.. _typeset-math: ************************** Modifying Math on the Page ************************** If you are writing a dynamic web page where content containing mathematics may appear after MathJax has already typeset the rest of the page, then you will need to tell MathJax to look for mathematics in the page again when that new content is produced. To do that, you need to use the :meth:`MathJax.Hub.Typeset()` method. This will cause the preprocessors (if any were loaded) to run over the page again, and then MathJax will look for unprocessed mathematics on the page and typeset it, leaving unchanged any math that has already been typeset. You should not simply call this method directly, however. Because MathJax operates asynchonously (see :ref:`Synchronizing with MathJax ` for details), you need to be sure that your call to :meth:`MathJax.Hub.Typeset()` is synchronized with the other actions that MathJax is taking. For example, it may already be typesetting portions of the page, or it may be waiting for an output jax to load, etc., and so you need to queue the typeset action to be performed after MathJax has finished whatever else it may be doing. That may be immediately, but it may not, and there is no way to tell. To queue the typeset action, use the command .. code-block:: javascript MathJax.Hub.Queue(["Typeset",MathJax.Hub]); This will cause MathJax to typeset the page when it is next able to do so. It guarantees that the typesetting will synchronize properly with the loading of jax, extensions, fonts, stylesheets, and other asynchronous activity, and is the only truly safe way to ask MathJax to process additional material. The :meth:`MathJax.Hub.Typeset()` command also accepts a parameter that is a DOM element whose content is to be typeset. That could be a paragraph, or a ``
`` element, or even a MathJax math `` Type some TeX code:

You typed: ${}$