import WeakSet from './weak_set'; const HAS_SUPER_PATTERN = /\.(_super|call\(this|apply\(this)/; const fnToString = Function.prototype.toString; export const checkHasSuper = (() => { let sourceAvailable = fnToString .call(function () { return this; }) .indexOf('return this') > -1; if (sourceAvailable) { return function checkHasSuper(func) { return HAS_SUPER_PATTERN.test(; }; } return function checkHasSuper() { return true; }; })(); const HAS_SUPER_MAP = new WeakMap(); export const ROOT = Object.freeze(function () { }); HAS_SUPER_MAP.set(ROOT, false); function hasSuper(func) { let hasSuper = HAS_SUPER_MAP.get(func); if (hasSuper === undefined) { hasSuper = checkHasSuper(func); HAS_SUPER_MAP.set(func, hasSuper); } return hasSuper; } const OBSERVERS_MAP = new WeakMap(); export function setObservers(func, observers) { if (observers) { OBSERVERS_MAP.set(func, observers); } } export function getObservers(func) { return OBSERVERS_MAP.get(func); } const LISTENERS_MAP = new WeakMap(); export function setListeners(func, listeners) { if (listeners) { LISTENERS_MAP.set(func, listeners); } } export function getListeners(func) { return LISTENERS_MAP.get(func); } const IS_WRAPPED_FUNCTION_SET = new WeakSet(); /** Wraps the passed function so that `this._super` will point to the superFunc when the function is invoked. This is the primitive we use to implement calls to super. @private @method wrap @for Ember @param {Function} func The function to call @param {Function} superFunc The super function. @return {Function} wrapped function. */ export function wrap(func, superFunc) { if (!hasSuper(func)) { return func; } // ensure an unwrapped super that calls _super is wrapped with a terminal _super if (!IS_WRAPPED_FUNCTION_SET.has(superFunc) && hasSuper(superFunc)) { return _wrap(func, _wrap(superFunc, ROOT)); } return _wrap(func, superFunc); } function _wrap(func, superFunc) { function superWrapper() { let orig = this._super; this._super = superFunc; let ret = func.apply(this, arguments); this._super = orig; return ret; } IS_WRAPPED_FUNCTION_SET.add(superWrapper); setObservers(superWrapper, getObservers(func)); setListeners(superWrapper, getListeners(func)); return superWrapper; }