module Nginxtra class ConfigConverter def initialize(output) @converted = false @output = output @indentation = end def convert(options) raise Nginxtra::Error::ConvertFailed, "The convert method can only be called once!" if converted? header compile_options options[:binary_status] config_file options[:config] footer converted! end private def header @output.puts "nginxtra.config do" @indentation.increment end def compile_options(status) return unless status options = (status[/^configure arguments:\s*(.*)$/, 1] || "").strip return if options.empty? options = options.split(/\s+/) process_passenger_compile_options! options options.each do |option| next if invalid_compile_option? option @output.print @indentation @output.puts %(compile_option "#{option}") end end def process_passenger_compile_options!(options) return if { |x| x =~ %r{^--add-module.*/passenger.*} }.empty? @output.print @indentation @output.puts "require_passenger!" options.delete_if do |x| next true if x =~ %r{^--add-module.*/passenger.*} ["--with-http_ssl_module", "--with-http_gzip_static_module", "--with-cc-opt=-Wno-error"].include? x end end def invalid_compile_option?(option) return true if option =~ /--prefix=/ return true if option =~ /--sbin-path=/ return true if option =~ /--conf-path=/ return true if option =~ /--pid-path=/ false end def config_file(input) return unless input @output.print @indentation @output.puts %(file "nginx.conf" do) @indentation.increment line = @indentation, @output each_token(input) do |token| line << token if line.terminated? line.puts line = @indentation, @output end end raise Nginxtra::Error::ConvertFailed, "Unexpected end of file!" unless line.empty? @indentation.decrement @output.print @indentation @output.puts "end" end def each_token(input) token = loop do c = break unless c if c == "#" chomp_comment input else token << c end yield token.instance while token.ready? end yield token.instance while token.ready? raise Nginxtra::Error::ConvertFailed, "Unexpected end of file in mid token!" unless token.value.empty? end def chomp_comment(input) loop do c = break unless c break if c == "\n" end end def footer @indentation.decrement @output.puts "end" raise Nginxtra::Error::ConvertFailed, "Missing end blocks!" unless @indentation.done? end def converted! @converted = true end def converted? @converted end class Token KEYWORDS = %w(break if return).freeze TERMINAL_CHARACTERS = ["{", "}", ";"].freeze attr_reader :value def initialize(value = nil) @instance = true if value @value = value || "" @ready = false end def if? @value == "if" end def if_start! @value.gsub!(/^\(/, "") end def if_end! @value.gsub!(/\)$/, "") end def terminal_character? TERMINAL_CHARACTERS.include? @value end def end? @value == ";" end def block_start? @value == "{" end def block_end? @value == "}" end def instance raise Nginxtra::Error::ConvertFailed, "Whoops!" unless ready? token = @value reset! token end def <<(c) return space! if c =~ /\s/ return terminal_character!(c) if TERMINAL_CHARACTERS.include? c @value << c end def ready? @instance || @ready || terminal_character? end def to_line_start if KEYWORDS.include? @value "_#{@value}" else @value end end def to_s if @value =~ /^\d+$/ @value else %("#{@value.gsub("\\") { "\\\\" }}") end end private def space! return if @value.empty? @ready = true end def terminal_character!(c) if @value.empty? @value = c else @next = c end @ready = true end def reset! @value = if @next @next else "" end @next = nil @ready = false end end class Line def initialize(indentation, output) @indentation = indentation @output = output @tokens = [] end def <<(token) @tokens << token end def empty? @tokens.empty? end def terminated? @tokens.last.terminal_character? end def puts if @tokens.last.end? puts_line elsif @tokens.last.block_start? puts_block_start elsif @tokens.last.block_end? puts_block_end else raise Nginxtra::Error::ConvertFailed, "Can't puts invalid line!" end end private def if? @tokens.first.if? end def passenger? %w(passenger_root passenger_ruby passenger_enabled).include? @tokens.first.value end def puts_line raise Nginxtra::Error::ConvertFailed, "Line must have a first label!" unless @tokens.length > 1 return puts_passenger if passenger? print_indentation print_first print_args print_newline end def puts_passenger print_indentation if @tokens.first.value == "passenger_root" print_newline "passenger_root!" elsif @tokens.first.value == "passenger_ruby" print_newline "passenger_ruby!" elsif @tokens.first.value == "passenger_enabled" print_newline "passenger_on!" else raise Nginxtra::Error::ConvertFailed, "Whoops!" end end def puts_block_start raise Nginxtra::Error::ConvertFailed, "Block start must have a first label!" unless @tokens.length > 1 print_indentation print_first print_args print_newline(" do") indent end def puts_block_end raise Nginxtra::Error::ConvertFailed, "Block end can't have labels!" unless @tokens.length == 1 unindent print_indentation print_newline("end") end def print_indentation @output.print @indentation.to_s end def print_first @output.print @tokens.first.to_line_start end def print_args args = @tokens[1..-2] return if args.empty? @output.print " " if if? args.first.if_start! args.last.if_end! end @output.print", ") end def print_newline(value = "") @output.puts value end def indent @indentation.increment end def unindent @indentation.decrement end end end end