrefixes |= INST_PRE_REX; di->opcode = ((_InstInfoEx*)ii)->opcodeId3; } else di->opcode = ((_InstInfoEx*)ii)->opcodeId2; /* Use second mnemonic. */ } else di->opcode = ii->opcodeId; } /* If it's a native instruction use OpSize Prefix. */ if ((instFlags & INST_NATIVE) && (ps->decodedPrefixes & INST_PRE_OP_SIZE)) ps->usedPrefixes |= INST_PRE_OP_SIZE; /* Check VEX mnemonics: */ if ((instFlags & INST_PRE_VEX) && (((((_InstInfoEx*)ii)->flagsEx & INST_MNEMONIC_VEXW_BASED) && (vrex & PREFIX_EX_W)) || ((((_InstInfoEx*)ii)->flagsEx & INST_MNEMONIC_VEXL_BASED) && (vrex & PREFIX_EX_L)))) { di->opcode = ((_InstInfoEx*)ii)->opcodeId2; } /* Or is it a special CMP instruction which needs a pseudo opcode suffix ? */ if (instFlags & INST_PSEUDO_OPCODE) { /* * The opcodeId is the offset to the FIRST pseudo compare mnemonic, * we will have to fix it so it offsets into the corrected mnemonic. * Therefore, we use another table to fix the offset. */ if (instFlags & INST_PRE_VEX) { /* Use the AVX pseudo compare mnemonics table. */ di->opcode = ii->opcodeId + VCmpMnemonicOffsets[cmpType]; } else { /* Use the SSE pseudo compare mnemonics table. */ di->opcode = ii->opcodeId + CmpMnemonicOffsets[cmpType]; } } /* * Store the address size inside the flags. * This is necessary for the caller to know the size of rSP when using PUSHA for example. */ FLAG_SET_ADDRSIZE(di, effAdrSz); /* Copy DST_WR flag. */ if (instFlags & INST_DST_WR) di->flags |= FLAG_DST_WR; /* Set the unused prefixes mask. */ di->unusedPrefixesMask = prefixes_set_unused_mask(ps); /* Fix privileged. Assumes the privilegedFlag is 0x8000 only. */ di->flags |= privilegedFlag; /* Copy instruction meta. */ di->meta = isi->meta; if (di->segment == 0) di->segment = R_NONE; /* Take into account the O_MEM base register for the mask. */ if (di->base != R_NONE) di->usedRegistersMask |= _REGISTERTORCLASS[di->base]; /* Copy CPU affected flags. */ CONVERT_FLAGS_TO_EFLAGS(di, isi, modifiedFlagsMask); CONVERT_FLAGS_TO_EFLAGS(di, isi, testedFlagsMask); CONVERT_FLAGS_TO_EFLAGS(di, isi, undefinedFlagsMask); /* Calculate the size of the instruction we've just decoded. */ di->size = (uint8_t)((ci->code - startCode) & 0xff); return DECRES_SUCCESS; _Undecodable: /* If the instruction couldn't be decoded for some reason, drop the first byte. */ memset(di, 0, sizeof(_DInst)); di->base = R_NONE; di->size = 1; /* Clean prefixes just in case... */ ps->usedPrefixes = 0; /* Special case for WAIT instruction: If it's dropped, you have to return a valid instruction! */ if (*startCode == INST_WAIT_INDEX) { di->opcode = I_WAIT; META_SET_ISC(di, ISC_INTEGER); return DECRES_SUCCESS; } /* Mark that we didn't manage to decode the instruction well, caller will drop it. */ return DECRES_INPUTERR; } /* * decode_internal * * supportOldIntr - Since now we work with new structure instead of the old _DecodedInst, we are still interested in backward compatibility. * So although, the array is now of type _DInst, we want to read it in jumps of the old array element's size. * This is in order to save memory allocation for conversion between the new and the old structures. * It really means we can do the conversion in-place now. */ _DecodeResult decode_internal(_CodeInfo* _ci, int supportOldIntr, _DInst result[], unsigned int maxResultCount, unsigned int* usedInstructionsCount) { _PrefixState ps; unsigned int prefixSize; _CodeInfo ci; unsigned int features; unsigned int mfc; _OffsetType codeOffset = _ci->codeOffset; const uint8_t* code = _ci->code; int codeLen = _ci->codeLen; /* * This is used for printing only, it is the real offset of