// Copyright (C) 2006  Davis E. King (davis@dlib.net)
// License: Boost Software License   See LICENSE.txt for the full license.

#include <dlib/matrix.h>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
#include <vector>
#include "../stl_checked.h"
#include "../array.h"
#include "../rand.h"

#include "tester.h"
#include <dlib/memory_manager_stateless.h>
#include <dlib/array2d.h>


    using namespace test;
    using namespace dlib;
    using namespace std;

    logger dlog("test.matrix3");

    const double eps_mul = 200;

    template <typename T, typename U>
    void check_equal (
        const T& a,
        const U& b
        DLIB_TEST(a.nr() == b.nr());
        DLIB_TEST(a.nc() == b.nc());
        typedef typename T::type type;
        for (long r = 0; r < a.nr(); ++r)
            for (long c = 0; c < a.nc(); ++c)
                type error = std::abs(a(r,c) - b(r,c));
                DLIB_TEST_MSG(error < std::sqrt(std::numeric_limits<type>::epsilon())*eps_mul, "error: " << error <<
                             "    eps: " << std::sqrt(std::numeric_limits<type>::epsilon())*eps_mul);

    template <typename T, typename U>
    void c_check_equal (
        const T& a,
        const U& b
        DLIB_TEST(a.nr() == b.nr());
        DLIB_TEST(a.nc() == b.nc());
        typedef typename T::type type;
        for (long r = 0; r < a.nr(); ++r)
            for (long c = 0; c < a.nc(); ++c)
                typename type::value_type error = std::abs(a(r,c) - b(r,c));
                DLIB_TEST_MSG(error < std::sqrt(std::numeric_limits<typename type::value_type>::epsilon())*eps_mul, "error: " << error <<
                             "    eps: " << std::sqrt(std::numeric_limits<typename type::value_type>::epsilon())*eps_mul);

    template <typename T, typename U>
    void assign_no_blas (
        const T& a_,
        const U& b
        T& a = const_cast<T&>(a_);
        DLIB_TEST(a.nr() == b.nr());
        DLIB_TEST(a.nc() == b.nc());
        for (long r = 0; r < a.nr(); ++r)
            for (long c = 0; c < a.nc(); ++c)
                a(r,c) = b(r,c);

    template <typename type>
    type rnd_num (dlib::rand& rnd)
        return static_cast<type>(10*rnd.get_random_double());

    template <typename type>
    void test_blas( long rows, long cols)
        // The tests in this function exercise the BLAS bindings located in the matrix/matrix_blas_bindings.h file.
        // It does this by performing an assignment that is subject to BLAS bindings and comparing the
        // results directly to an unevaluated matrix_exp that should be equal.

        dlib::rand rnd;

        matrix<type> a(rows,cols), temp, temp2, temp3;

        for (int k = 0; k < 6; ++k)
            for (long r= 0; r < a.nr(); ++r)
                for (long c = 0; c < a.nc(); ++c)
                    a(r,c) = rnd_num<type>(rnd);
            matrix<type> at;
            at = trans(a);

            matrix<complex<type> > c_a(rows,cols), c_at, c_sqr;
            for (long r= 0; r < a.nr(); ++r)
                for (long c = 0; c < a.nc(); ++c)
                    c_a(r,c) = complex<type>(rnd_num<type>(rnd),rnd_num<type>(rnd));
            c_at = trans(c_a);
            const int size = max(rows,cols);
            c_sqr = 10*matrix_cast<complex<type> >(complex_matrix(randm(size,size,rnd), randm(size,size,rnd)));

            matrix<complex<type> > c_temp(cols,cols), c_temp2(cols,cols);
            const complex<type> i(0,1);

            const type one = 1;
            const type two = 1;
            const type num1 = static_cast<type>(3.6);
            const type num2 = static_cast<type>(6.6);
            const type num3 = static_cast<type>(8.6);

            matrix<complex<type>,0,1> c_cv4(cols), c_cv3(rows);
            matrix<complex<type>,1,0> c_rv4(cols), c_rv3(rows);

            matrix<type,0,1> cv4(cols);

            for (long idx = 0; idx < cv4.size(); ++idx)
                cv4(idx) = rnd_num<type>(rnd);

            for (long idx = 0; idx < c_cv4.size(); ++idx)
                c_cv4(idx) = complex<type>(rnd_num<type>(rnd),rnd_num<type>(rnd));

            matrix<type,1,0> rv3(rows);

            for (long idx = 0; idx < rv3.size(); ++idx)
                rv3(idx) = rnd_num<type>(rnd);

            for (long idx = 0; idx < c_rv3.size(); ++idx)
                c_rv3(idx) = complex<type>(rnd_num<type>(rnd),rnd_num<type>(rnd));

            matrix<type,0,1> cv3(rows);

            for (long idx = 0; idx < cv3.size(); ++idx)
                cv3(idx) = rnd_num<type>(rnd);

            for (long idx = 0; idx < c_cv3.size(); ++idx)
                c_cv3(idx) = complex<type>(rnd_num<type>(rnd),rnd_num<type>(rnd));

            matrix<type,1,0> rv4(cols);
            for (long idx = 0; idx < rv4.size(); ++idx)
                rv4(idx) = rnd_num<type>(rnd);

            for (long idx = 0; idx < c_rv4.size(); ++idx)
                c_rv4(idx) = complex<type>(rnd_num<type>(rnd),rnd_num<type>(rnd));

