# encoding: UTF-8 require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/acceptance_helper') class RecodeController < ApplicationController class << self attr_accessor :string end def index render :layout => true, :inline => "Test" end def new render :layout => true, :inline => <<-EOD
EOD end def create self.class.string = params[:string] end end feature 'recode' do scenario 'au SSL', :driver => :au do visit 'https://www.example.com/recode/index' page.find(:xpath, '//head/meta')['content'].should == "text/html; charset=Shift_JIS" end scenario 'post request with Shift JIS data on au SSL', :driver => :au do visit 'https://www.example.com/recode/new' fill_in 'string', :with => "\x82\xA0".force_encoding("Shift_JIS") click_button "Submit" RecodeController.string.should == "あ" end scenario 'post request with UTF-8 data on au SSL', :driver => :au do visit 'https://www.example.com/recode/new' fill_in 'string', :with => "あ" click_button "Submit" RecodeController.string.should_not == "あ" end end