# # Asciidoc Configuration file for slidy HTML generation. # include::xhtml11.conf[] [literalparagraph] template::[listingblock] [openblock]
[listtags-bulleted] list={title?
}| item=
  • |
  • text=| [listtags-numbered] # The start attribute is not valid XHTML 1.1 but all browsers support it. list={title?
    }| item=
  • |
  • text=| [listtags-labeled] list=
    entry= label= term=


    [preamble] # Untitled elements between header and first section title.
    {numbered?{sectnum} }{title} # Set max-width here because Slidy ignores max-width on body.
    {numbered?{sectnum} }{appendix-caption} {counter:appendix-number:A}: {title} # Set max-width here because Slidy ignores max-width on body.
    [header] {doctitle=} ifndef::copyright[] ifdef::linkcss[] ifdef::pygments[] endif::linkcss[] ifndef::linkcss[] endif::linkcss[] ifdef::asciimath[] ifdef::linkcss[] endif::linkcss[] ifndef::linkcss[] endif::linkcss[] endif::asciimath[] ifdef::latexmath[] ifdef::linkcss[] endif::linkcss[] ifndef::linkcss[] endif::linkcss[] endif::latexmath[] [footer]