            // GEMM tests
            dlog << LTRACE << "1.1";
            check_equal(tmp(at*a),   at*a);
            check_equal(tmp(trans(at*a)),   trans(at*a));
            check_equal(tmp(2.4*trans(4*trans(at*a) + at*3*a)),   2.4*trans(4*trans(at*a) + at*3*a));
            dlog << LTRACE << "1.2";
            check_equal(tmp(trans(a)*a),   trans(a)*a);
            check_equal(tmp(trans(trans(a)*a)),   trans(trans(a)*a));
            dlog << LTRACE << "1.3";
            check_equal(tmp(at*trans(at)),   at*trans(at));
            check_equal(tmp(trans(at*trans(at))),   trans(at*trans(at)));
            dlog << LTRACE << "1.4";
            check_equal(tmp(trans(at)*trans(a)),   a*at);
            check_equal(tmp(trans(trans(at)*trans(a))),   trans(a*at));
            dlog << LTRACE << "1.5";

            c_check_equal(tmp(conj(trans(c_a))*c_a),   trans(conj(c_a))*c_a);
            dlog << LTRACE << "1.5.1";
            c_check_equal(tmp(trans(conj(trans(c_a))*c_a)),   trans(trans(conj(c_a))*c_a));
            dlog << LTRACE << "1.5.2";
            c_check_equal(tmp((conj(trans(c_sqr))*trans(c_sqr))),   (trans(conj(c_sqr))*trans(c_sqr)));
            dlog << LTRACE << "1.5.3";
            c_check_equal(tmp(trans(conj(trans(c_sqr))*trans(c_sqr))),   trans(trans(conj(c_sqr))*trans(c_sqr)));
            dlog << LTRACE << "1.6";
            c_check_equal(tmp(c_at*trans(conj(c_at))),   c_at*conj(trans(c_at)));
            dlog << LTRACE << "1.6.1";
            c_check_equal(tmp(trans(c_at*trans(conj(c_at)))),   trans(c_at*conj(trans(c_at))));
            dlog << LTRACE << "1.6.2";
            c_check_equal(tmp((c_sqr)*trans(conj(c_sqr))),   (c_sqr)*conj(trans(c_sqr)));
            dlog << LTRACE << "";
            c_check_equal(tmp(trans(c_sqr)*trans(conj(c_sqr))),   trans(c_sqr)*conj(trans(c_sqr)));
            dlog << LTRACE << "1.6.3";
            c_check_equal(tmp(trans(trans(c_sqr)*trans(conj(c_sqr)))),   trans(trans(c_sqr)*conj(trans(c_sqr))));
            dlog << LTRACE << "1.7";
            c_check_equal(tmp(conj(trans(c_at))*trans(conj(c_a))),  conj(trans(c_at))*trans(conj(c_a)));
            c_check_equal(tmp(trans(conj(trans(c_at))*trans(conj(c_a)))), trans(conj(trans(c_at))*trans(conj(c_a))));
            dlog << LTRACE << "1.8";

            check_equal(tmp(a*trans(rowm(a,1))) ,  a*trans(rowm(a,1)));
            check_equal(tmp(a*colm(at,1)) ,  a*colm(at,1));
            check_equal(tmp(subm(a,1,1,2,2)*subm(a,1,2,2,2)), subm(a,1,1,2,2)*subm(a,1,2,2,2));

            dlog << LTRACE << "1.9";
            check_equal(tmp(trans(a*trans(rowm(a,1)))) ,  trans(a*trans(rowm(a,1))));
            dlog << LTRACE << "1.10";
            check_equal(tmp(trans(a*colm(at,1))) ,  trans(a*colm(at,1)));
            dlog << LTRACE << "1.11";
            check_equal(tmp(trans(subm(a,1,1,2,2)*subm(a,1,2,2,2))), trans(subm(a,1,1,2,2)*subm(a,1,2,2,2)));
            dlog << LTRACE << "1.12";

                temp = at*a;
                temp2 = temp;

                temp += 3.5*at*a;
                assign_no_blas(temp2, temp2 + 3.5*at*a);
                check_equal(temp, temp2);

                temp -= at*3.5*a;
                assign_no_blas(temp2, temp2 - at*3.5*a);
                check_equal(temp, temp2);

                temp = temp + 4*at*a;
                assign_no_blas(temp2, temp2 + 4*at*a);
                check_equal(temp, temp2);

