!!! Strict %html %title LocomotiveCMS Restful API %link{ href: '//netdna.bootstrapcdn.com/twitter-bootstrap/2.1.1/css/bootstrap.no-icons.min.css', rel: 'stylesheet' } %link{ href: '//netdna.bootstrapcdn.com/font-awesome/2.0/css/font-awesome.css', rel: 'stylesheet' } %link{ href: '//netdna.bootstrapcdn.com/bootswatch/2.1.1/superhero/bootstrap.min.css', rel: 'stylesheet' } %script{ src: '//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.3/jquery.min.js' } %script{ src: '//netdna.bootstrapcdn.com/twitter-bootstrap/2.2.2/js/bootstrap.min.js' } %body .container %header %h1 LocomotiveCMS Restful API .row .span4 .well %ul.nav.nav-list - resources.each do |resource| %li.nav-header= resource[:name].humanize - resource[:actions].each do |name, info| %li %a{ href: "##{resource[:name].downcase}-#{name.downcase}" } = name   - case info[:verb] - when 'GET' %span.label.label-info GET - when 'POST' %span.label.label-success POST - when 'PUT' %span.label.label-warning UPDATE - when 'DELETE' %span.label.label-important DELETE .span8 - resources.each do |resource| %h2= resource[:name].humanize %p= resource[:overall] %br - resource[:actions].each do |name, info| %h4{ id: "#{resource[:name].downcase}-#{name.downcase}" } - case info[:verb] - when 'GET' %span.label.label-info GET - when 'POST' %span.label.label-success POST - when 'PUT' %span.label.label-warning UPDATE - when 'DELETE' %span.label.label-important DELETE   = info[:path] .well %p= info[:description] - if info[:params] || (info[:example] && info[:example][:command]) %h5 %i.icon-signin Params - if info[:params].blank? %p None - else %table.table.table-bordered.table-striped.table-hover %tr %th Name %th Type %th Required %th Description - info[:params].each do |name, attributes| %tr %td - if attributes[:required] = name - else %i= name - unless attributes[:alias_of].blank? alias of %span.label.label-info= attributes[:alias_of] %td - if attributes[:type] == 'Array' && attributes[:collection_of] - name = attributes[:collection_of][:name] Collection of %a{ href: "##{name.dasherize}" }= name.humanize - elsif attributes[:alias_of] — - else = attributes[:type] %td - if attributes[:required] %i.icon-ok - else — %td= attributes[:description] - if info[:example] && info[:example][:command] %h6 Example %pre.prettyprint= info[:example][:command] - if info[:response] || (info[:example] && info[:example][:response]) %h5 %i.icon-signout Response - if info[:response] %table.table.table-bordered.table-striped.table-hover %tr %th Name %th Type %th Description - info[:response].each do |name, attributes| %tr %td= name %td - if attributes[:type] == 'Array' && attributes[:collection_of] - name = attributes[:collection_of][:name] Collection of %a{ href: "##{name.dasherize}" }= name.humanize - elsif attributes[:alias_of] — - else = attributes[:type] %td= attributes[:description] || '—' - if info[:example] && info[:example][:response] %h6 Example %pre.prettyprint= info[:example][:response] %br %hr %h2 Embedded resourcess %br - embedded_resources.each do |resource| %h4{ id: resource[:name].dasherize }= resource[:name].humanize .well %ul.nav.nav-tabs %li.active %a{ href: "##{resource[:name].dasherize}-getters", data: { toggle: 'tab' } } Out %li %a{ href: "##{resource[:name].dasherize}-setters", data: { toggle: 'tab' } } In .tab-content - %w(getters setters).each do |type| .tab-pane{ id: "#{resource[:name].dasherize}-#{type}", class: "#{'active' if type == 'getters' }" } - list = resource[type.to_sym] %table.table.table-bordered.table-striped.table-hover %tr %th Name %th Type - if type == 'setters' %th Required %th Description - list.each do |name, attributes| %tr %td - if attributes[:required] = name - else %i= name - unless attributes[:alias_of].blank? %b alias of %span.label.label-info= attributes[:alias_of] %td - if attributes[:type] == 'Array' && attributes[:collection_of] - name = attributes[:collection_of][:name] Collection of %a{ href: "##{name.dasherize}" }= name.humanize - elsif attributes[:alias_of] — - else = attributes[:type] - if type == 'setters' %td - if attributes[:required] %i.icon-ok - else — %td= attributes[:description] %hr