# a little wrapper on yaml/store to give collection and record access to a # transaction yaml store. # # sample usage # # require 'ydb' # # ydb = YDB.new # # collection = ydb.collection(:posts) # # 2.times do # id = collection.create(:k => :v, :array => [0,1,2], :time => Time.now.to_f) # record = collection.find(id) # # p record # #=> {"k"=>:v, "time"=>1315493211.86451, "id"=>"1", "array"=>[0, 1, 2]} # #=> {"k"=>:v, "time"=>1315493211.88372, "id"=>"2", "array"=>[0, 1, 2]} # end # # p collection.all # #=> [{"k"=>:v, "time"=>1315493211.86451, "array"=>[0, 1, 2], "id"=>"1"} # #=> , {"k"=>:v, "time"=>1315493211.88372, "array"=>[0, 1, 2], "id"=>"2"} # #=> ] # # # ydb[:tablename].create(:foo => :bar) # # puts IO.read(ydb.path) # #=> --- # #=> tablename: # #=> "1": # #=> foo: :bar # #=> id: "1" # #=> posts: # #=> "1": # #=> k: :v # #=> time: 1315493211.86451 # #=> id: "1" # #=> array: # #=> - 0 # #=> - 1 # #=> - 2 # #=> "2": # #=> k: :v # #=> time: 1315493211.88372 # #=> id: "2" # #=> array: # #=> - 0 # #=> - 1 # #=> - 2 require 'yaml/store' require 'fileutils' class YDB Version = '0.0.1' unless defined?(Version) def YDB.version YDB::Version end def YDB.dependencies { 'map' => [ 'map' , '~> 4.4.0' ], } end def YDB.libdir(*args, &block) @libdir ||= File.expand_path(__FILE__).sub(/\.rb$/,'') args.empty? ? @libdir : File.join(@libdir, *args) ensure if block begin $LOAD_PATH.unshift(@libdir) block.call() ensure $LOAD_PATH.shift() end end end def YDB.load(*libs) libs = libs.join(' ').scan(/[^\s+]+/) YDB.libdir{ libs.each{|lib| Kernel.load(lib) } } end # gems # begin require 'rubygems' rescue LoadError nil end if defined?(gem) YDB.dependencies.each do |lib, dependency| gem(*dependency) if defined?(gem) require(lib) end end attr_accessor :path def initialize(*args) options = Map.options_for!(args) @path = ( args.shift || options[:path] || YDB.default_path ).to_s FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(@path)) rescue nil end def rm_f FileUtils.rm_f(@path) rescue nil end def rm_rf FileUtils.rm_rf(@path) rescue nil end def truncate rm_f end def ydb self end def ystore @ystore ||= YAML::Store.new(path) end class Collection def initialize(name, ydb) @name = name.to_s @ydb = ydb end def save(data = {}) @ydb.save(@name, data) end alias_method(:create, :save) alias_method(:update, :save) def find(id = :all) @ydb.find(@name, id) end def all find(:all) end def [](id) find(id) end def []=(id, data = {}) data.delete(:id) data.delete('id') data[:id] = id save(data) end def delete(id) @ydb.delete(@name, id) id end alias_method('destroy', 'delete') def to_hash transaction{|y| y[@name]} end def size to_hash.size end alias_method('count', 'size') def to_yaml(*args, &block) Hash.new.update(to_hash).to_yaml(*args, &block) end def transaction(*args, &block) @ydb.ystore.transaction(*args, &block) end end def collection(name) Collection.new(name, ydb) end alias_method('[]', 'collection') def method_missing(method, *args, &block) if args.empty? and block.nil? return self.collection(method) end super end def transaction(*args, &block) ystore.transaction(*args, &block) end def save(collection, data) data = data_for(data) ystore.transaction do |y| collection = (y[collection.to_s] ||= {}) id = next_id_for(collection, data) collection[id] = data record = collection[id] id end end def data_for(data) data ? Map.for(data) : nil end alias_method(:create, :save) def find(collection, id = :all, &block) ystore.transaction do |y| collection = (y[collection.to_s] ||= {}) if id.nil? or id == :all list = collection.values.map{|data| data_for(data)} if block collection[:all] = list.map{|record| data_for(block.call(record))} else list end else key = String(id) record = data_for(collection[key]) if block collection[key] = data_for(block.call(record)) else record end end end end def update(collection, id = :all, updates = {}) data = data_for(data) find(collection, id) do |record| record.update(updates) end end def delete(collection, id = :all) ystore.transaction do |y| collection = (y[collection.to_s] ||= {}) if id.nil? or id == :all collection.clear() else deleted = collection.delete(String(id)) data_for(deleted) if deleted end end end alias_method('destroy', 'delete') def next_id_for(collection, data) data = data_for(data) begin id = id_for(data) raise if id.strip.empty? id rescue data['id'] = String(collection.size + 1) id_for(data) end end def id_for(data) data = data_for(data) %w( id _id ).each{|key| return String(data[key]) if data.has_key?(key)} raise("no id discoverable for #{ data.inspect }") end def to_hash ystore.transaction do |y| y.roots.inject(Hash.new){|h,k| h.update(k => y[k])} end end def to_yaml(*args, &block) to_hash.to_yaml(*args, &block) end class << YDB attr_writer :root attr_writer :instance def default_root() defined?(Rails.root) && Rails.root ? File.join(Rails.root.to_s, 'db') : '.' end def default_path() File.join(default_root, 'ydb.yml') end def method_missing(method, *args, &block) super unless instance.respond_to?(method) instance.send(method, *args, &block) end def instance @instance ||= YDB.new(YDB.default_path) end def root @root ||= default_root end def tmp(&block) require 'tempfile' unless defined?(Tempfile) tempfile = Tempfile.new("#{ Process.pid }-#{ Process.ppid }-#{ Time.now.to_f }-#{ rand }") path = tempfile.path ydb = new(:path => path) if block begin block.call(ydb) ensure ydb.rm_rf end else ydb end end end end Ydb = YDb = YDB