                temp = temp - 2.4*at*a;
                assign_no_blas(temp2, temp2 - 2.4*at*a);
                check_equal(temp, temp2);
            dlog << LTRACE << "1.13";
                temp = trans(at*a);
                temp2 = temp;
                temp3 = temp;

                dlog << LTRACE << "1.14";
                temp += trans(3.5*at*a);
                assign_no_blas(temp2, temp2 + trans(3.5*at*a));
                check_equal(temp, temp2);

                dlog << LTRACE << "1.15";
                temp -= trans(at*3.5*a);
                assign_no_blas(temp2, temp2 - trans(at*3.5*a));
                check_equal(temp, temp2);

                dlog << LTRACE << "1.16";
                temp = trans(temp + 4*at*a);
                assign_no_blas(temp3, trans(temp2 + 4*at*a));
                check_equal(temp, temp3);

                temp2 = temp;
                dlog << LTRACE << "1.17";
                temp = trans(temp - 2.4*at*a);
                assign_no_blas(temp3, trans(temp2 - 2.4*at*a));
                check_equal(temp, temp3);

            dlog << LTRACE << "1.17.1";
                matrix<type> m1, m2;

                m1 = matrix_cast<type>(randm(rows, cols, rnd));
                m2 = matrix_cast<type>(randm(cols, rows + 8, rnd));
                check_equal(tmp(m1*m2), m1*m2);
                check_equal(tmp(trans(m1*m2)), trans(m1*m2));

                m1 = trans(m1);
                check_equal(tmp(trans(m1)*m2), trans(m1)*m2);
                check_equal(tmp(trans(trans(m1)*m2)), trans(trans(m1)*m2));

                m2 = trans(m2);
                check_equal(tmp(trans(m1)*trans(m2)), trans(m1)*trans(m2));
                check_equal(tmp(trans(trans(m1)*trans(m2))), trans(trans(m1)*trans(m2)));

                m1 = trans(m1);
                check_equal(tmp(m1*trans(m2)), m1*trans(m2));
                check_equal(tmp(trans(m1*trans(m2))), trans(m1*trans(m2)));

            dlog << LTRACE << "1.17.5";
                matrix<type,1,0> r;
                matrix<type,0,1> c;

                r = matrix_cast<type>(randm(1, rows+9, rnd));
                c = matrix_cast<type>(randm(rows, 1, rnd));

                check_equal(tmp(c*r), c*r);
                check_equal(tmp(trans(c*r)), trans(c*r));

                check_equal(tmp(trans(r)*trans(c)), trans(r)*trans(c));
                check_equal(tmp(trans(trans(r)*trans(c))), trans(trans(r)*trans(c)));

            dlog << LTRACE << "1.18";

            // GEMV tests
            check_equal(tmp(a*cv4),  a*cv4);
            check_equal(tmp(trans(a*cv4)),  trans(a*cv4));
            check_equal(tmp(rv3*a),  rv3*a);
            check_equal(tmp(trans(cv4)*at),  trans(cv4)*at);
            check_equal(tmp(a*trans(rv4)),  a*trans(rv4));
            check_equal(tmp(trans(a*trans(rv4))),  trans(a*trans(rv4)));

            check_equal(tmp(trans(a)*cv3),  trans(a)*cv3);
            check_equal(tmp(rv4*trans(a)),  rv4*trans(a));
            check_equal(tmp(trans(cv3)*trans(at)),  trans(cv3)*trans(at));
            check_equal(tmp(trans(cv3)*a),  trans(cv3)*a);
            check_equal(tmp(trans(a)*trans(rv3)),  trans(a)*trans(rv3));

            c_check_equal(tmp(trans(conj(c_a))*c_cv3),  trans(conj(c_a))*c_cv3);
            c_check_equal(tmp(c_rv4*trans(conj(c_a))),  c_rv4*trans(conj(c_a)));
            c_check_equal(tmp(trans(c_cv3)*trans(conj(c_at))),  trans(c_cv3)*trans(conj(c_at)));
            c_check_equal(tmp(conj(trans(c_a))*trans(c_rv3)),  trans(conj(c_a))*trans(c_rv3));
            c_check_equal(tmp(c_rv4*conj(c_at)),  c_rv4*conj(c_at));
            c_check_equal(tmp(trans(c_cv4)*conj(c_at)),  trans(c_cv4)*conj(c_at));

            dlog << LTRACE << "2.00";

            c_check_equal(tmp(trans(trans(conj(c_a))*c_cv3)),           trans(trans(conj(c_a))*c_cv3));
            c_check_equal(tmp(trans(c_rv4*trans(conj(c_a)))),           trans(c_rv4*trans(conj(c_a))));
            c_check_equal(tmp(trans(trans(c_cv3)*trans(conj(c_at)))),   trans(trans(c_cv3)*trans(conj(c_at))));
            dlog << LTRACE << "2.20";
            c_check_equal(tmp(trans(conj(trans(c_a))*trans(c_rv3))),    trans(trans(conj(c_a))*trans(c_rv3)));
            c_check_equal(tmp(trans(c_rv4*conj(c_at))),                 trans(c_rv4*conj(c_at)));
            c_check_equal(tmp(trans(trans(c_cv4)*conj(c_at))),          trans(trans(c_cv4)*conj(c_at)));