where the whole instruction begins. * We need this variable in addition to codeOffset, because prefixes might change the real offset an instruction begins at. * So we keep track of both. */ _OffsetType startInstOffset = 0; const uint8_t* p; /* Current working decoded instruction in results. */ unsigned int nextPos = 0; _DInst *pdi = NULL; _OffsetType addrMask = (_OffsetType)-1; _DecodeResult decodeResult; #ifdef DISTORM_LIGHT supportOldIntr; /* Unreferenced. */ /* * Only truncate address if we are using the decompose interface. * Otherwise, we use the textual interface which needs full addresses for formatting bytes output. * So distorm_format will truncate later. */ if (_ci->features & DF_MAXIMUM_ADDR32) addrMask = 0xffffffff; else if (_ci->features & DF_MAXIMUM_ADDR16) addrMask = 0xffff; #endif /* No entries are used yet. */ *usedInstructionsCount = 0; ci.dt = _ci->dt; _ci->nextOffset = codeOffset; /* Decode instructions as long as we have what to decode/enough room in entries. */ while (codeLen > 0) { /* startInstOffset holds the displayed offset of current instruction. */ startInstOffset = codeOffset; memset(&ps, 0, (size_t)((char*)&ps.pfxIndexer[0] - (char*)&ps)); memset(ps.pfxIndexer, PFXIDX_NONE, sizeof(int) * PFXIDX_MAX); ps.start = code; ps.last = code; prefixSize = 0; if (prefixes_is_valid(*code, ci.dt)) { prefixes_decode(code, codeLen, &ps, ci.dt); /* Count prefixes, start points to first prefix. */ prefixSize = (unsigned int)(ps.last - ps.start); /* * It might be that we will just notice that we ran out of bytes, or only prefixes * so we will have to drop everything and halt. * Also take into consideration of flow control instruction filter. */ codeLen -= prefixSize; if ((codeLen == 0) || (prefixSize == INST_MAXIMUM_SIZE)) { if (~_ci->features & DF_RETURN_FC_ONLY) { /* Make sure there is enough room. */ if (nextPos + (ps.last - code) > maxResultCount) return DECRES_MEMORYERR; for (p = code; p < ps.last; p++, startInstOffset++) { /* Use next entry. */ #ifndef DISTORM_LIGHT if (supportOldIntr) { pdi = (_DInst*)((char*)result + nextPos * sizeof(_DecodedInst)); } else #endif /* DISTORM_LIGHT */ { pdi = &result[nextPos]; } nextPos++; memset(pdi, 0, sizeof(_DInst)); pdi->flags = FLAG_NOT_DECODABLE; pdi->imm.byte = *p; pdi->size = 1; pdi->addr = startInstOffset & addrMask; } *usedInstructionsCount = nextPos; /* Include them all. */ } if (codeLen == 0) break; /* Bye bye, out of bytes. */ } code += prefixSize; codeOffset += prefixSize; /* If we got only prefixes continue to next instruction. */ if (prefixSize == INST_MAXIMUM_SIZE) continue; } /* * Now we decode the instruction and only then we do further prefixes handling. * This is because the instruction could not be decoded at all, or an instruction requires * a mandatory prefix, or some of the prefixes were useless, etc... * Even if there were a mandatory prefix, we already took into account its size as a normal prefix. * so prefixSize includes that, and the returned size in pdi is simply the size of the real(=without prefixes) instruction. */ if (ci.dt == Decode64Bits) { if (ps.decodedPrefixes & INST_PRE_REX) { /* REX prefix must precede first byte of instruction. */ if (ps.rexPos != (code - 1)) { ps.decodedPrefixes &= ~INST_PRE_REX; ps.prefixExtType = PET_NONE; prefixes_ignore(&ps, PFXIDX_REX); } /* * We will disable operand size prefix, * if it exists only after decoding the instruction, since it might be a mandatory prefix. * This will be done after calling inst_lookup in decode_inst. */ } /* In 64 bits, segment overrides of CS, DS, ES and SS are ignored. So don't