require "active_model" require "uber/delegates" module Reform::Form::ActiveModel # AM::Validations for your form. # Provides ::validates, ::validate, #validate, and #valid?. # # Most of this file contains unnecessary wiring to make ActiveModel's error message magic work. # Since Rails still thinks it's a good idea to do things like object.class.human_attribute_name, # we have some hacks in here to provide that. If it doesn't work for you, don't blame us. module Validations def self.included(includer) includer.instance_eval do include Reform::Form::ActiveModel class << self extend Uber::Delegates # # Hooray! Delegate translation back to Reform's Validator class which contains AM::Validations. delegates :active_model_really_sucks, :human_attribute_name, :lookup_ancestors, :i18n_scope # Rails 3.1. def validation_group_class Group end # this is to allow calls like Form::human_attribute_name (note that this is on the CLASS level) to be resolved. # those calls happen when adding errors in a custom validation method, which is defined on the form (as an instance method). def active_model_really_sucks do |v| v.model_name = model_name end end end end # ::included end def build_errors end # The concept of "composition" has still not arrived in Rails core and they rely on 400 methods being # available in one object. This is why we need to provide parts of the I18N API in the form. def read_attribute_for_validation(name) send(name) end class Group def initialize @validations = end extend Uber::Delegates delegates :@validations, :validates, :validate, :validates_with, :validate_with def call(fields, errors, form) # FIXME. validator = validator.valid? validator.errors.each do |name, error| # TODO: handle with proper merge, or something. validator.errors is ALWAYS AM::Errors. errors.add(name, error) end end end # Validator is the validatable object. On the class level, we define validations, # on instance, it exposes #valid?. require "delegate" class Validator < SimpleDelegator # current i18n scope: :activemodel. include ActiveModel::Validations class << self def model_name @_active_model_sucks ||=, nil, "Reform::Form") end def model_name=(name) @_active_model_sucks = name end def validates(*args, &block) super(*Declarative::DeepDup.(args), &block) end # Prevent AM:V from mutating the validator class def attr_reader(*) end def attr_writer(*) end end def initialize(form) super(form) self.class.model_name = form.model_name # one of the many reasons why i will drop support for AM::V in 2.1. or maybe a bit later. end def method_missing(m, *args, &block) __getobj__.send(m, *args, &block) # send all methods to the form, even privates. end end end class Errors < ActiveModel::Errors include Reform::Form::Errors::Merge end end