            dlog << LTRACE << "6";
            temp = a*at;
            check_equal(temp, a*at);
            temp = temp + a*at + trans(at)*at + trans(at)*sin(at);
            check_equal(temp, a*at + a*at+ trans(at)*at + trans(at)*sin(at));

            dlog << LTRACE << "6.1";
            temp = a*at;
            check_equal(temp, a*at);
            temp = a*at + temp;
            check_equal(temp, a*at + a*at);

            dlog << LTRACE << "6.2";
            temp = a*at;
            check_equal(temp, a*at);
            dlog << LTRACE << "6.2.3";
            temp = temp - a*at;
            dlog << LTRACE << "6.2.4";
            check_equal(temp, a*at-a*at);

            dlog << LTRACE << "6.3";
            temp = a*at;
            dlog << LTRACE << "6.3.5";
            check_equal(temp, a*at);
            dlog << LTRACE << "6.3.6";
            temp = a*at - temp;
            dlog << LTRACE << "6.4";
            check_equal(temp, a*at-a*at);

            const long d = min(rows,cols);
            rectangle rect(1,1,d,d);
            temp2 = temp;

            dlog << LTRACE << "7";
            set_subm(temp,rect) = a*at;
            assign_no_blas( set_subm(temp2,rect) , a*at);
            check_equal(temp, temp2);

            temp = a;
            temp2 = a;

            set_colm(temp,1) = a*cv4;
            assign_no_blas( set_colm(temp2,1) , a*cv4);
            check_equal(temp, temp2);

            set_rowm(temp,1) = rv3*a;
            assign_no_blas( set_rowm(temp2,1) , rv3*a);
            check_equal(temp, temp2);

            // Test BLAS GER
                temp2 = temp;

                dlog << LTRACE << "8";
                temp += cv4*rv4;
                assign_no_blas(temp2, temp2 + cv4*rv4);
                check_equal(temp, temp2);

                dlog << LTRACE << "8.3";
                temp = temp + cv4*rv4;
                assign_no_blas(temp2, temp2 + cv4*rv4);
                check_equal(temp, temp2);
                dlog << LTRACE << "8.9";
                temp2 = temp;
                temp3 = 0;

                dlog << LTRACE << "8.10";

                temp += trans(cv4*rv4);
                assign_no_blas(temp3, temp2 + trans(cv4*rv4));
                check_equal(temp, temp3);
                temp3 = 0;

                dlog << LTRACE << "8.11";
                temp2 = temp;
                temp = trans(temp + cv4*rv4);
                assign_no_blas(temp3, trans(temp2 + cv4*rv4));
                check_equal(temp, temp3);
                dlog << LTRACE << "8.12";
                matrix<complex<type> > temp, temp2, temp3;
                matrix<complex<type>,0,1 > cv4;
                matrix<complex<type>,1,0 > rv4;
                temp(cols-1, cols-4) = 9;
                temp2 = temp;
                temp3 = 0;

                for (long i = 0; i < rv4.size(); ++i)
                    rv4(i) = complex<type>(rnd_num<type>(rnd),rnd_num<type>(rnd));
                    cv4(i) = complex<type>(rnd_num<type>(rnd),rnd_num<type>(rnd));

                dlog << LTRACE << "8.13";

                temp += trans(cv4*rv4);
                assign_no_blas(temp3, temp2 + trans(cv4*rv4));
                c_check_equal(temp, temp3);
                temp3 = 0;

                dlog << LTRACE << "8.14";
                temp2 = temp;
                temp = trans(temp + cv4*rv4);
                assign_no_blas(temp3, trans(temp2 + cv4*rv4));
                c_check_equal(temp, temp3);
                dlog << LTRACE << "8.15";

            set_all_elements(c_temp, one + num1*i);
            c_temp2 = c_temp;
            set_all_elements(c_rv4, one + num2*i);
            set_all_elements(c_cv4, two + num3*i);

            dlog << LTRACE << "9";
            c_temp += c_cv4*c_rv4;
            assign_no_blas(c_temp2, c_temp2 + c_cv4*c_rv4);
            c_check_equal(c_temp, c_temp2);
            dlog << LTRACE << "9.1";
            c_temp += c_cv4*conj(c_rv4);
            assign_no_blas(c_temp2, c_temp2 + c_cv4*conj(c_rv4));
            c_check_equal(c_temp, c_temp2);
            dlog << LTRACE << "9.2";
            c_temp = c_cv4*conj(c_rv4) + c_temp;
            assign_no_blas(c_temp2, c_temp2 + c_cv4*conj(c_rv4));
            c_check_equal(c_temp, c_temp2);
            dlog << LTRACE << "9.3";
            c_temp = trans(c_rv4)*trans(conj(c_cv4)) + c_temp;
            assign_no_blas(c_temp2, c_temp2 + trans(c_rv4)*trans(conj(c_cv4)));
            c_check_equal(c_temp, c_temp2);

