/* poly2.c Ruby/GSL: Ruby extension library for GSL (GNU Scientific Library) (C) Copyright 2004 by Yoshiki Tsunesada Ruby/GSL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. */ #include "include/rb_gsl_poly.h" #include "include/rb_gsl_math.h" #include "include/rb_gsl_array.h" #include <gsl/gsl_sf_gamma.h> static gsl_poly_int* mygsl_poly_hermite(int n1) { size_t n; gsl_vector_int *p1, *p2, *p0; int coef1[2] = {0, 2}; int coef2[3] = {-2, 0, 4}; if (n1 < 0) rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "order must be >= 0"); p0 = gsl_vector_int_calloc(n1 + 1); switch (n1) { case 0: gsl_vector_int_set(p0, 0, 1); break; case 1: memcpy(p0->data, coef1, 2*sizeof(int)); break; case 2: memcpy(p0->data, coef2, 3*sizeof(int)); break; default: p1 = gsl_vector_int_calloc(n1 + 1); p2 = gsl_vector_int_calloc(n1 + 1); memcpy(p1->data, coef2, 3*sizeof(int)); memcpy(p2->data, coef1, 2*sizeof(int)); for (n = 2; (int) n < n1; n++) { gsl_vector_int_memcpy(p0, p1); mygsl_vector_int_shift_scale2(p0, n); gsl_vector_int_scale(p2, 2*n); gsl_vector_int_sub(p0, p2); /* save for the next iteration */ gsl_vector_int_memcpy(p2, p1); gsl_vector_int_memcpy(p1, p0); } gsl_vector_int_free(p2); gsl_vector_int_free(p1); break; } return p0; } static gsl_poly_int* mygsl_poly_cheb(int n1) { size_t n; gsl_vector_int *p1, *p2, *p0; int coef1[2] = {0, 1}; int coef2[3] = {-1, 0, 2}; if (n1 < 0) rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "order must be >= 0"); p0 = gsl_vector_int_calloc(n1 + 1); switch (n1) { case 0: gsl_vector_int_set(p0, 0, 1); break; case 1: memcpy(p0->data, coef1, 2*sizeof(int)); break; case 2: memcpy(p0->data, coef2, 3*sizeof(int)); break; default: p1 = gsl_vector_int_calloc(n1 + 1); p2 = gsl_vector_int_calloc(n1 + 1); memcpy(p1->data, coef2, 3*sizeof(int)); memcpy(p2->data, coef1, 2*sizeof(int)); for (n = 2; (int) n < n1; n++) { gsl_vector_int_memcpy(p0, p1); mygsl_vector_int_shift_scale2(p0, n); gsl_vector_int_sub(p0, p2); /* save for the next iteration */ gsl_vector_int_memcpy(p2, p1); gsl_vector_int_memcpy(p1, p0); } gsl_vector_int_free(p2); gsl_vector_int_free(p1); break; } return p0; } static gsl_poly_int* mygsl_poly_chebII(int n1) { size_t n; gsl_vector_int *p1, *p2, *p0; int coef1[2] = {0, 2}; int coef2[3] = {-1, 0, 4}; if (n1 < 0) rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "order must be >= 0"); p0 = gsl_vector_int_calloc(n1 + 1); switch (n1) { case 0: gsl_vector_int_set(p0, 0, 1); break; case 1: memcpy(p0->data, coef1, 2*sizeof(int)); break; case 2: memcpy(p0->data, coef2, 3*sizeof(int)); break; default: p1 = gsl_vector_int_calloc(n1 + 1); p2 = gsl_vector_int_calloc(n1 + 1); memcpy(p1->data, coef2, 3*sizeof(int)); memcpy(p2->data, coef1, 2*sizeof(int)); for (n = 2; (int) n < n1; n++) { gsl_vector_int_memcpy(p0, p1); mygsl_vector_int_shift_scale2(p0, n); gsl_vector_int_sub(p0, p2); /* save for the next iteration */ gsl_vector_int_memcpy(p2, p1); gsl_vector_int_memcpy(p1, p0); } gsl_vector_int_free(p2); gsl_vector_int_free(p1); break; } return p0; } static gsl_poly_int* mygsl_poly_laguerre(int n) { size_t m, k; int val; gsl_vector_int *p0; if (n < 0) rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "order must be >= 0"); p0 = gsl_vector_int_calloc(n + 1); switch (n) { case 0: gsl_vector_int_set(p0, 0, 1); break; case 1: gsl_vector_int_set(p0, 0, 