take'em into account. */ if (ps.decodedPrefixes & INST_PRE_SEGOVRD_MASK32) { ps.decodedPrefixes &= ~INST_PRE_SEGOVRD_MASK32; prefixes_ignore(&ps, PFXIDX_SEG); } } /* Make sure there is at least one more entry to use, for the upcoming instruction. */ if (nextPos + 1 > maxResultCount) return DECRES_MEMORYERR; #ifndef DISTORM_LIGHT if (supportOldIntr) { pdi = (_DInst*)((char*)result + nextPos * sizeof(_DecodedInst)); } else #endif /* DISTORM_LIGHT */ { pdi = &result[nextPos]; } nextPos++; /* * The reason we copy these two again is because we have to keep track on the input ourselves. * There might be a case when an instruction is invalid, and then it will be counted as one byte only. * But that instruction already read a byte or two from the stream and only then returned the error. * Thus, we end up unsynchronized on the stream. * This way, we are totally safe, because we keep track after the call to decode_inst, using the returned size. */ ci.code = code; ci.codeLen = codeLen; /* Nobody uses codeOffset in the decoder itself, so spare it. */ decodeResult = decode_inst(&ci, &ps, pdi); /* See if we need to filter this instruction. */ if ((_ci->features & DF_RETURN_FC_ONLY) && (META_GET_FC(pdi->meta) == FC_NONE)) decodeResult = DECRES_FILTERED; /* Set address to the beginning of the instruction. */ pdi->addr = startInstOffset & addrMask; /* pdi->disp &= addrMask; */ if ((decodeResult == DECRES_INPUTERR) && (ps.decodedPrefixes & INST_PRE_VEX)) { if (ps.prefixExtType == PET_VEX3BYTES) { prefixSize -= 2; codeLen += 2; } else if (ps.prefixExtType == PET_VEX2BYTES) { prefixSize -= 1; codeLen += 1; } ps.last = ps.start + prefixSize - 1; code = ps.last + 1; codeOffset = startInstOffset + prefixSize; } else { /* Advance to next instruction. */ codeLen -= pdi->size; codeOffset += pdi->size; code += pdi->size; /* Instruction's size should include prefixes. */ pdi->size += (uint8_t)prefixSize; } /* Drop all prefixes and the instruction itself, because the instruction wasn't successfully decoded. */ if ((decodeResult == DECRES_INPUTERR) && (~_ci->features & DF_RETURN_FC_ONLY)) { nextPos--; /* Undo last result. */ if ((prefixSize + 1) > 0) { /* 1 for the first instruction's byte. */ if ((nextPos + prefixSize + 1) > maxResultCount) return DECRES_MEMORYERR; for (p = ps.start; p < ps.last + 1; p++, startInstOffset++) { /* Use next entry. */ #ifndef DISTORM_LIGHT if (supportOldIntr) { pdi = (_DInst*)((char*)result + nextPos * sizeof(_DecodedInst)); } else #endif /* DISTORM_LIGHT */ { pdi = &result[nextPos]; } nextPos++; memset(pdi, 0, sizeof(_DInst)); pdi->flags = FLAG_NOT_DECODABLE; pdi->imm.byte = *p; pdi->size = 1; pdi->addr = startInstOffset & addrMask; } } } else if (decodeResult == DECRES_FILTERED) nextPos--; /* Return it to pool, since it was filtered. */ /* Alright, the caller can read, at least, up to this one. */ *usedInstructionsCount = nextPos; /* Fix next offset. */ _ci->nextOffset = codeOffset; /* Check whether we need to stop on any flow control instruction. */ features = _ci->features; mfc = META_GET_FC(pdi->meta); if ((decodeResult == DECRES_SUCCESS) && (features & DF_STOP_ON_FLOW_CONTROL)) { if (((features & DF_STOP_ON_CALL) && (mfc == FC_CALL)) || ((features & DF_STOP_ON_RET) && (mfc == FC_RET)) || ((features & DF_STOP_ON_SYS) && (mfc == FC_SYS)) || ((features & DF_STOP_ON_UNC_BRANCH) && (mfc == FC_UNC_BRANCH)) || ((features & DF_STOP_ON_CND_BRANCH) && (mfc == FC_CND_BRANCH)) || ((features & DF_STOP_ON_INT) && (mfc == FC_INT)) || ((features & DF_STOP_ON_CMOV) && (mfc == FC_CMOV))) return DECRES_SUCCESS; } } return DECRES_SUCCESS; }