            dlog << LTRACE << "9.4";
            c_temp += conj(c_cv4)*c_rv4;
            assign_no_blas(c_temp2, c_temp2 + conj(c_cv4)*c_rv4);
            c_check_equal(c_temp, c_temp2);
            dlog << LTRACE << "9.5";
            c_temp += conj(c_cv4)*conj(c_rv4);
            assign_no_blas(c_temp2, c_temp2 + conj(c_cv4)*conj(c_rv4));
            c_check_equal(c_temp, c_temp2);
            dlog << LTRACE << "9.6";
            c_temp = conj(c_cv4)*conj(c_rv4) + c_temp;
            assign_no_blas(c_temp2, c_temp2 + conj(c_cv4)*conj(c_rv4));
            c_check_equal(c_temp, c_temp2);
            dlog << LTRACE << "9.7";
            c_temp = conj(trans(c_rv4))*trans(conj(c_cv4)) + c_temp;
            assign_no_blas(c_temp2, c_temp2 + conj(trans(c_rv4))*trans(conj(c_cv4)));
            c_check_equal(c_temp, c_temp2);

            dlog << LTRACE << "10";
            c_temp += trans(c_cv4*c_rv4);
            assign_no_blas(c_temp2, c_temp2 + trans(c_cv4*c_rv4));
            c_check_equal(c_temp, c_temp2);
            dlog << LTRACE << "10.1";
            c_temp += trans(c_cv4*conj(c_rv4));
            assign_no_blas(c_temp2, c_temp2 + trans(c_cv4*conj(c_rv4)));
            c_check_equal(c_temp, c_temp2);
            dlog << LTRACE << "10.2";
            c_temp = trans(c_cv4*conj(c_rv4)) + c_temp;
            assign_no_blas(c_temp2, c_temp2 + trans(c_cv4*conj(c_rv4)));
            c_check_equal(c_temp, c_temp2);
            dlog << LTRACE << "10.3";
            c_temp = trans(trans(c_rv4)*trans(conj(c_cv4))) + c_temp;
            assign_no_blas(c_temp2, c_temp2 + trans(trans(c_rv4)*trans(conj(c_cv4))));
            c_check_equal(c_temp, c_temp2);

            dlog << LTRACE << "10.4";
            c_temp += trans(conj(c_cv4)*c_rv4);
            assign_no_blas(c_temp2, c_temp2 + trans(conj(c_cv4)*c_rv4));
            c_check_equal(c_temp, c_temp2);
            dlog << LTRACE << "10.5";
            c_temp += trans(conj(c_cv4)*conj(c_rv4));
            assign_no_blas(c_temp2, c_temp2 + trans(conj(c_cv4)*conj(c_rv4)));
            c_check_equal(c_temp, c_temp2);
            dlog << LTRACE << "10.6";
            c_temp = trans(conj(c_cv4)*conj(c_rv4)) + c_temp;
            assign_no_blas(c_temp2, c_temp2 + trans(conj(c_cv4)*conj(c_rv4)));
            c_check_equal(c_temp, c_temp2);
            dlog << LTRACE << "10.7";
            c_temp = trans(conj(trans(c_rv4))*trans(conj(c_cv4))) + c_temp;
            assign_no_blas(c_temp2, c_temp2 + trans(conj(trans(c_rv4))*trans(conj(c_cv4))));
            c_check_equal(c_temp, c_temp2);

            dlog << LTRACE << "10.8";


            // Test DOT
            check_equal( tmp(rv4*cv4), rv4*cv4);
            check_equal( tmp(trans(rv4*cv4)), trans(rv4*cv4));
            check_equal( tmp(trans(cv4)*trans(rv4)), trans(cv4)*trans(rv4));
            check_equal( tmp(rv4*3.9*cv4), rv4*3.9*cv4);
            check_equal( tmp(trans(cv4)*3.9*trans(rv4)), trans(cv4)*3.9*trans(rv4));
            check_equal( tmp(rv4*cv4*3.9), rv4*3.9*cv4);
            check_equal( tmp(trans(cv4)*trans(rv4)*3.9), trans(cv4)*3.9*trans(rv4));

