begin require 'rhino' unless defined?(Rhino) rescue LoadError => e warn "[WARNING] Please install gem 'therubyrhino' to use Less under JRuby." raise e end require 'rhino/version' if Rhino::VERSION < '1.73.3' raise LoadError, "expected gem 'therubyrhino' '>= 1.73.3' but got '#{Rhino::VERSION}'" end module Less module JavaScript class RhinoContext def self.instance return new # NOTE: for Rhino a context should be kept open per thread ! end def initialize(globals = nil) @rhino_context = :java => true if @rhino_context.respond_to?(:version) @rhino_context.version = '1.8' apply_1_8_compatibility! if @rhino_context.version.to_s != '1.8' else apply_1_8_compatibility! end fix_memory_limit! @rhino_context globals.each { |key, val| @rhino_context[key] = val } if globals end def unwrap @rhino_context end def exec(&block) rescue Rhino::JSError => e handle_js_error(e) end def eval(source, options = {}) source = source.encode('UTF-8') if source.respond_to?(:encode) source_name = options[:source_name] || "" line_number = options[:line_number] || 1 @rhino_context.eval("(#{source})", source_name, line_number) rescue Rhino::JSError => e handle_js_error(e) end def call(properties, *args) options = args.last.is_a?(::Hash) ? args.pop : {} # extract_option! source_name = options[:source_name] || "" line_number = options[:line_number] || 1 @rhino_context.eval(properties, source_name, line_number).call(*args) rescue Rhino::JSError => e handle_js_error(e) end def method_missing(symbol, *args) if @rhino_context.respond_to?(symbol) @rhino_context.send(symbol, *args) else super end end private def handle_js_error(e) if e.value && ( e.value['message'] || e.value['type'].is_a?(String) ) raise, e.value) # LessError end if e.unwrap.to_s =~ /missing closing `}`/ raise end if e.message && e.message[0, 12] == "Syntax Error" raise else raise end end # Disables bytecode compiling which limits you to 64K scripts def fix_memory_limit!(context) if context.respond_to?(:optimization_level=) context.optimization_level = -1 else context.instance_eval { @native.setOptimizationLevel(-1) } end end def apply_1_8_compatibility! # TODO rather load ecma-5.js ... @rhino_context.eval(" // String if ( ! String.prototype.trim ) { String.prototype.trim = function () { return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,''); }; } ") end end end end