1); gsl_vector_int_set(p0, 1, -1); break; default: k = gsl_sf_fact(n); for (m = 0; (int) m <= n; m++) { val = k*k/gsl_sf_fact(n-m)/gsl_pow_2(gsl_sf_fact(m)); if (m%2 == 1) val *= -1; gsl_vector_int_set(p0, m, val); } break; } return p0; } static gsl_poly_int* mygsl_poly_bessel(int n) { size_t k; gsl_vector_int *p0; if (n < 0) rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "order must be >= 0"); p0 = gsl_vector_int_calloc(n + 1); for (k = 0; (int) k <= n; k++) { gsl_vector_int_set(p0, k, gsl_sf_fact(n+k)/gsl_sf_fact(n-k)/gsl_sf_fact(k)/((int) pow(2, k))); } return p0; } static gsl_poly_int* mygsl_poly_bell(int n1) { size_t n, j; gsl_vector_int *p1, *p0; int coef1[2] = {0, 1}; int coef2[3] = {0, 1, 1}; if (n1 < 0) rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "order must be >= 0"); p0 = gsl_vector_int_calloc(n1 + 1); switch (n1) { case 0: gsl_vector_int_set(p0, 0, 1); break; case 1: memcpy(p0->data, coef1, 2*sizeof(int)); break; case 2: memcpy(p0->data, coef2, 3*sizeof(int)); break; default: p1 = gsl_vector_int_calloc(n1 + 1); memcpy(p1->data, coef2, 3*sizeof(int)); for (n = 2; (int) n < n1; n++) { gsl_vector_int_memcpy(p0, p1); mygsl_vector_int_shift(p0, n); for (j = 0; j < n; j++) { gsl_vector_int_set(p1, j, gsl_vector_int_get(p1, j+1)*(j+1)); } gsl_vector_int_set(p1, n, 0); mygsl_vector_int_shift(p1, n); gsl_vector_int_add(p0, p1); /* save for the next iteration */ gsl_vector_int_memcpy(p1, p0); } gsl_vector_int_free(p1); break; } return p0; } static VALUE rb_gsl_poly_define_poly(VALUE klass, VALUE order, gsl_poly_int* (*f)(int n1)) { int n1; gsl_poly_int *pnew = NULL; CHECK_FIXNUM(order); n1 = FIX2INT(order); if (n1 < 0) rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "order must be >= 0"); pnew = (*f)(n1); return Data_Wrap_Struct(cgsl_poly_int, 0, gsl_vector_int_free, pnew); } static VALUE rb_gsl_poly_hermite(VALUE klass, VALUE order) { return rb_gsl_poly_define_poly(klass, order, mygsl_poly_hermite); } static VALUE rb_gsl_poly_cheb(VALUE klass, VALUE order) { return rb_gsl_poly_define_poly(klass, order, mygsl_poly_cheb); } static VALUE rb_gsl_poly_chebII(VALUE klass, VALUE order) { return rb_gsl_poly_define_poly(klass, order, mygsl_poly_chebII); } static VALUE rb_gsl_poly_laguerre(VALUE klass, VALUE order) { return rb_gsl_poly_define_poly(klass, order, mygsl_poly_laguerre); } static VALUE rb_gsl_poly_bessel(VALUE klass, VALUE order) { return rb_gsl_poly_define_poly(klass, order, mygsl_poly_bessel); } static VALUE rb_gsl_poly_bell(VALUE klass, VALUE order) { return rb_gsl_poly_define_poly(klass, order, mygsl_poly_bell); } void Init_gsl_poly2(VALUE module) { rb_define_singleton_method(cgsl_poly, "hermite", rb_gsl_poly_hermite, 1); rb_define_singleton_method(cgsl_poly, "cheb", rb_gsl_poly_cheb, 1); rb_define_singleton_method(cgsl_poly, "chebyshev", rb_gsl_poly_cheb, 1); rb_define_singleton_method(cgsl_poly, "cheb_I", rb_gsl_poly_cheb, 1); rb_define_singleton_method(cgsl_poly, "chebyshev_I", rb_gsl_poly_cheb, 1); rb_define_singleton_method(cgsl_poly, "cheb_II", rb_gsl_poly_chebII, 1); rb_define_singleton_method(cgsl_poly, "chebyshev_II", rb_gsl_poly_chebII, 1); rb_define_singleton_method(cgsl_poly, "bessel", rb_gsl_poly_bessel, 1); rb_define_singleton_method(cgsl_poly, "bell", rb_gsl_poly_bell, 1); rb_define_singleton_method(cgsl_poly, "laguerre", rb_gsl_poly_laguerre, 1); }