            check_equal( tmp(trans(rv4*cv4)),                    trans(rv4*cv4));
            check_equal( tmp(trans(trans(rv4*cv4))),             trans(trans(rv4*cv4)));
            check_equal( tmp(trans(trans(cv4)*trans(rv4))),      trans(trans(cv4)*trans(rv4)));
            check_equal( tmp(trans(rv4*3.9*cv4)),                trans(rv4*3.9*cv4));
            check_equal( tmp(trans(trans(cv4)*3.9*trans(rv4))),  trans(trans(cv4)*3.9*trans(rv4)));
            check_equal( tmp(trans(rv4*cv4*3.9)),                trans(rv4*3.9*cv4));
            check_equal( tmp(trans(trans(cv4)*trans(rv4)*3.9)),  trans(trans(cv4)*3.9*trans(rv4)));

            temp = 4;
            check_equal( tmp(temp + rv4*cv4), temp + rv4*cv4);
            check_equal( tmp(temp + trans(cv4)*trans(rv4)), temp + trans(cv4)*trans(rv4));

            dlog << LTRACE << "11";

            c_check_equal( tmp(conj(c_rv4)*c_cv4), conj(c_rv4)*c_cv4);
            c_check_equal( tmp(conj(trans(c_cv4))*trans(c_rv4)), trans(conj(c_cv4))*trans(c_rv4));

            c_check_equal( tmp(conj(c_rv4)*i*c_cv4), conj(c_rv4)*i*c_cv4);
            c_check_equal( tmp(conj(trans(c_cv4))*i*trans(c_rv4)), trans(conj(c_cv4))*i*trans(c_rv4));

            c_temp = 4;
            c_check_equal( tmp(c_temp + conj(c_rv4)*c_cv4), c_temp + conj(c_rv4)*c_cv4);
            c_check_equal( tmp(c_temp + trans(conj(c_cv4))*trans(c_rv4)), c_temp + trans(conj(c_cv4))*trans(c_rv4));

            complex<type> tmp = c_rv4*c_cv4;
            DLIB_TEST(abs((tmp + i) - ((c_rv4*c_cv4)(0) + i)) < std::sqrt(std::numeric_limits<type>::epsilon())*eps_mul );
            DLIB_TEST(max(abs((rv4*cv4 + 1.0) - ((rv4*cv4)(0) + 1.0))) < std::sqrt(std::numeric_limits<type>::epsilon())*eps_mul);


            matrix<int> m(2,3), m2(6,1);

            m = 1,2,3,

            m2 = 1,2,3,4,5,6;

            DLIB_TEST(reshape_to_column_vector(m) == m2);
            DLIB_TEST(reshape_to_column_vector(m+m) == m2+m2);

            matrix<int,2,3> m(2,3);
            matrix<int> m2(6,1);

            m = 1,2,3,

            m2 = 1,2,3,4,5,6;

            DLIB_TEST(reshape_to_column_vector(m) == m2);
            DLIB_TEST(reshape_to_column_vector(m+m) == m2+m2);


    void matrix_test (
            - runs tests on the matrix stuff compliance with the specs

            matrix<long> m1(2,2), m2(2,2);

            m1 = 1, 2,
            3, 4;

            m2 = 4, 5,
            6, 7;

            DLIB_TEST(subm(tensor_product(m1,m2),range(0,1), range(0,1)) == 1*m2);
            DLIB_TEST(subm(tensor_product(m1,m2),range(0,1), range(2,3)) == 2*m2);
            DLIB_TEST(subm(tensor_product(m1,m2),range(2,3), range(0,1)) == 3*m2);
            DLIB_TEST(subm(tensor_product(m1,m2),range(2,3), range(2,3)) == 4*m2);

            dlog << LTRACE << "testing blas stuff";
            dlog << LTRACE << " \nsmall double";
            dlog << LTRACE << " \nsmall float";
            dlog << LTRACE << " \nbig double";
            dlog << LTRACE << " \nbig float";
            dlog << LTRACE << "testing done";

            matrix<long> m(3,4), ml(3,4), mu(3,4);
            m = 1,2,3,4,

            ml = 1,0,0,0,

            mu = 1,2,3,4,

            DLIB_TEST(lowerm(m) == ml);
            DLIB_TEST(upperm(m) == mu);

            ml = 3,0,0,0,

            mu = 4,2,3,4,

            DLIB_TEST(lowerm(m,3) == ml);
            DLIB_TEST(upperm(m,4) == mu);


            matrix<long> m(3,4), row(1,3), col(2,1);
            m = 1,2,3,4,

            row = 4,5,6;
            col = 3,6;

            DLIB_TEST(rowm(m, 1, 3) == row);
            DLIB_TEST(colm(m, 2, 2) == col);


            std::vector<double> v(34, 8);
            std::vector<double> v2(34, 9);

            DLIB_TEST(mat(&v[0], v.size()) == mat(v));
            DLIB_TEST(mat(&v2[0], v.size()) != mat(v));

            std::vector<long> v(1, 3);
            std::vector<long> v2(1, 2);

