module VER module Methods module Open GUESS_ENCODING_ORDER = [ Encoding::US_ASCII, Encoding::UTF_8, Encoding::Shift_JIS, Encoding::EUC_JP, Encoding::EucJP_ms, Encoding::Big5, Encoding::UTF_16BE, Encoding::UTF_16LE, Encoding::UTF_32BE, Encoding::UTF_32LE, Encoding::CP949, Encoding::Emacs_Mule, Encoding::EUC_KR, Encoding::EUC_TW, Encoding::GB18030, Encoding::GBK, Encoding::Stateless_ISO_2022_JP, Encoding::CP51932, Encoding::EUC_CN, Encoding::GB12345, Encoding::Windows_31J, Encoding::MacJapanese, Encoding::UTF8_MAC, Encoding::BINARY, ] module_function # Try to determine the file under the cursor. # This handles names without spaces if no quotes are found # quotes may be like '', "", [], {}, () <> # we also search for the file in a couple of common locations. # Since some programming languages allow omission of the # filename-extension, we assume that it's one of the extensions registered # for the current file type if nothing could be found otherwise. # if that fails, we try to use `locate`, which can yield good results. # if no file could be found it simply does nothing? def file_under_cursor(text) paths = %w[ . lib ext / ] head = text.get('insert linestart', 'insert') tail = text.get('insert', 'insert lineend') tail_index = tail.index(/['"\]})>]/) || tail.index(/\s/) return unless delim = $& head_index = head.rindex(delim) return unless tail_index && head_index base = [head[(head_index + 1)..-1], tail[0...tail_index]].join syntax_name = if text.syntax exts = VER::Syntax::Detector::EXTS_LIST.fetch(syntax_name, []) found = catch(:found){{|path| path_base = File.join(path, base) throw(:found, path_base) if File.file?(path_base) path_base }.each do |path_base| exts.each do |ext| path_base_ext = "#{path_base}.#{ext}" throw(:found, path_base_ext) if File.file?(path_base_ext) end end nil } end def open_file_under_cursor(text) return unless found = file_under_cursor(text) VER.find_or_create_buffer(found) end # TODO: # Binary files are still major fail. # We could try to copy behaviour of Vim or Emacs. # Some nice files for testing binary display are in /usr/share/terminfo # # About the nature of fail: # First of all, just about no font is made to have binary glyphs, even if it # would be nice to create a composite font, and would make editing a lot # nicer, it's really no option. # # Next issue is that some bytes that occur in binary files "\0" for example, # cause big problems for Tcl_EvalEx. # # I've tried sending the byte as: # "\0", "\\0", # "\x0", "\\x0", # "\x00", "\\x00", # "\u0000", "\\u0000" # # Tcl doesn't like that at all. # The first obviously sends the original \0 byte directly on, the second # displays in the widget as "\0", "\x0", and so on, which will lead to total # corruption. # # I have no idea how to work around this issue, must be some convention? # More important though, is to avoid sending those bytes at all, and it # seems to be a huge amount of work to get support for binary editing going. # There are much better tools for this around already, and maybe diluting # the normal Text buffer for this purpose will just make problems. # # For now, VER will simply fail to open files that contain \0 bytes, and # display binary files in a weird way. def open_path(text, path, line = 1, column = 0) text.filename = path begin text.clear content = read_file(text, text.filename) text.encoding = content.encoding text.readonly = !text.filename.writable? text.insert(1.0, content) text.message "Opened #{text.short_filename}" rescue Errno::ENOENT text.clear text.message("Created #{text.short_filename}") end after_open(text, line, column) end def open_symbolic(text, name, line = 1, column = 0) = name text.clear case name when :Scratch text.insert(:insert, <<-TEXT) # This buffer is for notes you don't want to save, and for Ruby evaluation. # If you want to create a file, visit that file with :o. # then enter the text in that file's own buffer. TEXT after_open(text, 1, 0,'Ruby')) when :Messages text.tag_configure(:info, foreground: '#aaf') text.tag_configure(:warn, foreground: '#faa') after_open(text, 1, 0,'Plain Text')) when :Completions text.major_mode = :Completions text.tag_configure('ver.minibuf.completion', foreground: '#00f') after_open(text, 1, 0,'Plain Text')) else after_open(text, 1, 0,'Plain Text')) end text.message "Created #{name}" end def open_empty(text) text.clear text.message "[No File]" after_open(text, 1, 0,'Plain Text')) end def file_open_popup(text) filetypes = [ ['ALL Files', '*' ], ['Text Files', '*.txt'], ] fpath = Tk.get_open_file(filetypes: filetypes) return unless fpath VER.find_or_create_buffer(fpath) end def file_open_ask(text) path = Dir.pwd + '/' text.ask 'Filename: ', value: path do |answer, action| case action when :complete file_complete(answer) when :attempt VER.find_or_create_buffer(answer) :abort end end end def file_complete(answer) rel = answer.sub(/^.*\/\//, '/') rel = rel.sub(/^.*\/~\//, '~/') rel = File.expand_path(rel) unless rel_size = rel.size choices = Dir.glob("#{rel}*").map{|path| if path[rel_size..-1] << '/' else path[rel_size..-1] end } common = nil choices.each do |path| path.size.times do |index| next if index == 0 slice = path[0, index] if choices.all?{|choice| choice.start_with?(slice) } common = slice end end end if common only = answer + common if choices.size == 1{|choice| (answer + choice).sub(/\/+$/, '/') } elsif choices.size > 1 [only] else if [only] else [only] end end else{|choice| (answer + choice).sub(/\/+$/, '/') } end end # Read given file into memory and convert to @encoding def read_file(text, path) path = Pathname(path.to_s).expand_path encoding = text.encoding content ="r:#{}"){|io| } unless content.valid_encoding? # take a guess GUESS_ENCODING_ORDER.find{|enc| content.force_encoding(enc) content.valid_encoding? } # Now we have the source encoding, let's make it UTF-8 so Tcl can # handle it. content.encode!(Encoding::UTF_8) end return content.chomp end def after_open(text, line = 1, column = 0, syntax = nil) detect_project_paths(text) VER.opened_file(text) text.mark_set(:insert, "#{line.to_i}.#{column.to_i}") text.pristine = true text.undoer = update_mtime(text) text.bind('') do VER.defer do syntax ? text.setup_highlight_for(syntax) : text.setup_highlight apply_modeline(text) end text.bind(''){ text.see(:insert) } end end def update_mtime(text) return unless filename = text.filename, :mtime, filename.mtime) rescue Errno::ENOENT end PROJECT_DIRECTORY_GLOB = '{.git/,.hg/,_darcs/,_FOSSIL_}' def detect_project_paths(text) return unless filename = text.filename parent = filename.expand_path.dirname begin (parent/PROJECT_DIRECTORY_GLOB).glob do |repo| text.project_repo = repo text.project_root = repo.dirname return end parent = parent.dirname end until parent.root? end MODELINES = { /\s+(?:ver|vim?|ex):\s*.*$/ => /\s+(?:ver|vim?|ex):\s*(.*)$/, /\s+(?:ver|vim?|ex):[^:]+:/ => /\s+(?:ver|vim?|ex):([^:]+):/, /^(?:ver|vim?):[^:]+:/ => /^(?:ver|vim?):([^:]+):/, } def apply_modeline(text) MODELINES.each do |search_pattern, extract_pattern| found =, 1.0, :end, :count) next if found.empty? pos, count = found # p found: found, pos: pos, count: count line = text.get(pos, "#{pos} + #{count} chars") # p line: line line =~ extract_pattern $1.scan(/[^:\s]+/) do |option| apply_modeline_option(text, option) end end end def apply_modeline_option(text, option) negative = option.gsub!(/^no/, '') boolean = !negative case option when 'ai', 'autoindent' set text, :autoindent, boolean when 'et', 'expandtab' set text, :expandtab, boolean when /(?:tw|textwidth)=(\d+)/ set text, :textwidth, $1.to_i when /(?:ts|tabstop)=(\d+)/ set text, :tabstop, $1.to_i when /(?:sw|shiftwidth)=(\d+)/ set text, :shiftwidth, $1.to_i when /(?:ft|filetype)=(\w+)/ set text, :filetype, $1 else l unknown_modeline_option: option end end def set(text, option, value) method = "set_#{option}" if respond_to?(method) if block_given? __send__(method, text, value, & else __send__(method, text, value) end else text.options[option] = value yield(text, value) if block_given? end end def set_filetype(type) syntax = VER::Syntax.from_filename(Pathname("foo.#{type}")) if text.load_syntax(syntax) text.options.filetype = type end end end end end