            DLIB_TEST(mat(&v[0], v.size()) == mat(v));
            DLIB_TEST(mat(&v2[0], v.size()) != mat(v));

            matrix<double> a(3,3), b(3,3);
            a = 1,   2.5, 1,
                3,   4,   5,
                0.5, 2.2, 3;

            b = 0, 1, 0,
                1, 1, 1,
                0, 1, 1;

            DLIB_TEST((a>1) == b);
            DLIB_TEST((1<a) == b);

            b = 1, 1, 1,
                1, 1, 1,
                0, 1, 1;

            DLIB_TEST((a>=1) == b);
            DLIB_TEST((1<=a) == b);

            b = 0, 0, 0,
                0, 0, 0,
                0, 1, 0;
            DLIB_TEST((a==2.2) == b);
            DLIB_TEST((a!=2.2) == (b==0));
            DLIB_TEST((2.2==a) == b);
            DLIB_TEST((2.2!=a) == (0==b));

            b = 0, 0, 0,
                0, 0, 0,
                1, 0, 0;
            DLIB_TEST((a<1) == b);
            DLIB_TEST((1>a) == b);

            b = 1, 0, 1,
                0, 0, 0,
                1, 0, 0;
            DLIB_TEST((a<=1) == b);
            DLIB_TEST((1>=a) == b);

            matrix<double> a, b, c;
            a = randm(4,2);

            b += a;
            c -= a;

            DLIB_TEST(equal(a, b));
            DLIB_TEST(equal(-a, c));

            b += a;
            c -= a;

            DLIB_TEST(equal(2*a, b));
            DLIB_TEST(equal(-2*a, c));

            b += a + a;
            c -= a + a;

            DLIB_TEST(equal(4*a, b));
            DLIB_TEST(equal(-4*a, c));


            b += a + a;
            c -= a + a;

            DLIB_TEST(equal(2*a, b));
            DLIB_TEST(equal(-2*a, c));

            matrix<int> a, b, c;

            a.set_size(2, 3);
            b.set_size(2, 6);
            c.set_size(4, 3);

            a = 1, 2, 3,
                4, 5, 6;

            b = 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3,
                4, 5, 6, 4, 5, 6;

            c = 1, 2, 3,
                4, 5, 6,
                1, 2, 3,
                4, 5, 6;

            DLIB_TEST(join_rows(a,a) == b);
            DLIB_TEST(join_rows(a,abs(a)) == b);
            DLIB_TEST(join_cols(trans(a), trans(a)) == trans(b));
            DLIB_TEST(join_cols(a,a) == c);
            DLIB_TEST(join_cols(a,abs(a)) == c);
            DLIB_TEST(join_rows(trans(a),trans(a)) == trans(c));

            matrix<int, 2, 3> a;
            matrix<int, 2, 6> b;
            matrix<int, 4, 3> c;

            a = 1, 2, 3,
                4, 5, 6;

            b = 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3,
                4, 5, 6, 4, 5, 6;

            c = 1, 2, 3,
                4, 5, 6,
                1, 2, 3,
                4, 5, 6;

            DLIB_TEST(join_rows(a,a) == b);
            DLIB_TEST(join_rows(a,abs(a)) == b);
            DLIB_TEST(join_cols(trans(a), trans(a)) == trans(b));
            DLIB_TEST(join_cols(a,a) == c);
            DLIB_TEST(join_cols(a,abs(a)) == c);
            DLIB_TEST(join_rows(trans(a),trans(a)) == trans(c));

            matrix<int, 2, 3> a;
            matrix<int> a2;
            matrix<int, 2, 6> b;
            matrix<int, 4, 3> c;

            a = 1, 2, 3,
                4, 5, 6;

            a2 = a;

            b = 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3,
                4, 5, 6, 4, 5, 6;

            c = 1, 2, 3,
                4, 5, 6,
                1, 2, 3,
                4, 5, 6;

            DLIB_TEST(join_rows(a,a2) == b);
            DLIB_TEST(join_rows(a2,a) == b);
            DLIB_TEST(join_cols(trans(a2), trans(a)) == trans(b));
            DLIB_TEST(join_cols(a2,a) == c);
            DLIB_TEST(join_cols(a,a2) == c);
            DLIB_TEST(join_rows(trans(a2),trans(a)) == trans(c));

            matrix<int> a, b;


            a = 1, 2, 3,
                4, 5, 6;

            b = 1, 2,
                3, 4,
                5, 6;

            DLIB_TEST(reshape(a, 3, 2) == b);

            b = 1, 4, 2,
                5, 3, 6;

            DLIB_TEST(reshape(trans(a), 2, 3) == b);


            matrix<int,2,3> a;
            matrix<int> b;

            a = 1, 2, 3,
                4, 5, 6;

            b = 1, 2,
                3, 4,
                5, 6;

            DLIB_TEST(reshape(a, 3, 2) == b);

            b = 1, 4, 2,
                5, 3, 6;

            DLIB_TEST(reshape(trans(a), 2, 3) == b);


            std::vector<int> v(6);
            for (unsigned long i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i)
                v[i] = i;

            matrix<int,2,3> a;
            a = 0, 1, 2, 
                3, 4, 5;

            DLIB_TEST(mat(&v[0], 2, 3) == a);

            matrix<int> a(3,4);
            matrix<int> b(3,1), c(1,4);

            a = 1, 2, 3, 6,
                4, 5, 6, 9,
                1, 1, 1, 3;

            b(0) = sum(rowm(a,0));
            b(1) = sum(rowm(a,1));
            b(2) = sum(rowm(a,2));

            c(0) = sum(colm(a,0));
            c(1) = sum(colm(a,1));
            c(2) = sum(colm(a,2));
            c(3) = sum(colm(a,3));

            DLIB_TEST(sum_cols(a) == b);
            DLIB_TEST(sum_rows(a) == c);


            matrix<int> m(3,3);

            m = 1, 2, 3,
                4, 5, 6,
                7, 8, 9;

            DLIB_TEST(make_symmetric(m) == trans(make_symmetric(m)));
            DLIB_TEST(lowerm(make_symmetric(m)) == lowerm(m));
            DLIB_TEST(upperm(make_symmetric(m)) == trans(lowerm(m)));

            matrix<int,3,4> a;
            matrix<int> b(3,1), c(1,4);

            a = 1, 2, 3, 6,
                4, 5, 6, 9,
                1, 1, 1, 3;

            b(0) = sum(rowm(a,0));
            b(1) = sum(rowm(a,1));
            b(2) = sum(rowm(a,2));

            c(0) = sum(colm(a,0));
            c(1) = sum(colm(a,1));
            c(2) = sum(colm(a,2));
            c(3) = sum(colm(a,3));

            DLIB_TEST(sum_cols(a) == b);
            DLIB_TEST(sum_rows(a) == c);


            matrix<int> m(3,4), s(3,4);
            m = -2, 1, 5, -5,
                5, 5, 5, 5,
                9, 0, -4, -2;

            s = -1, 1, 1, -1,
                 1, 1, 1, 1, 
                 1, 1, -1, -1;

            DLIB_TEST(sign(m) == s);
            DLIB_TEST(sign(matrix_cast<double>(m)) == matrix_cast<double>(s));


    void test_matrix_IO()
        dlib::rand rnd;

        for (int i = 0; i < 400; ++i)
            ostringstream sout;

            matrix<double> m1, m2, m3;

            const long r = rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%7+1;
            const long c = rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%7+1;
            const long num = rnd.get_random_32bit_number()%2+1;

            m1 = randm(r,c,rnd);
            sout << m1;
            if (num != 1)
                sout << "\n" << m1;

            if (rnd.get_random_double() < 0.3)
                sout << "   \n";
            else if (rnd.get_random_double() < 0.3)
                sout << "   \n\n 3 3 3 3";
            else if (rnd.get_random_double() < 0.3)
                sout << "   \n \n  v 3 3 3 3 3";

            istringstream sin(sout.str());
            sin >> m2;
            DLIB_TEST_MSG(equal(m1,m2),  m1 << "\n***********\n" << m2);

            if (num != 1)
                sin >> m3;
                DLIB_TEST_MSG(equal(m1,m3),  m1 << "\n***********\n" << m3);

            istringstream sin(" 1 2\n3");
            matrix<double> m;
            sin >> m;
            istringstream sin("");
            matrix<double> m;
            sin >> m;

    void test_axpy()
        const int n = 4;
        matrix<double> B = dlib::randm(n,n);

        matrix<double> g = dlib::uniform_matrix<double>(n,1,0.0);

        const double tau = 1;

        matrix<double> p = g + tau*dlib::colm(B,0);
        matrix<double> q = dlib::colm(B,0);
        DLIB_TEST(max(abs(p-q)) < 1e-14);

        p = tau*dlib::colm(B,0);
        q = dlib::colm(B,0);
        DLIB_TEST(max(abs(p-q)) < 1e-14);

        g = dlib::uniform_matrix<double>(n,n,0.0);
        p = g + tau*B;
        DLIB_TEST(max(abs(p-B)) < 1e-14);

        p = g + tau*subm(B,get_rect(B));
        DLIB_TEST(max(abs(p-B)) < 1e-14);

        g = dlib::uniform_matrix<double>(2,2,0.0);
        p = g + tau*subm(B,1,1,2,2);
        DLIB_TEST(max(abs(p-subm(B,1,1,2,2))) < 1e-14);

        set_subm(p,0,0,2,2) = g + tau*subm(B,1,1,2,2);
        DLIB_TEST(max(abs(p-subm(B,1,1,2,2))) < 1e-14);

    class matrix_tester : public tester
        matrix_tester (
        ) :
            tester ("test_matrix3",
                    "Runs tests on the matrix component.")

        void perform_test (
    } a;
